Concurrent Users

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The Concurrent Users view shows concurrent users and the products they are licensed to use. The information is loaded from userlist-concurrent.txt (located under <ELC> | conf directory), but only entries that are valid are loaded (invalid entries are logged into INFO log file).

Concurrent Users.png

Information is displayed in the following columns:

  • User/Group Name: User login name/group name (or * for any)
  • Host Name: User's machine host name (or * for any)
  • Product Title: Product name
  • Product Id: Product identifier (or * for all)
  • Sku Id: sku identifier (or * for all).
  • Offline Usage: Maximum check-out period in Days:Hours.
  • Actions:
    • Edit: Open a dialog where row information can be modified.
    • Delete: Delete a row.

To change the order of the columns, click the column title text.

Notepad blue icon 2.pngNote:

  • * can be used to denote 'all users' or 'any host name'.
  • Before switching to another page, save new data to file, otherwise new data will be lost.
  • Offline usage value format is days:hours.
  • 0:0 means that user can use the license only online.
  • -1 means that user is restricted from using the license.
  • The maximum allowed Offline usage period is 30 days.

See Also