CPU Stack pane

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View > Debug Windows > CPU Windows > Stack

Displays the raw values contained in the program stack. The pane has three sections:

  • Memory addresses
  • Current values on the stack
  • ASCII representation of the stack values

An arrow (CPUStackArrow.png) indicates the value at the top of the call stack.

The CPU Stack pane is located at the lower right when the Entire CPU view is displayed (View > Debug Windows > CPU Windows > Entire CPU).

Item Description

Goto Address

Displays the Enter Address to Position to dialog box, where you can enter a symbol.

Top of Stack

Positions the CPU Stack pane at the address of the stack pointer (the address held in the ESP register).


Lets you choose among the following commands:

  • Offset to Stack lets you follow DWord-pointer chains (near and offset only) on the call stack and positions the CPU Stack pane at the address location of the value currently selected in the CPU Stack pane.
  • Near Code positions the Disassembly pane at the address location of the value currently selected in the CPU Stack pane.
  • Offset to Data lets you follow DWord-pointer chains (near and offset only) and position the Memory pane at the address location of the value currently selected in the CPU Stack pane.

Only the Offset to Stack command is available in the standalone CPU Stack window. When the Entire CPU view is open, all the Follow subcommands are available.


Lets you modify the bytes located at the current cursor location and prompts you for an item of the current display type.


Restores the CPU window to the display it had before the last Follow command.

Display As

Formats the data listed in the CPU Stack pane. Choose from the following formats:

  • Data type displays format.
  • Bytes displays data in hexadecimal bytes.
  • Words displays data in 2-byte hexadecimal numbers.
  • DWords displays data in 4-byte hexadecimal numbers.
  • Singles displays data in 4-byte floating-point numbers using scientific notation.


Copies the selected data to the clipboard.

View FPU

Displays the FPU view, which displays the floating-point registers, MMX registers, and SSE registers.

See Also