Package | RESTComponents290.bpl |
IRESTRequestParameterListOwnerNotify | |
IRESTResponseJSON | |
TCustomAuthenticator | Base class for objects that REST clients use for authentication against the server when performing a request. |
TCustomRESTClient | Represents an easy-to-use base class for your classes that access REST APIs. |
TCustomRESTClientBindSource | LiveBindings bindsource for TCustomRESTClient that creates an adapter. |
TCustomRESTRequest | Container of the data and the logic to execute a REST request. |
TCustomRESTRequestBindSource | LiveBindings bindsource for TCustomRESTRequest that creates an adapter. |
TCustomRESTResponse | Base class for classes that represent an HTTP response. |
TCustomRESTResponseBindSource | LiveBindings bindsource for TCustomRESTResponse that creates an adapter. |
TDownloadURL | Downloads a file from a cloud storage service. |
TRESTAuthenticatorAdapter | |
TRESTAuthenticatorBindSource | |
TRESTClient | This component executes a request to a Web service. |
TRESTClientAdapter | LiveBindings adapter for TCustomRESTClient. It creates bindable members. |
TRESTExecutionThread | Thread that provides support for asynchronous execution of REST client requests. |
TRESTRequest | This component holds all parameters and settings that form the actual HTTP request to a Web service. |
TRESTRequestAdapter | LiveBindings adapter for TCustomRESTRequest. It creates bindable members. |
TRESTRequestParameter | Represents a parameter for REST requests. |
TRESTRequestParameterList | Represents a container for parameters to be associated with a REST request. |
TRESTResponse | This component holds all the returned data from a Web service. |
TRESTResponseAdapter | LiveBindings adapter for TCustomRESTResponse. It creates bindable members. |
TSubRESTClientBindSource | LiveBindings bindsource for TCustomRESTClient that publishes subcomponent properties. |
TSubRESTRequestBindSource | LiveBindings bindsource for TCustomRESTRequest that publishes subcomponent properties. |
TSubRESTResponseBindSource | LiveBindings bindsource for TCustomRESTResponse that publishes subcomponent properties. |
TAuthenticateEvent | |
TCustomRESTClientNotifyEvent | |
TCustomRESTRequestNotifyEvent | |
TExecuteMethod | |
TRESTRequestParameterArray | |
TRESTRequestParameterDict |
CRestDefaultTimeout | CRestDefaultTimeout: Integer = $7530; |
CSqidsParamPrefix | CSqidsParamPrefix: Char = $23; |
sBody | sBody: string = body; |
sDefaultFallbackCharSetEncoding | sDefaultFallbackCharSetEncoding: string = utf-8; |
sDefaultUserAgent | sDefaultUserAgent: string = Embarcadero RESTClient/1.0; |
sFile | sFile: string = file; |
sRequestDefaultAccept | sRequestDefaultAccept: string = application/json, text/plain; q=0.9, text/html;q=0.8,; |
sRequestDefaultAcceptCharset | sRequestDefaultAcceptCharset: string = utf-8, *;q=0.8; |