Changing the Local Root Directory of an OS X, iOS Device or iOS Simulator SDK

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Go Up to Adding an OS X or iOS SDK

To define a custom path where the OS X or iOS (Device or Simulator) SDK local file cache is stored, do the following:

  1. Select Tools > Options > Environment Options > SDK Manager.
  2. On the left-hand panel, under SDK versions, select the target SDK.
  3. On the right-hand panel, update Local root directory with a new location.
  4. Click Update Local File Cache.
  5. Select a connection profile on the Select Connection Profile dialog box, and click OK.

The IDE updates the SDK local file cache by pulling from the remote machine any new path that resulted from adding or modifying entries of the remote paths list from the SDK Manager page.

Note: The update process might pull new files into the SDK local file cache, but it never removes existing files.

See Also