property Value: TBytes read GetValue write SetValue;
__property System::Sysutils::TBytes Value = {read=GetValue, write=SetValue};
Type | Visibility | Source | Unit | Parent |
property | public | System.Bluetooth.pas System.Bluetooth.hpp |
System.Bluetooth | TBluetoothGattCharacteristic |
Returns the stored value or defines a new value for this characteristic.
The characteristic value is an array of bytes. See the official page for more information about what the bytes represent: Standard BluetoothLE Characteristics.
Among the descriptors of the characteristic there may be a descriptor of kind PresentationFormat that provides properties with key information regarding the value of the characteristic:
- The format or data structure that the value uses.
- An exponent that you must apply to the value to obtain the actual value.
- The unit of the value.