ER Object Pages

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ER Object pages provide detailed information about specific ER objects, in addition to links to related ER objects. You can follow those links to browse the Reporting Repository.

You can access ER object pages by browsing and searching ER/Studio Team Server.

ER Object pages share a common header, and they also share a common sidebar. When you click the items in the sidebar, you get access to information pages about various aspects of the target ER object.

ER Object Pages Header


The ER object page header shows:

  • An image representing the ER object. A default image is shown if the ER object cannot be represented by an image.
  • The name of the ER object.
  • The type of the ER object.
  • Breadcrumbs with the ER objects that are above the current ER object in the ER object hierarchy. Here you can click the parents of the current ER object to access their ER object pages.
  • The Linked Term reference or option to create a Linked Term.

On the top-right corner:

ER Object Pages Sidebar

The sidebar in ER object pages provides different items depending on your user type: social or non-social.

Sidebar for Social Users

When you are a social user, ER object pages provide a sidebar with the following items, depending on the ER object type:

Item Description


Opens the activity stream of the current ER object.


Provides detailed information about the ER object, with links to related ER objects. This page looks different depending on the type of the current ER object.


Opens the list of discussions about the current ER object.


Shows a list of users that are following the current ER object.

Related Terms

Shows a list of terms that are associated with the current ER object.

Related Data Sources

Shows a list of data sources that are associated with the current ER object.

(only security properties and attachments)

Lets you configure conditions that raise alerts about sensitive data.


Opens the users and groups permissions tab for the current diagram, model or submodel.

Note: The Stream, Discussions, and Followers entries in the sidebar of an ER object page are disabled until you perform some social interaction with the target ER object. To enable them you can, for example, start following the target ER object.

Sidebar for Non-Social Users

When you are a non-social user, ER object pages provide a sidebar with a single item: Description.

See Also