Talk:OBJTYPENAME directive (Delphi)

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In addition to "$OBJTYPENAME is used to define the typename when creating .obj files"

I would add:

"It's an internal directive that's used to tell the Delphi compiler hoe to mangle the type's name. Since the mangling has to match that of the C++ compiler, this option must only be used if you run into a case where Delphi and C++ don't agree on how to mangle a type."

The example given for TColor in Graphics.pas is old. With XE2 TColor moved from Graphics.pas to the "System.UITypes" units. (See System.UITypes.pas:


 {$OBJTYPENAME TColor 'NTColor'}





Your suggested changes have been incorporated into the page.

Many thanks for your review comments!

KrisHouser 15:12, 10 January 2012 (PST)