Mobile Tutorial: Using Remote Notifications (iOS and Android)

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Go Up to Mobile Tutorials: Mobile Application Development (iOS and Android)

This tutorial gives the basic steps to configure and to use Remote Notifications (push notifications) on your iOS or Android mobile device.

Note: Kindle Fire devices do not support push notifications.

Remote Push Notification

Remote Notifications are notifications sent to a mobile device using a data-channel from a service provider in real-time.

Both iOS and Android offer built-in support for remote notifications, and RAD Studio offers a REST BaaS framework that supports the following protocols, cloud providers and backend service:

  • Protocols:
    • iOS: Apple Push Notification APN
    • Android: Google Cloud Messaging GCM
  • Cloud service providers:
    • Parse
    • Kinvey
  • Backend service:

In order to receive push notifications, you need to set up the messaging service (APS or GCM), the device, the cloud service provider or RAD Server, and your RAD Studio application, as described in the three pages of this mobile tutorial.

  • The term Remote Notifications covers Apple Push Notification as well as Google Cloud Messaging.
  • iOS and Android also have local notifications that are sent from an app or from the OS to get the user’s attention. For more information, see Mobile Tutorial: Using Notifications (iOS and Android).
  • The term Service Provider' covers the Cloud service providers (Kinvey and Parse) and the backend service provider RAD Server in this tutorial.
  • Push notifications using TPushServiceConnection and TPushService associated classes on Android are implemented using Google Cloud Messaging (GCM). Currently, when you call GCM methods from the main thread, they are blocking. Use a separate thread to prevent this from happening.

REST BAAS framework

Our REST BAAS framework offers you a variety of actions:

  • Create, retrieve, update and delete objects
  • Sign up, login, retrieve, update and delete users
  • Upload, download and delete files or streams
  • Query objects and users
  • Send push notifications
  • Register for and receive push notifications on a device

Topics in this Mobile Tutorial

We recommend that you perform these sequentially as steps in a procedure.

  1. Setting Up the Messaging Service
  2. Setting up the Service Provider. Choose one of the following options, depending on the service provider:
  3. Multi-Device Application to Receive Push Notifications

See Also

Code Samples