Projects Window

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View > Tool Windows > Projects

Displays and organizes the contents of your current project group and any project it contains. You can perform many important project management tasks, such as adding, removing, and compiling files. The default location of the Projects window is the upper right corner of the IDE, but the window is dockable, as are many windows in the IDE.

Note: Some features described here are available only in specific editions of the product. For example, some functionality in the Projects window is available only for C++Builder.

Nodes and Items on the Projects window

The contents of the current project are represented by a tree structure in the Projects window. The various nodes and items in the tree structure are indicated by icons and labels.

Tip: You can open folders on this menu by double-clicking on them.

Here is a partial list of the icons that appear in the Projects window tree structure:

  • ProjGroupNew.png Project group node
  • Project.png Project node (typically an .exe file)
    • BuildConfigNode.png Build Configurations node
      • BuildConfig.png Build configuration (Debug, Release, or custom)
    • Platforms.png Target Platforms node (only available for multi-device applications such as an HD Multi-Device Application or a multi-device console application)
      • Android.png Android 32-bit platform (Android)
      • Android.png Android 64-bit platform (Android64)
      • IOS.png iOS Device 64-bit platform (iOSDevice64)
      • IOS.png iOS Simulator ARM 64-bit platform (iOSSimARM64)
      • Linux icon1.png Linux 64-bit platform (Linux64)
      • OSX.png macOS 64-bit platform (OSX64)
      • OSX.png macOS ARM 64-bit platform (OSXARM64)
      • Windows.png Windows 32-bit platform (Win32)
      • Windows.png Windows 64-bit platform (Win64)

    • ProjOutput.png Output folder (from Show Project Output context menu command)
    • Folder.png Folder (such as Contains or Requires)
      • UnitFile.png Source code (.pas, .cpp or .mm) that does not contain a form.
      • CodeFile.png Source code (.pas or .cpp) that contains a form.
      • Resource.png Resource file (.res)
      • DFM.png Form file (.dfm)
      • TypeLib.png Type library (.ridl)
      • Header.png Header file (.h) (C++)
      • BPI.png Import library for a package (.bpi) (C++)

Projects window Toolbar

To enable/disable the toolbar on the Projects window, right-click the Projects window window and select Toolbar from the context menu.

Item Description

Activate.png Activate selected project

Displays the selected project on top of other projects in the IDE so that you can make changes to it. You can also double-click the project to activate it. The active project is displayed in boldface type.

AddNewFile.png Add new project

Displays the New Items dialog box so that you can add a new project to the current project group.

RemoveSelected.png Remove selected file or project

Removes the selected project from the current project group.

Synchronize icon.png Synchronize selection with editor

Synchronizes the Code Editor with the current selection in the project tree. Expands the tree if necessary and selects from the tree the file that is currently active in the editor (if the file exists in the project tree). The related Auto Track command, on the common context menu, enables and disables continuous synchronization.

BuildGroupsIcon.png Show Build Groups pane

Displays the Build Groups pane below the Projects window pane. Use Build Groups to create groups of projects (inside a project group) that you can then build, compile, clean, or delete as a group.

SetActiveConfig.png Set active configuration(s)

Sets the active build configuration for all the projects in the project group. Click the drop-down arrow to select the configuration you want (default values are Debug and Release). The drop-down list contains only the configurations that exist for the current project group.

SetActivePlatform.png Set active platform(s)

Sets the active target platform for all the projects in the project group. Click the dropdown arrow to select the platform you want. The drop-down list contains only the platforms currently enabled for the project.

File and project list box

Displays the projects and files in the current project group.

Common Context Menu Commands

The Projects window has several different context menus, depending on the object you select (such as the project group, project, file, or Build Configurations node). However, the context menus share several of the following common menu commands. The common commands are available when you right-click an empty area on the project list box.

Item Description

Show Path

Adds an additional field (Path) to the Projects window to display the path of the files, projects, and project groups.

Auto Track

Turns on/off synchronization between the Code Editor and the Projects window. When this option is checked, the file currently being edited in the Code Editor is also the focus in the Projects window. Auto Track enables continuous synchronization, while the related SyncWEditor.png Synchronize selection with editor command on the toolbar performs a single synchronization (even when Auto Track is off).

Auto Collapse

Collapses the tree structure of the project after you complete an operation.

Show Project Output

Adds the ProjOutput.png Output folder to the window and lists the files that are part of the build output for the project, such as DCU and EXE files. This folder is not a real directory on disk, but you can see the actual directory locations of output files by hovering the mouse over the file name inside the Output folder.

You can set your output directories as follows:

  • Delphi - Tools > Options > Language > Delphi Options > Library
    • DCP output directory
    • HPP output directory
    • Package output directory
  • C++ - Tools > Options > Language > C++ Options > Paths and Directories (C++)
    • BPI/LIB output directory
    • Package output directory

Stay on Top

Displays the Projects window on top of the desktop even if other windows are displayed.


When checked, docks (attaches) the Projects window to other tool windows, such as the Code Editor. Uncheck this option to make the Program Manager a floating window.

Status Bar

Displays the full path name of the selected file at the bottom of the Projects window. The default is On.

Code Insight Activity

Displays the current status of the CodeInsight activity, showed with a progress bar at the bottom of the Projects window.

ExpandNodes.png Expand

Opens the currently selected node or nodes in the project tree so that you see the contents of the node or nodes.

CollapseNodes.png Collapse

Closes the currently selected node or nodes in the project tree so that you see only the node names.

SelectView.png Views

Controls the view of the files in your project or project group. Select from three choices:

  • Directory (nested) - each directory is a separate expandable node. This is the default.
  • Directory (flat) - files reside directly under a directory node that displays the entire path where they reside.
  • List - no directory nodes are visible.

SortBy.png Sorting

Specifies the global sort order to be used in all projects in the current project group (Sort Projects By) or in all subsequently created or imported projects (Default sort order), as follows:

Sort Projects By

Sets the global sort order for all projects in the current project group. Sorts the items listed in the Projects window according to:

  • Name - alphabetical order using the initial letters in the name of the node or the file (for individual files not inside nodes)
  • Modified date - recently changed files are listed before files with older modification dates
  • Path - alphabetical order using the full path name of the files
  • Type - alphabetical order using the file extension (.pas, .cpp, .res, and so forth)
  • Auto Sort - when checked at the same time as another of the Sort Projects By options, automatically adds new items in the correct order indicated by the checked Sort Projects By selection. Auto Sort is disabled if you rearrange items in the Projects window using drag-and-drop.

The Build Configurations node remains at the top of the project group and is not sorted. To set the local sort order for a selected project, use the Sort By context menu command. If global sort order is set (using the toolbar), local sort order (using the context menu) is disabled.

Default Sort Order

Sets the global sort order for all projects subsequently opened in the IDE. Sorts the items listed in the Projects window according to:

  • Name - alphabetical order using the initial letters in the name of the node or the file (for individual files not inside nodes)
  • Modified date - recently changed files are listed before files with older modification dates
  • Path - alphabetical order using the full path name of the files
  • Type - alphabetical order using the file extension (.pas, .cpp, .res, and so forth)
  • Auto Sort - when checked at the same time as another of the Sort Projects By options, automatically adds new items in the correct order indicated by the checked Sort Projects By selection. Auto Sort is disabled if you rearrange items in the Projects window using drag-and-drop.

The Build Configurations node remains at the top of the project group and is not sorted. To set the local sort order for a selected project, use the Sort By context menu command. If global sort order is set (using the toolbar), local sort order (using the context menu) is disabled.


Shows or hides the toolbar on the top of the Projects window.

Project Group Context Menu

Right-click a project group to display the following commands.

Item Description

Compile All

Compiles all projects within the current project group that have changed since the last build, and any files that depend on them. (Available only for project groups that contain more than one project.)

Build All

Rebuilds all projects within the current project group regardless of whether they have changed. (Available only for project groups that contain more than one project.)

Clean All

Removes generated files from all projects within the current project group, such as object code files. (Available only for project groups that contain more than one project.)

Add New Project

Displays the New Items dialog box, allowing you to create a new project and add it to the current project group.

Add Existing Project

Displays the Open Project dialog box, allowing you to add an existing project to the current project group.

Save Project Group

Saves the project file (.bdsgroup) for the project group. Use this command after adding, removing, or changing the order of projects in a project group.

Save Project Group As

Displays the Save As dialog box, allowing to save the project with a new name and location.


Renames the project file.

Add to Version Control

Opens the version control system wizard so that you can select to add the files in the project to Subversion or Git. Appears only for projects that are not under a version control system.


If your project is under version control by Subversion, displays the following commands:

  • Commit launches the Commit (SVN) dialog box and allows you to save the changes to the SVN repository.
    • From Repository Root starts the commit operation at the top level of the repository.
    • From Project Directory starts the commit operation at the project group directory.
    • Files in this Project commits only files in the selected project, including source files and all associated files such as .dfm and .res files. Does not include files that exist only in uses clauses (Delphi) or external headers (C++).
  • Update refreshes the local working copy by pulling the latest version of the file from the SVN repository. Status messages appear in the Messages View. The best practice is to always Update your working copy before you start editing.
    • From Repository Root starts the update operation at the top level of the repository.
    • From Project Directory starts the update operation at the project group directory.
    • Files in this Project updates only files in the selected project, including source files and all associated files such as .dfm and .res files. Does not include files that exist only in uses clauses (Delphi) or external headers (C++).
  • Show Log launches the Log Pane and displays the comments in the Subversion log, as follows:
    • From Repository Root displays the log starting at the top level of the repository.
    • From Project Directory displays the log starting at the project group directory.
  • Clean cleans up interrupted or broken operations and unlocks the selected working copy from the path you select, as follows:
    • From Repository Root starts the clean operation at the top level of the repository.
    • From Project Directory starts the clean operation at the project group directory.
  • Browse Repository opens the Repository Browser and starts at the directory you select, as follows:
  • Merge opens the Merge (SVN) dialog box and starts merging a range of revisions you select, as follows:
    • From Repository Root opens the Merge (SVN) at the top level of the repository.
    • From Project Directory opens the Merge (SVN) at the project directory.
  • Switch opens the Switch (SVN) dialog box and starts updating the working copy of the repository to a different URL, as follows:
    • From Repository Root opens the Switch (SVN) at the top level of the repository.


If your project is under version control by Git, displays the following commands:

  • Commit launches the Commit (Git) dialog box and allows you to save the changes to the local Git repository.
    • From Repository Root starts the commit operation at the top level of the repository.
    • From Project Directory starts the commit operation at the project group directory.
  • Pull updates the local Git repository with the remote changes.
    • From Repository Root starts the updating operation at the top level of the repository.
    • From Project Directory starts the updating operation at the project group directory.
  • Show Log launches the Log Pane and displays the comments in the Git log, as follows:
    • From Repository Root displays the log starting at the top level of the repository.
    • From Project Directory displays the log starting at the project directory.
  • Push sends the local changes to the remote Git repository.
    • From Repository Root starts the pushing operation at the top level of the repository.
    • From Project Directory starts the pushing operation at the project group directory.
  • Clean cleans the working copy of the local Git repository.
    • From Repository Root starts the cleaning operation at the top level of the repository.
    • From Project Directory starts the cleaning operation at the project group directory.


If your project is under version control by Mercurial, displays the following commands:

  • Commit launches the Commit (Mercurial) dialog box and allows you to save the changes to the local Mercurial repository.
    • From Repository Root starts the commit operation at the top level of the repository.
    • From Project Directory starts the commit operation at the project group directory.
  • Show Log launches the Log Pane and displays the comments in the Mercurial log, as follows:
    • From Repository Root displays the log starting at the top level of the repository.
    • From Project Directory displays the log starting at the project directory.

See also:

Project Context Menu

Right-click a project file to display the context menu commands.

Item Description

Make (C++) or Compile (Delphi)

Compiles all files in the current project that have changed since it was last built and any files that depend on them.

You can also choose Project > Compile <project name>.


Rebuilds all files in your project regardless of whether they have changed.

You can also choose Project > Build <project name>.


Removes generated files from the project, such as object code files.

From Here >
Make All From Here (C++)


From Here >
Compile All From Here (Delphi)

Compiles only the selected project and all other projects listed below it in the Project Manger if these projects have changed since the last build. Enabled only when multiple projects are open.

In contrast, choose Project > Compile All Projects (Delphi) or Project > Make All Projects (C++) to rebuild every project that has changed in the project group.

From Here >
Build All From Here

Rebuilds only the selected project and all others listed below it in the Projects window regardless of whether they have changed. Enabled only when multiple projects are open.

In contrast, choose Project > Build All Projects to rebuild all projects in the project group.

From Here >
Clean All From Here

Removes generated files (such as object code files) from the project, starting at the selected project and including all other projects listed below it in the Projects window. Enabled only when multiple projects are open.


Compiles any changed source code and, if the compile is successful, executes your application, allowing you to use and test the application with the debugger built into the IDE.

Also available on the debug toolbar as the Run button and drop-down list of executables (RunButton.png, F9).

Run Without Debugging

Compiles any changed source code, and if the compile is successful, executes your application without invoking the debugger built into the IDE.

Also available on the debug toolbar as the RunWithoutDebugging2.png button (Shift+Ctrl+F9).

Install | Uninstall

Only for packages (.bpl files). Installs a design-time package and registers the associated component (if a component is present), or uninstalls the design-time package and unregisters the component (if a component is present). See also Install Packages.

Build Sooner

Moves a project up in the list of projects within a project group, which changes the order in which the projects are compiled.

Build Later

Moves a project down in the list of projects within a project group.


(C++ only) Starts a file dump using TDUMP.exe.

Open in

Allows you to open the file in a New edit window . If there is an existing edit window, it allows you to select in which window to open the file.

Show in Explorer

Opens the project files in the Windows Explorer. Also available on the file-level context menu.

Add to Version Control

Opens the version control system dialog box so that you can select to add the files in the project to Subversion or Git. Appears only for projects that are not under a version control system.


If your project's project file (.dproj or .cbproj) is under version control by Subversion, the following commands are available:

  • Commit launches the Commit (SVN) dialog box and allows you to save the changes to the SVN repository.
    • From Repository Root starts the commit operation at the top level of the repository.
    • From Project Directory starts the commit operation at the project directory.
    • Files in this Project commits only files in the selected project, including source files and all associated files such as .dfm and .res files. Does not include files that exist only in uses clauses (Delphi) or external headers (C++).
  • Update refreshes the local working copy by pulling the latest version of the file from the SVN repository. Status messages appear in the Messages View. The best practice is to always Update your working copy before you start editing.
    • From Repository Root starts the update operation at the top level of the repository.
    • From Project Directory starts the update operation at the project directory.
    • Files in this Project updates only files in the selected project, including source files and all associated files such as .dfm and .res files. Does not include files that exist only in uses clauses (Delphi) or external headers (C++).
  • Show Log launches the Log Pane and displays the comments in the Subversion log, as follows:
    • From Repository Root displays the log starting at the top level of the repository.
    • From Project Directory displays the log starting at the project directory.
  • Clean cleans up interrupted or broken operations and unlocks the selected working copy from the path you select, as follows:
    • From Repository Root starts the clean operation at the top level of the repository.
    • From Project Directory starts the clean operation at the project directory.
  • Browse Repository opens the Repository Browser and starts at the directory you select, as follows:
  • Merge opens the Merge (SVN) and starts merging a range of revisions you select, as follows:
    • From Repository Root starts the merge operation at the top level of the repository.
    • From Project Directory starts the merge operation at the project directory.
  • Switch opens the Switch (SVN) dialog box, as follows:
    • From Repository Root starts updating the working copy of the repository to a different URL (at the top level of the repository).


If your project's project file (.dproj or .cbproj) is under version control by Git, the following commands are available:

  • Commit launches the Commit (SVN) dialog box and allows you to save the changes to the local Git repository.
    • From Repository Root starts the commit operation at the top level of the repository.
    • From Project Directory starts the commit operation at the project group directory.
  • Pull updates the local Git repository with the remote changes.
    • From Repository Root starts the updating operation at the top level of the repository.
    • From Project Directory starts the updating operation at the project group directory.
  • Show Log launches the Log Pane and displays the comments in the Git log, as follows:
    • From Repository Root displays the log starting at the top level of the repository.
    • From Project Directory displays the log starting at the project directory.
  • Push sends the local changes to the remote Git repository.
    • From Repository Root starts the pushing operation at the top level of the repository.
    • From Project Directory starts the pushing operation at the project group directory.
  • Clean cleans the working copy of the local Git repository.
    • From Repository Root starts the cleaning operation at the top level of the repository.
    • From Project Directory starts the cleaning operation at the project group directory.


If your project's project file is under version control by Mercurial, displays the following commands:

  • Commit launches the Commit (Mercurial) dialog box and allows you to save the changes to the local Mercurial repository.
    • From Repository Root starts the commit operation at the top level of the repository.
    • From Project Directory starts the commit operation at the project group directory.
  • Show Log launches the Log Pane and displays the comments in the Mercurial log, as follows:
    • From Repository Root displays the log starting at the top level of the repository.
    • From Project Directory displays the log starting at the project directory.


Displays the Add to Project dialog box, allowing you to add files to the selected project.

Add New >

Adds a new item to your project, as follows:

  • Unit - Adds a compilation unit to the selected project, assigning the name Unit01.cpp for the first unit added, and then augmenting the number for each subsequent unit added. To rename a unit and all its components, right-click the unit name in the Projects window, and select Rename.
  • Form - Adds a new form to the selected project and displays the new form in the Form Designer.
  • Other - Displays the New Items dialog box and lists the item categories that are available to you, such as C++Builder Files, or Web Documents. Click a category in the left-hand pane, and then the right-hand pane displays the items of that category that you can add to your project.
  • Folder (C++ only) - Opens the Directory View dialog box, which enables you to browse for a folder and add it to the selected project. You might want to add a folder that you frequently access during program development.
  • Virtual Folder (C++ only) - Adds a grayed-out virtual folder to the selected project. Virtual folders are displayed by default last in the tree structure. Use the context menu for the virtual folder to manage the folder.
  • Customize - Displays the Customize New Menu dialog box and allows you to customize the File > New menu in the product. You can select items, including menu-item separators, from a gallery and add them to your New Items dialog box.

Remove File

Displays the Remove from Project dialog box, allowing you to remove a file from the selected project.

Remove Project

Removes the active project from its project group. Removing the target from the current project group affects the project group's project file (.grouproj); it does not remove any files from disk. Thus, remove a project from your project group before deleting its file from disk so that the product can update the project file accordingly.


Stores changes made to all files in the open project using each file's current name. If you try to save a project that has an unsaved code file, the product opens the Save As dialog box, where you can enter the new file name.

Save As...

Displays the Save As dialog box for each compilation unit that needs to be saved and allows you to enter a new name for each unit.


Highlights the project node and allows you to enter a new name or edit the existing name of the project.

TDump <filename>

Runs the TDUMP.EXE command line tool on the output of the selected node. For example, on a C++ source file, this command TDumps the .obj, whereas for a project, this command TDumps the .exe/.bpl/.dll. The output from TDump is then opened in the Code Editor for inspection.


Makes the current project active.

Sort By

Sets the local sort order for the selected project or projects. Sorts the items listed in the Projects window according to:

  • Name - alphabetical order using the initial letters in the name of the node or the file (for individual files not inside nodes).
  • Modified date - recently changed files are listed before files with older modification dates.
  • Path - alphabetical order using the full path name of the files. Enabled only when the View is set to List. When the View is set to Directory (Nested) or Directory (Flat), the files are implicitly sorted by path because they are displayed in their own directory nodes.
  • Type - alphabetical order using the file extension (.pas, .cpp, .res, and so forth).
  • Build Order - (C++ only) using the build order defined on the Project > Options > Build Order dialog box.
  • Auto Sort - when checked at the same time as another of the Sort By options, automatically adds new items in the correct order indicated by the checked Sort By selection. Auto Sort is disabled if you use drag-and-drop to rearrange items in the Projects window.

The default order in the Projects window is alphabetical order. Auto Sort is turned off if you use drag & drop to reorder the files in the Projects window, because it is assumed if you rearrange files this way you do not want any sorting done. The sort settings order will be maintained in the project's .local file, and applied whenever the project is reloaded.

The Build Configurations node remains at the top of the project group and is not sorted. To set the global sort order for all projects, click the SortBy.png (Sort By) button on the toolbar of the Projects window. If global sort order is set (using the toolbar), local sort order (using the context menu) is disabled.

View Source

Displays the source code for the selected project.


Displays the Project > Dependencies dialog box, allowing you to change the build order for the projects in a project group. This command is only available if the current project group contains more than one project.

Build Order

(C++ only) Displays the Build Order dialog box, enabling you to move the files that are to be compiled by each compiler (the Resource Compiler, the Turbo Assembler, and the C++ Compiler).

Modeling Support

Displays the Modeling Support dialog, which lists the projects that are currently open. Select the projects that you want to have modeling support.

Format Project Sources

Performs the Format Project Sources action.


Displays the Project Options dialog box.

C++ Precompiled Header File Context Menu

RAD Studio shows an additional node for C++ applications: the precompiled header file (PCH.h) node.

The PCH.h file is an automatically generated precompiled header file that is part of every C++ project (with a name such as Project1PCH1.h). This PCH.h file is used by any of the C++ compilers if you right-click the PCH.h node and enable the Use for Precompiling option in the context menu, as described below. In addition, the previous-generation C++ compilers (BCC32) create a precompiled header for you behind the scenes.

Item Description


Runs the C++ preprocessor, either CPP32.EXE or CPP64.EXE, depending on the current target platform of the project.


Opens the selected files in the Code Editor.

Remove From Project

Removes the selected files from the project. You will be prompted to save any changes.


Saves changes made to the selected files using their current names.

Save As

Displays the Save As dialog box, allowing you to save the selected files with new names and locations.


Allows you to rename the file and any corresponding secondary files that appear as child nodes in the Projects window.

Use for Precompiling

Specifies whether this C++ header file is to be used as a precompiled header for the project.

The default for this option is determined by the target platform of the project, as follows:

  • Enabled only if the 64-bit Windows target platform is set
    By default, Clang-enhanced C++ compilers use the PCH.h file shown in the Projects window.
  • Not enabled if either the 32-bit Windows or the macOS32 target platform is set
    However, you can use the PCH.h file shown in the Projects window if you select the file in the Projects window and enable Use for Precompiling.

Build Configurations Context Menu

The Build Configurations node displays the current active build configuration name, for example:

BuildConfigNode.png Build Configurations (Debug)

Right-click either the Build Configurations node or the name of a specific build configuration within the node to display the context menu.

Item Description


Compiles all files in the current project that have changed since it was last built, as well as any files that depend on them. You can also choose Project > Compile [project name].


Rebuilds all files in your project regardless of whether they have changed. You can also choose Project > Build [project name].


Removes generated files from the project, such as object code files.

Show in Explorer

Locates the current build configuration's output file.


Allows you to rename the selected build configuration.


Displays the Confirm input box and allows you to delete the selected configuration.

New Configuration

Adds a child configuration, based on the selected configuration, and lists the new configuration in the Projects window under the name of the parent configuration.

New Option Set

Creates a new option set file (.optset file extension) based on the selected configuration and opens the Save As dialog so that you can specify the name and location for the option set file.

Apply Option Set

Displays the Apply Option Set dialog box and allows you to select an .optset file to apply to the selected build configuration. You can choose to overwrite, replace, or preserve the existing option values.


Makes the selected build configuration the current active configuration for the project; appears only for configurations that are not currently active. The active build configuration is listed in boldface.


Displays the Project > Options dialog box preloaded with the values set in the selected build configuration.

Target Platforms Context Menu

  • To add a platform, right-click the Target Platforms node itself and then click the Add Platform command. By default, the newly added platform becomes the active platform for the project; to add a platform without activating it, uncheck Make the selected platform active in the Select Platform dialog box.
  • To display the other context menu commands, right-click the name of a specific multi-device target in the Target Platforms node.
  • To create a connection profile or to edit an existing connection profile, choose Tools > Options > Deployment > Connection Profile Manager.
  • To add a new SDK or edit an existing SDK, choose Tools > Options > Deployment > SDK Manager.

See Target Platforms Overview for more information about this node.

Item Description

Add Platform

Opens the Select Platform dialog box, where you can select a platform to add to your project. Choices are limited by the multi-device capabilities of the type of application you are creating, such as a console application or a DataSnap server, and the development language in use. Choose from:

  • Android 32-bit is for Android devices running a 32-bit or a 64-bit operating system.
  • Android 64-bit is for Android devices running a 64-bit operating system.
  • iOS Device 64-bit is for iOS devices running a 64-bit operating system.
  • iOS Simulator ARM 64-bit platform is for ARM iOS simulators running a 64-bit operating system.
  • Linux 64-bit is for Intel Linux computers running a 64-bit operating system.
  • macOS 64-bit is for Intel macOS computers running a 64-bit operating system.
  • macOS ARM 64-bit is for ARM macOS computers running a 64-bit operating system.
  • Windows 32-bit is for Intel Windows computers running a 32-bit or a 64-bit operating system (the default).
  • Windows 64-bit is for Intel Windows computers running a 64-bit operating system.

Note: The Add Platform command is available only when you right-click the Target Platforms node itself, not one of the platforms.

Edit Connection

Opens the Connection Profile Manager page of Tools Options and allows you to edit the connection profile assigned to the selected platform.

Revert to Default Profile

Assigns the default connection profile to the selected platform.

This command is available only when a connection profile is currently assigned to the selected platform, and is not the default connection profile. You can change which connection profile is default from Tools > Options > Deployment > Connection Profile Manager.

Remove Profile

Unassigns the connection profile that is currently assigned to the selected platform, so no connection profile is assigned to the platform.

This command is available only when a connection profile is currently assigned to the selected platform.

Remove Platform

Removes the selected platform from the Target Platforms for the current project. You can add the selected platform again by right-clicking the Target Platforms node and selecting Add Platform.


Opens the Platform Properties dialog box and allows you to:

  • Associate an SDK to the platform. The combo box is only enabled for those platforms that require an SDK for the current project: macOS platform applications, and mobile platforms for Delphi and C++ applications.
  • Associate a connection profile to the platform. Select Add New on the combo box to open the Create a Connection Profile dialog box and create a new connection profile.


Makes the selected platform the target platform for the project.

This command is available only when you right-click a platform that is not currently the active platform (that is, a platform whose name is not in boldface).


Updates the list of available devices and simulators for the target platform. See Using the Target Node.

Note: The Refresh command is available only when you right-click the Target node within a target platform node.

Contains and Requires Folders Context Menu

The Contains and Requires folders appear only for packages. For more information, see Creating a Package and Packages (Delphi).

Contains folder context menu

Item Description


Displays the Add to Project dialog box, allowing you to add files to the Contains folder.

Add New

Adds a new item to the Contains folder, as follows:


For a Delphi package, this option adds a new Delphi unit.

For a C++ package, you have two options:

  • Unit - C++Builder
  • Unit - Delphi

Adds a compilation unit (one that does not contain a form) to the Contains folder; assigns the name Unit1.pas (Delphi) or Unit01.cpp for the first unit added, and then augments the number for each subsequent unit added.

To rename a unit and all its components, right-click the unit name in the Projects window, and select Rename.


For a Delphi package, this is the only option for adding a new form.

For a C++ package, you have two options:

  • Form - C++Builder
  • Form - Delphi

Adds a new unit file (one that contains a form or .dfm file) to the Contains folder and displays the new form in the Form Designer. Unit numbers are augmented in the same way as for the Add Unit command.


Opens the New Items dialog box, which allows you to select an item from the object repository to add to the Contains folder. Click a category in the left-hand pane, and then the right-hand pane displays the items of that category that you can add to your project.

Virtual Folder

Available for C++ only. Opens the Add New Folder entry box, which allows you to provide a name for the new virtual folder.

You can right-click the virtual folder and use context menu commands to add an existing unit to the virtual folder, to add new units, forms, other items, or a nested virtual folder. You can also customize the File > New menu.


Displays the Customize New Menu dialog box, which allows you to customize the File > New menu in the product, and to specify a default application type. You can select items, including menu-item separators, from a gallery and add them to your New Items dialog box.

The Project > Add New menu and the File > New menu allows you add data module quickly. Perform the following:

  • Double-click on a unit to open the unit.
  • Double-click on a folder to expand or collapse it.
  • Double-click on a project to activate the project if it is not the currently active project. If it is the currently active project, it expands or collapses it.

Remove File

Opens the Remove from Project dialog box, which allows you to remove a file from the Contains folder.

Requires folder context menu

Item Description

Add Reference

Opens the Add dialog box, Requires tab dialog box, which allows you to browse for and add a package (.bpl) to the Requires folder.

Remove File

Displays the Remove from Project dialog box, allowing you to remove a file from the selected folder.

File Context Menu

Right-click a file within a project to display the context menu commands. The commands vary depending on the type of file selected.

Item Description


Is a shortcut that compiles the selected file.

Compile to Assembly

(C++ only) Compiles the selected source file to an .ASM file and displays the file in the Code Editor.

Edit Local Options

For C++, displays an abbreviated Project Options dialog box that contains only the pages that pertain to the current project and file.

Exclude from build

For C++ only. Temporarily marks the selected file as not part of the build. After you exclude a file from the build, the file name appears grayed out in the Projects window, and this context menu item has a checkmark. To restore the file to the build, right-click the file in the Projects window and click the checkmark for this command in the context menu.

Link by Name Only

For C++ only. For a library or object file, locates the file by using the Library Search Path (set on the Project > Options > Directories and Conditionals dialog box).

To link a library or object file explicitly by its file path, uncheck this field, and then the linker receives the fully qualified path name of the library or object file and ignores the Library Search Path setting.

Link by Name Only is the default for .lib and .obj files added to 2009 projects; this option is new for 2009.


Opens the selected files in the Code Editor.


Runs the C++ preprocessor (Cpp32.exe).


Allows you to rename the file and any corresponding secondary files that appear as child nodes in the Projects window.

Remove From Project

Removes the selected files from the project. You will be prompted to save any changes.


Saves changes made to the selected files using their current names.

Save As

Displays the Save As dialog box, allowing you to save the selected files with new names and locations.

Show Dependencies

For C++ only. Displays the Project > Dependencies dialog box, allowing you to change the build order for the projects in a project group.

Show in Explorer

Opens the Windows Explorer, displaying the folder that contains the selected file. Also available on the project-level context menu.

Add to Version Control

Opens the version control system wizard so that you can select to add the files in the project to Subversion or Git. Appears only for projects that are not under a version control system.


If files are under version control by Subversion, it displays the following commands:

  • Commit opens the Commit (SVN) pane and allows you to save the changes to the SVN repository.
  • Update refreshes the local working copy by pulling the latest version of the file from the SVN repository. Status messages appear in the Messages view. Best practice is to always Update your working copy before you start editing.
  • Browse Repository opens the Repository Browser, displaying the SVN tree structure that contains the file you are editing.
  • Revert reverts any local changes to a previous version.


If files are under version control by Git, displays the following commands:

  • Commit opens the Commit (Git) pane and allows you to save the changes to your local repository.
  • Revert reverts all the local changes to a previous version of the file and resolves any conflicted state.


If files are under version control by Mercurial, displays the following commands:

  • Commit opens the Commit (Mercurial) pane and allows you to save the changes to your local repository.
  • Revert reverts all the local changes to a previous version of the file.

TDump <filename>.obj

For C++ only. Sends the selected file to the TDump utility.

Child Dialog Boxes

See Also