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__fastcall Set() {memset(SetBaseT::Data, 0, sizeof (SetBaseT::Data));}
__fastcall Set(const Set& src)
explicit __fastcall Set(const int& src)


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
constructor public sysset.h System Set


Set is a C++ template for emulating the set types found in Delphi.

Set is a template for declaring set types compatible with Delphi "set of" types.

A set type is declared with three parameters:

Parameter Usage


the type of the elements (usually int, char, or an enum type)


the minimum value the set can hold (this value cannot be less than 0)


the maximum value the set can hold (this value cannot be greater than 255)

Two set types are distinct if any of the three template parameters are different:

Set <char, 'A', 'C'> s1;
Set <char, 'X', 'Z'> s2;
if (s1 == s2)   // ERROR: == not implemented for second set type

To create multiple instances of a Set type, use a typedef expression.

typedef Set <char, 'A','Z'> UPPERCASESet;

The declaration of a Set variable does not initialize the variable. You can declare the set types and initialize them by using the << operator, as shown in this example:

s1 << 'A' << 'B' << 'C';   // Initialize
s2 << 'X' << 'Y' << 'Z';   // Initialize

Note: To utilize the C++ streaming operators (<< and >>) with Set types, you must use #include <iostream> before #include <sysset.h>. This occurs automatically if you include vcl.h, or System.hpp. The following stream operators are defined:

template <class T, unsigned char minEl, unsigned char maxEl> ostream& 
  operator <<(ostream& os, const Set<T, minEl, maxEl> & arg);
template <class T, unsigned char minEl, unsigned char maxEl> istream&
  operator >> (istream& is, Set<T, minEl, maxEl> & arg)