paclient.exe: Die Client-Anwendung von Platform Assistant

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paclient.exe ist ein Befehlszeilen-Client für den "Platform Assistant"-Server. Sie müssen den Platform Assistant-Server auf dem Ziel-Computer installieren und ausführen, um eine Anwendung für 64-Bit-Windows (wenn auf dem Entwicklungs-PC 32-Bit-Windows ausgeführt wird), macOS oder iOS auszuführen oder zu debuggen oder um eine Windows-Anwendung remote auszuführen oder zu debuggen oder um eine Anwendung für Windows, macOS oder iOS bereitzustellen. Um eine Anwendung für Android auszuführen, zu debuggen oder bereitzustellen, müssen Sie den "Platform Assistant"-Server nicht installieren oder ausführen.

Wenn die Zielplattform iOS ist, dann wird auf dem Ziel-Computer macOS ausgeführt.

paclient.exe ist Bestandteil der Produktinstallation auf dem Entwicklungs-PC.

Wenn Sie anstelle der Befehlszeilenhilfsprogramme die IDE verwenden, benötigen Sie paclient.exe nicht.

Die Anwendung paclient.exe befindet sich in C:\Program Files (x86)\Embarcadero\Studio\21.0\bin.


Der folgende Befehl löscht Dateien aus der Serverinstallation auf einer macOS-Remote-Zielplattform mit der IP-Adresse Der Befehl löscht alle Dateien, die sich auf MyOldRemoteProfile beziehen. Der ./ (Punkt-Schrägstrich) gibt an, dass die Verzeichnisliste relativ zu dem Verzeichnis ist, in dem paserver auf der Zielplattform installiert ist. ** bedeutet, dass alle Unterverzeichnisse durchsucht werden:

> paclient --host= --Remove=./**/* MyOldRemoteProfile


Im Folgenden finden Sie die Befehlszeilenhilfe für paclient.exe:

> paclient.exe -?
Platform Assistant Client  
Copyright (c) 2010-2013 Embarcadero Technologies, Inc.

Usage: paclient [<options>] ProfileName

where <options> include:
 -h<name> or --host=<name>
     Specify the name or IP address of the remote/host machine running the
     Platform Assistant Server
 -p<number> or --port=<number>
     Specify the port the Platform Assistant Server is configured for. Default
     to 64211
 -m<platform> or --platform=<platform>
     Specify the target platform. Possible values are "Win32", "OSX32",
 -a<file/dir> or --add=<file/dir>
     Add file/dir to the list of items to be cached. You may specify multiple
     file/dir separated with ';'. You may also use this option more than once.
     File/dir can include wildcard characters (e.g. --add=c:\abc\**\*.* where
     ** indicates to include all sub-directories of abc)
 -ai<file/dir> or --addinclude=<file/dir>
     Add include file/dir to the list of items to be cached. You may specify
     multiple file/dir separated with ';'. You may also use this option
     more than once.
     File/dir can include wildcard characters (e.g. --addinclude=c:\abc\**\*.*
     where ** indicates to include all sub-directories of abc)
 -al<file/dir> or --addlibrary=<file/dir>
     Add library file/dir to the list of items to be cached. You may specify
     multiple file/dir separated with ';'. You may also use this option more
     than once.
     File/dir can include wildcard characters (e.g. --addlibrary=c:\abc\**\*.*
     where ** indicates to include all sub-directories of abc)
 -af<dir>[,*] or --addframework=<dir>[,*]
     Add framework files to the list of items to be cached. You may specify
     multiple dir separated with ';'. You may also use this option more than
 -g<file/dir>[,<destdir>] or --get=<file/dir>[,<destdir>]
     Copy file/dir from the remote/host machine running the Platform Assistant
     Server. You may specify multiple file/dir,destdir separated with ';'.
     You may also use this option more than once.
     File/dir can include wildcard characters (e.g. --add=c:\abc\**\*.* where
     ** indicates to include all sub-directories of abc)
 -u<file/dir>[,<destdir>][,<flags>][,<destname>] or
     Copy file/dir to the remote/host machine running the Platform Assistant
     Server. You may specify multiple file/dir,destdir,flag,destname separated
     with ';'. You may also use this option more than once. Possible flags
     values are "0", "1", "2", "3", "5" where 0 for normal file, 1 for
     runnable file, 2 for archive file, 3 for executable file, and 5 for
     script file.
     File/dir can include wildcard characters (e.g. --put=c:\abc\**\*.* where
     ** indicates to include all sub-directories of abc)
 -r<file/dir> or --remove=<file/dir>
     Remove file/dir from the list of items to be cached locally. You may
     specify multiple file/dir separated with ';'. You may also use this
     option more than once.
     File/dir can include wildcard characters (e.g. --remove=c:\abc\**\*.*
     where ** indicates to include all sub-directories of abc)
 -R<file/dir> or --Remove=<file/dir>
     Remove file/dir from the remote/host machine running the Platform
     Assistant Server. You may specify multiple file/dir separated with ';'.
     You may also use this option more than once.
     File/dir can include wildcard characters (e.g. --Remove=c:\abc\**\*.*
     where ** indicates to include all sub-directories of abc)
 -l or --local
     Update and display information about the specified Profile without
     initiating a connection to the Platform Assistant Server
 -s<dir> or --sysroot=<dir>
     Indicate the local directory where the remote files will be cached.
     Default to C:\Users\<Benutzer>\Documents\Embarcadero\Studio\Profiles\<ProfileName>
 -t<number> or --timeout=<number>
     Specify the timeout in seconds when connecting to the Platform Assistant
     Server. Default to 0 second
 -e<number> or --error=<number>
     Stop copy after n errors. Default to 20 errors
 -k or --keep
     Keep files whose source time is different than the destination time
 -pw<text> or --password=<text>
     Specify the login password for the Platform Assistant Server
 -pk<text> or --passkey=<text>
     Specify the login password (encrypted) for the Platform Assistant Server
 -pf<file> or --passfile=<file>
     Specify the login passfile for the Platform Assistant Server
 -c<path,certificate[,entitlement]> or
     CodeSign the application with certificate on the remote machine running
     the Platform Assistant Server
 -i<path,outpath,certificate,profile> or
     Create application .ipa file with certificate and provisioning profile
     on the remote machine running the Platform Assistant Server
 -pb<path,installpath,outpath,certificate> or
     Create application .pkg file with certificate on the remote machine
     running the Platform Assistant Server
 -v or --verbose
     Print out the files processed
 -? or --help
     Print this help screen

Liste mit Fehlermeldungen des Platform Assistant-Clients

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