DesignIntf.IProperty160 Methods

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ActivatepublicResponds when the property is selected in the Object Inspector.
AddRefpublicIncrements the reference count for this interface.
AllEqualpublicIndicates whether all selected components have the same value for the property.
AutoFillpublicReturns true to indicate that values can be typed incrementally—and automatically completed—in the Object Inspector.
EditpublicResponds when the user double-clicks the property in the Object Inspector.
GetAttributespublicDescribes the property so the Object Inspector provides the appropriate controls.
GetEditLimitpublicReturns the maximum length, in characters, of the value.
GetEditValuepublicRetrieves a string to represent the property's value, or, if the value is not available, an error message.
GetNamepublicReturns the name of the property.
GetPropertiespublicProvides the subproperties of the property to a callback procedure.
GetPropInfopublicReturns the property information record for the object being edited.
GetPropTypepublicReturns the type information record for the object being edited.
GetValuepublicReturns the property value formatted as a string.
GetValuespublicProvides the enumerated values of the property to a callback procedure.
HasInstancepublicIndicates whether a specified object is currently being edited by the property editor.
QueryInterfacepublicReturns a reference to a specified interface if the object supports that interface.
ReleasepublicDecrements the reference count for this interface.
RevertpublicRestores all object properties to their original values.
SetValuepublicResponds when the user changes the value of the property.
SupportspublicIndicates whether a given interface supports a specific (another) interface.
ValueAvailablepublicIndicates whether all components being edited have a value for the property if their ComponentStyle includes csCheckPropAvail.