Contains the units with FireDAC drivers and services for various types of databases.
Package | FireDACCommonDriver290.bpl |
FireDAC.Phys | Contains the units with FireDAC drivers and services for various types of databases. |
FireDAC.Phys.ADS | Contains the Advantage Database Server driver and service components for FireDAC. |
FireDAC.Phys.ADSWrapper | |
FireDAC.Phys.ASA | Contains the Sybase SQL Anywhere driver and service components for FireDAC. |
FireDAC.Phys.ASAWrapper | |
FireDAC.Phys.DB2 | Contains the IBM DB2 driver and service components for FireDAC. |
FireDAC.Phys.DS | Contains the FireDAC multi-tier DataSnap driver for RAD Studio Enterprise. |
FireDAC.Phys.FB | Contains the Firebird driver and service components for FireDAC. |
FireDAC.Phys.IB | Contains the InterBase driver and service components for FireDAC. |
FireDAC.Phys.IBBase | Contains the Firebird and InterBase base driver classes and common service components for FireDAC. |
FireDAC.Phys.IBWrapper | |
FireDAC.Phys.Infx | |
FireDAC.Phys.Intf | |
FireDAC.Phys.MongoDB | |
FireDAC.Phys.MongoDBDataSet | |
FireDAC.Phys.MongoDBDef | |
FireDAC.Phys.MongoDBWrapper | |
FireDAC.Phys.MSAcc | Contains the Microsoft Access driver and service components for FireDAC. |
FireDAC.Phys.MSSQL | Contains the Microsoft SQL Server driver and service components for FireDAC. |
FireDAC.Phys.MySQL | Contains the MySQL Server driver and service components for FireDAC. |
FireDAC.Phys.MySQLWrapper | |
FireDAC.Phys.ODBC | Contains the ODBC bridge driver for FireDAC. |
FireDAC.Phys.ODBCBase | Contains the FireDAC driver and service base classes for all ODBC-based drivers. |
FireDAC.Phys.ODBCWrapper | Contains the FireDAC ODBC API wrapping classes. |
FireDAC.Phys.Oracle | Contains the Oracle Database driver and service components for FireDAC. |
FireDAC.Phys.OracleWrapper | Wrapper unit for FireDAC.Phys.Oracle. |
FireDAC.Phys.PG | Contains the PostgreSQL driver and service components for FireDAC. |
FireDAC.Phys.PGWrapper | |
FireDAC.Phys.SQLite | Contains the SQLite driver and service components for FireDAC. |
FireDAC.Phys.SQLiteVDataSet | Contains the SQLite-based Local SQL engine for FireDAC. |
FireDAC.Phys.SQLiteWrapper | |
FireDAC.Phys.TData | |
FireDAC.Phys.TDBX | Contains the dbExpress v.4 bridge driver for FireDAC. |
FireDAC.Phys.TDBXBase | Contains FireDAC driver base classes for all TDBX-based drivers. |
TFDPhysCommand | |
TFDPhysConnection | |
TFDPhysConnectionClass | |
TFDPhysConnectionHost | |
TFDPhysDriver | |
TFDPhysDriverClass | |
TFDPhysDriverLink | The TFDPhysDriverLink component is a base class for all driver link components. |
TFDPhysDriverService | The TFDPhysDriverService component is a base class for all driver service components. |
TFDPhysEventAlerter | |
TFDPhysEventMessage | |
TFDPhysEventStartMessage | |
TFDPhysEventStopMessage | |
TFDPhysEventThread | |
TFDPhysManager | |
TFDPhysTransaction |
FDPhysManagerObj |