Colors (Tool Palette)

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Go Up to Tool Palette (Options)

Tools > Options > Environment Options > Tool Palette > Colors

Use this dialog box to change the colors of the Tool Palette.

Item Category Description

Color schemes

Lists predefined color combinations. Select a color scheme from the drop-down list to display it immediately in the Tool Palette.You cannot modify the default color schemes; however, you can select a color scheme and change any of the colors associated with it to create your own unnamed color scheme.

Base color

Category colors

Specifies the color used for the category window background.

Text Color

Category colors

Specifies the color used for the category captions.

Gradient color

Category colors

Specifies the color used for shading the Base color.

Gradient direction

Category colors

Specifies whether the Gradient color shading around the category captions is vertical or horizontal.

Normal color

Button colors

Specifies the color used for the button background.

Selected color

Button colors

Specifies the color used for the background of a button when it is selected and highlighted.

Hot color

Button colors

Specifies the color used for the button when you hover the mouse over the button.

Base color

Background colors

Specifies the color used for the frame around each category window.

Gradient color

Background colors

Specifies the color used to shade the frame around each category window.

Gradient direction

Background colors

Specifies whether the Gradient color shading in the category items window is vertical or horizontal.

Tip: As you change options in this dialog box, the Tool Palette is automatically updated to show the result of the changes.

See Also