DesignIntf.IDesigner200 Methods
Activate | public | Activates the form designer's window. |
AddRef | public | Increments the reference count for this interface. |
CanPaste | public | Indicates whether the user can paste the contents of the clipboard into the designer. |
ChainCall | public | Used internally when creating event methods that call another event handler inherited from a frame. |
ClearSelection | public | Clears the contents of the selected component or components. |
CopySelection | public | Copies the selected component or components to the Windows clipboard |
CreateComponent | public | Creates a specified component. |
CreateCurrentComponent | public | Creates an instance of the component that is currently selected on the component palette. |
CreateMethod | public | Creates an event handler for an event. |
CutSelection | public | Copies the selected component or components to the Windows clipboard |
DeleteSelection | public | Deletes the selected component or components |
Edit | public | Displays the component editor for the specified component. |
FindRootAncestor | public | |
GetActiveClassGroup | public | Returns the class that activated the class group. |
GetAncestorDesigner | public | Returns the value of the AncestorDesigner property. |
GetAppDataDirectory | public | Returns the path to the Application Data folder. |
GetBaseRegKey | public | Returns the name of the registry key or file where the form designer saves option values. |
GetComponent | public | Returns the component with the name passed as a parameter. |
GetComponentName | public | Returns the name of the component passed as its parameter. |
GetComponentNames | public | Executes a callback for every component that can be assigned a property of a specified type. |
GetCurrentParent | public | |
GetDesignerExtension | public | Returns the extension of the form designer. |
GetIDEOptions | public | Returns an interface for reading and writing option values. |
GetIsDormant | public | Returns the value of the IsDormant property. |
GetMethodName | public | Returns the name of a specified event handler. |
GetMethods | public | |
GetObject | public | Returns the persistent object with the name passed as a parameter. |
GetObjectName | public | Returns the name of the object passed as its parameter. |
GetObjectNames | public | Executes a callback for every object that can be assigned a property of a specified type. |
GetPathAndBaseExeName | public | Returns the fully-qualified path name for the IDE's executable. |
GetPrivateDirectory | public | Returns the private directory for the form designer. |
GetProjectModules | public | Executes a callback for every module being edited by the form designer. |
GetRoot | public | Returns the current entity being edited by the form designer. |
GetRootClassName | public | Returns the class name for the root component. |
GetScrollRanges | public | Returns the size of the logical designer window. |
GetSelections | public | Fills a list with all selected components on the current root object. |
GetShiftState | public | Returns the current state of the Shift, Alt, and Ctrl keys. |
IsComponentHidden | public | Indicates whether a component does not appear directly in the form designer. |
IsComponentLinkable | public | Indicates whether a component is declared in a unit used by the current root object. |
IsSourceReadOnly | public | Indicates whether the source file for the component being designed is read-only. |
MakeComponentLinkable | public | Makes the unit for a component usable by the root unit. |
MethodExists | public | Specifies whether the given method exists in the unit that contains the form. |
MethodFromAncestor | public | Specifies whether a method is implemented in the parent class. |
ModalEdit | public | Passes a keystroke to a modal editor. |
Modified | public | Notifies property and component editors when a change is made to a component. |
ModuleFileNames | public | Indicates the files associated with the current root object. |
NoSelection | public | Deselects all components in the form designer. |
PasteSelection | public | Pastes the contents of the clipboard into the selected component or components. |
QueryInterface | public | Returns a reference to a specified interface if the object supports that interface. |
Release | public | Decrements the reference count for this interface. |
RenameMethod | public | Renames an existing event handler. |
Resurrect | public | The designer is becoming active after having been dormant. |
Revert | public | Restores a specified property to its value before any edits were made. |
SelectComponent | public | Selects the component designated by ADesignObject. |
SelectItemName | public | Selects the object that is the implementation of a specified property. |
SetSelections | public | Changes the currently selected set of components. |
ShowMethod | public | Activates the code editor with the input cursor in a specified event handler. |
Supports | public | Indicates whether a given interface supports a specific (another) interface. |
UniqueName | public | Generates a unique name from a specified base string. |