DesignIntf.IProperty160 Methods
Activate | public | Responds when the property is selected in the Object Inspector. |
AddRef | public | Increments the reference count for this interface. |
AllEqual | public | Indicates whether all selected components have the same value for the property. |
AutoFill | public | Returns true to indicate that values can be typed incrementally—and automatically completed—in the Object Inspector. |
Edit | public | Responds when the user double-clicks the property in the Object Inspector. |
GetAttributes | public | Describes the property so the Object Inspector provides the appropriate controls. |
GetEditLimit | public | Returns the maximum length, in characters, of the value. |
GetEditValue | public | Retrieves a string to represent the property's value, or, if the value is not available, an error message. |
GetName | public | Returns the name of the property. |
GetProperties | public | Provides the subproperties of the property to a callback procedure. |
GetPropInfo | public | Returns the property information record for the object being edited. |
GetPropType | public | Returns the type information record for the object being edited. |
GetValue | public | Returns the property value formatted as a string. |
GetValues | public | Provides the enumerated values of the property to a callback procedure. |
HasInstance | public | Indicates whether a specified object is currently being edited by the property editor. |
QueryInterface | public | Returns a reference to a specified interface if the object supports that interface. |
Release | public | Decrements the reference count for this interface. |
Revert | public | Restores all object properties to their original values. |
SetPropertyPath | public | |
SetValue | public | Responds when the user changes the value of the property. |
Supports | public | Indicates whether a given interface supports a specific (another) interface. |
ValueAvailable | public | Indicates whether all components being edited have a value for the property if their ComponentStyle includes csCheckPropAvail. |