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  • Click the Edit tab to display the wiki markup and optionally edit the displayed topic.
  • Click the Discussion tab to ask or answer a question about the topic.

When you are editing/writing:

To create a bulleted paragraph, enter a star or an asterisk (*) in the first column. Use multiple stars for nested levels, as follows:

  • One * gives you a top-level bullet, like this one.
    • Two ** give you a second-level bullet, like this one.
      • Three *** give you a third-level bullet, like this one.

To create a hyperlink to another topic on the docwiki, enclose the topic name in double brackets, as follows: Object Inspector

 [[Object Inspector]]

To create headings of various levels, start and end the line with one or more equals signs (=). A top level heading has one equals sign, and lower headings have more equals signs, as follows:

Heading 2 Has Two Equals Signs

 ==Heading 2 Has Two Equals Signs==

Heading 3 Has Three Equals Signs

 ===Heading 3 Has Three Equals Signs===

See Also