ER/Studio Publications

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The ER/Studio Publications page, accessible by clicking Publish Models from the navigation menu, lets you publish ER/Studio Data Architect diagrams and ER/Studio Business Architect workspaces.

ERTS 180 Publications Page.png

This page provides the following actions:

Action Description


Publishes the selected diagram(s)/workspace(s).


Unpublishes the selected diagram(s)/workspace(s).


Schedules the date and time you want to publish the selected diagram(s)/workspace(s).


Removes the selected diagram(s)/workspace(s) from a scheduled publishing date/time.

Download Sync Log

Allows you to save or open the log of the synchronization process.

Download Detailed Logs

Allows you to save or open detailed logs including all actions relating to the publication process.


Reloads the Team Server Publications page to show the latest data regarding the current state of publications.

Notepad blue icon 2.pngNote: Once a diagram is published, then Team Server automatically publishes the information for that diagram every time it changes.

Below the actions at the top of the Team Server Publications page, you can see table that displays the status of the most recent execution of the publication process. The table provides the following columns:

Item Description


In this column, you can find a tree view of resources available in the Repository.

You can click the expand/collapse icons to view available resources. The checkboxes on the left-hand side of every resource are used to specify the items to publish.

Tip: When you check or uncheck a node in the tree, the action affects all its subnodes.


Displays the version of that specific diagram/workspace.


Describes the current publication status of each resource.

  • Not Published. This is the initial status of new repository ER objects until the state changes to another status. A diagram with this status is not visible to users.
  • Scheduled. The ER object is scheduled to be published during the current publication process.
  • Started. The ER object is being published.
  • Published. The ER object was successfully published.
  • Error. The publication of the ER object finished with an error.

Batch No

Lets you know in which publication batch this action occurred.


The date and time of the last process done that affected the ER object.

Published By

Displays the userID of the account responsible for the last process done that affected the ER object.

Scheduled Date/Time

The date and time of the next process that affects the ER object.

Auto Publish

Displays whether the associated diagram/workspace is automatically published at check-in.


Displays a history of action performed on the associated diagram/workspace.

See Also