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function Put(const AContext: IEMSResourceRequestContext; const AResourceName: string;
const ASegments: TEMSResourceRequestSegments; const AQueryParams: TEMSResourceRequestQueryParams;
const ARequestContent: IEMSResourceRequestContent): IEMSResourceResponseContent;


virtual _di_IEMSResourceResponseContent __fastcall Put(const _di_IEMSResourceRequestContext AContext, const System::UnicodeString AResourceName, const TEMSResourceRequestSegments ASegments, const TEMSResourceRequestQueryParams AQueryParams, const _di_IEMSResourceRequestContent ARequestContent) = 0 ;


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
function public
EMS.Services IEMSResourceRequest


Executes a PUT resource request to store or update the information for the requested resource. The method type of the resource request is put.

The Put method receives the following input parameters:

  • AContext: Context of the PUT resource request.
  • AResourceName: Resource name identifier to execute the resource request. The built-in resource names are Users, Groups, and Installations.
  • ASegments: Array of URL segments of the EMS Resource endpoint to execute the request. Set ASegments value to null.
  • AQueryParams: Query parameters used to execute a filtered Put resource request. Set AQueryParams value to null.
  • ARequestContent: Resource request content needed to execute the Put request to the resource.

Put returns an IEMSResourceResponseContent with the response from the EMS Server.

See Also