TColorRec = record
static _DELPHI_CONST unsigned SystemColor = unsigned(0xff000000);
static _DELPHI_CONST System::Int8 cSCROLLBAR = System::Int8(0x0);
static _DELPHI_CONST System::Int8 cBACKGROUND = System::Int8(0x1);
static _DELPHI_CONST System::Int8 cACTIVECAPTION = System::Int8(0x2);
static _DELPHI_CONST System::Int8 cINACTIVECAPTION = System::Int8(0x3);
static _DELPHI_CONST System::Int8 cMENU = System::Int8(0x4);
static _DELPHI_CONST System::Int8 cWINDOW = System::Int8(0x5);
static _DELPHI_CONST System::Int8 cWINDOWFRAME = System::Int8(0x6);
static _DELPHI_CONST System::Int8 cMENUTEXT = System::Int8(0x7);
static _DELPHI_CONST System::Int8 cWINDOWTEXT = System::Int8(0x8);
static _DELPHI_CONST System::Int8 cCAPTIONTEXT = System::Int8(0x9);
static _DELPHI_CONST System::Int8 cACTIVEBORDER = System::Int8(0xa);
static _DELPHI_CONST System::Int8 cINACTIVEBORDER = System::Int8(0xb);
static _DELPHI_CONST System::Int8 cAPPWORKSPACE = System::Int8(0xc);
static _DELPHI_CONST System::Int8 cHIGHLIGHT = System::Int8(0xd);
static _DELPHI_CONST System::Int8 cHIGHLIGHTTEXT = System::Int8(0xe);
static _DELPHI_CONST System::Int8 cBTNFACE = System::Int8(0xf);
static _DELPHI_CONST System::Int8 cBTNSHADOW = System::Int8(0x10);
static _DELPHI_CONST System::Int8 cGRAYTEXT = System::Int8(0x11);
static _DELPHI_CONST System::Int8 cBTNTEXT = System::Int8(0x12);
static _DELPHI_CONST System::Int8 cINACTIVECAPTIONTEXT = System::Int8(0x13);
static _DELPHI_CONST System::Int8 cBTNHIGHLIGHT = System::Int8(0x14);
static _DELPHI_CONST System::Int8 c3DDKSHADOW = System::Int8(0x15);
static _DELPHI_CONST System::Int8 c3DLIGHT = System::Int8(0x16);
static _DELPHI_CONST System::Int8 cINFOTEXT = System::Int8(0x17);
static _DELPHI_CONST System::Int8 cINFOBK = System::Int8(0x18);
static _DELPHI_CONST System::Int8 cHOTLIGHT = System::Int8(0x1a);
static _DELPHI_CONST System::Int8 cGRADIENTACTIVECAPTION = System::Int8(0x1b);
static _DELPHI_CONST System::Int8 cGRADIENTINACTIVECAPTION = System::Int8(0x1c);
static _DELPHI_CONST System::Int8 cMENUHILIGHT = System::Int8(0x1d);
static _DELPHI_CONST System::Int8 cMENUBAR = System::Int8(0x1e);
static _DELPHI_CONST System::Int8 cENDCOLORS = System::Int8(0x1e);
static _DELPHI_CONST System::Int8 cDESKTOP = System::Int8(0x1);
static _DELPHI_CONST System::Int8 c3DFACE = System::Int8(0xf);
static _DELPHI_CONST System::Int8 c3DSHADOW = System::Int8(0x10);
static _DELPHI_CONST System::Int8 c3DHIGHLIGHT = System::Int8(0x14);
static _DELPHI_CONST System::Int8 c3DHILIGHT = System::Int8(0x14);
static _DELPHI_CONST System::Int8 cBTNHILIGHT = System::Int8(0x14);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor SysScrollBar = TColor(-16777216);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor SysBackground = TColor(-16777215);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor SysActiveCaption = TColor(-16777214);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor SysInactiveCaption = TColor(-16777213);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor SysMenu = TColor(-16777212);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor SysWindow = TColor(-16777211);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor SysWindowFrame = TColor(-16777210);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor SysMenuText = TColor(-16777209);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor SysWindowText = TColor(-16777208);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor SysCaptionText = TColor(-16777207);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor SysActiveBorder = TColor(-16777206);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor SysInactiveBorder = TColor(-16777205);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor SysAppWorkSpace = TColor(-16777204);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor SysHighlight = TColor(-16777203);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor SysHighlightText = TColor(-16777202);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor SysBtnFace = TColor(-16777201);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor SysBtnShadow = TColor(-16777200);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor SysGrayText = TColor(-16777199);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor SysBtnText = TColor(-16777198);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor SysInactiveCaptionText = TColor(-16777197);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor SysBtnHighlight = TColor(-16777196);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Sys3DDkShadow = TColor(-16777195);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Sys3DLight = TColor(-16777194);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor SysInfoText = TColor(-16777193);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor SysInfoBk = TColor(-16777192);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor SysHotLight = TColor(-16777190);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor SysGradientActiveCaption = TColor(-16777189);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor SysGradientInactiveCaption = TColor(-16777188);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor SysMenuHighlight = TColor(-16777187);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor SysMenuBar = TColor(-16777186);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor SysNone = TColor(536870911);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor SysDefault = TColor(536870912);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Aliceblue = TColor(16775408);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Antiquewhite = TColor(14150650);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Aqua = TColor(16776960);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Aquamarine = TColor(13959039);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Azure = TColor(16777200);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Beige = TColor(14480885);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Bisque = TColor(12903679);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Black = TColor(0);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Blanchedalmond = TColor(13495295);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Blue = TColor(16711680);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Blueviolet = TColor(14822282);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Brown = TColor(2763429);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Burlywood = TColor(8894686);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Cadetblue = TColor(10526303);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Chartreuse = TColor(65407);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Chocolate = TColor(1993170);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Coral = TColor(5275647);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Cornflowerblue = TColor(15570276);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Cornsilk = TColor(14481663);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Crimson = TColor(3937500);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Cyan = TColor(16776960);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Darkblue = TColor(9109504);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Darkcyan = TColor(9145088);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Darkgoldenrod = TColor(755384);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Darkgray = TColor(11119017);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Darkgreen = TColor(25600);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Darkgrey = TColor(11119017);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Darkkhaki = TColor(7059389);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Darkmagenta = TColor(9109643);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Darkolivegreen = TColor(3107669);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Darkorange = TColor(36095);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Darkorchid = TColor(13382297);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Darkred = TColor(139);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Darksalmon = TColor(8034025);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Darkseagreen = TColor(9419919);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Darkslateblue = TColor(9125192);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Darkslategray = TColor(5197615);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Darkslategrey = TColor(5197615);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Darkturquoise = TColor(13749760);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Darkviolet = TColor(13828244);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Deeppink = TColor(9639167);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Deepskyblue = TColor(16760576);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Dimgray = TColor(6908265);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Dimgrey = TColor(6908265);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Dodgerblue = TColor(16748574);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Firebrick = TColor(2237106);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Floralwhite = TColor(15792895);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Forestgreen = TColor(2263842);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Fuchsia = TColor(16711935);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Gainsboro = TColor(14474460);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Ghostwhite = TColor(16775416);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Gold = TColor(55295);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Goldenrod = TColor(2139610);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Gray = TColor(8421504);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Green = TColor(32768);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Greenyellow = TColor(3145645);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Grey = TColor(8421504);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Honeydew = TColor(15794160);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Hotpink = TColor(11823615);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Indianred = TColor(6053069);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Indigo = TColor(8519755);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Ivory = TColor(15794175);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Khaki = TColor(9234160);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Lavender = TColor(16443110);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Lavenderblush = TColor(16118015);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Lawngreen = TColor(64636);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Lemonchiffon = TColor(13499135);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Lightblue = TColor(15128749);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Lightcoral = TColor(8421616);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Lightcyan = TColor(16777184);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Lightgoldenrodyellow = TColor(13826810);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Lightgray = TColor(13882323);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Lightgreen = TColor(9498256);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Lightgrey = TColor(13882323);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Lightpink = TColor(12695295);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Lightsalmon = TColor(8036607);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Lightseagreen = TColor(11186720);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Lightskyblue = TColor(16436871);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Lightslategray = TColor(10061943);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Lightslategrey = TColor(10061943);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Lightsteelblue = TColor(14599344);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Lightyellow = TColor(14745599);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor LtGray = TColor(12632256);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor MedGray = TColor(10789024);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor DkGray = TColor(8421504);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor MoneyGreen = TColor(12639424);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor LegacySkyBlue = TColor(15780518);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Cream = TColor(15793151);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Lime = TColor(65280);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Limegreen = TColor(3329330);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Linen = TColor(15134970);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Magenta = TColor(16711935);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Maroon = TColor(128);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Mediumaquamarine = TColor(11193702);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Mediumblue = TColor(13434880);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Mediumorchid = TColor(13850042);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Mediumpurple = TColor(14381203);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Mediumseagreen = TColor(7451452);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Mediumslateblue = TColor(15624315);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Mediumspringgreen = TColor(10156544);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Mediumturquoise = TColor(13422920);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Mediumvioletred = TColor(8721863);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Midnightblue = TColor(7346457);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Mintcream = TColor(16449525);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Mistyrose = TColor(14804223);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Moccasin = TColor(11920639);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Navajowhite = TColor(11394815);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Navy = TColor(8388608);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Oldlace = TColor(15136253);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Olive = TColor(32896);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Olivedrab = TColor(2330219);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Orange = TColor(42495);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Orangered = TColor(17919);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Orchid = TColor(14053594);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Palegoldenrod = TColor(11200750);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Palegreen = TColor(10025880);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Paleturquoise = TColor(15658671);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Palevioletred = TColor(9662683);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Papayawhip = TColor(14020607);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Peachpuff = TColor(12180223);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Peru = TColor(4163021);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Pink = TColor(13353215);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Plum = TColor(14524637);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Powderblue = TColor(15130800);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Purple = TColor(8388736);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Red = TColor(255);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Rosybrown = TColor(9408444);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Royalblue = TColor(14772545);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Saddlebrown = TColor(1262987);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Salmon = TColor(7504122);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Sandybrown = TColor(6333684);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Seagreen = TColor(5737262);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Seashell = TColor(15660543);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Sienna = TColor(2970272);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Silver = TColor(12632256);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Skyblue = TColor(15453831);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Slateblue = TColor(13458026);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Slategray = TColor(9470064);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Slategrey = TColor(9470064);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Snow = TColor(16448255);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Springgreen = TColor(8388352);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Steelblue = TColor(11829830);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Tan = TColor(9221330);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Teal = TColor(8421376);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Thistle = TColor(14204888);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Tomato = TColor(4678655);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Turquoise = TColor(13688896);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Violet = TColor(15631086);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Wheat = TColor(11788021);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor White = TColor(16777215);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Whitesmoke = TColor(16119285);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Yellow = TColor(65535);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Yellowgreen = TColor(3329434);
static _DELPHI_CONST TColor Null = TColor(0);
static int __fastcall (*ColorToRGB)(TColor Color);
System::Byte R;
System::Byte G;
System::Byte B;
System::Byte A;
System::Word HiWord;
System::Word LoWord;
TColor Color;
Type | Visibility | Source | Unit | Parent |
record struct |
public | System.UITypes.pas System.UITypes.hpp |
System.UITypes | System.UITypes |
TColorRec provides access to the color channels record.
Use constants in TColorRec to obtain access to the color channels record for the TColor type.
The Colors table shows constants defining actual colors. These constants map directly to the closest matching color in the system palette (for example, Blue maps to blue).
The System Colors table shows constants defining system colors. Now these constants are supported only under the VCL framework. To obtain RGB colors for these constants, use the ColorToRGB field of this record. To use this pointer, an actual function providing such conversion needs to be specified. Now we provide the Vcl.Graphics.ColorToRGB function -- under VCL framework -- which provides conversion of a TColor value into a RGB representation of the color. Under the FireMonkey framework you can provide such function yourself.
TColorRec Constants | Colors | A B G R |
Aliceblue |
00 FF F8 F0 |
Antiquewhite |
00 D7 EB FA |
Aqua |
00 FF FF 00 |
Aquamarine |
00 D4 FF 7F |
Azure |
00 FF FF F0 |
Beige |
00 DC F5 F5 |
Bisque |
00 C4 E4 FF |
Black |
00 00 00 00 |
Blanchedalmond |
00 CD EB FF |
Blue |
00 FF 00 00 |
Blueviolet |
00 E2 2B 8A |
Brown |
00 2A 2A A5 |
Burlywood |
00 87 B8 DE |
Cadetblue |
00 A0 9E 5F |
Chartreuse |
00 00 FF 7F |
Chocolate |
00 1E 69 D2 |
Coral |
00 50 7F FF |
Cornflowerblue |
00 ED 95 64 |
Cornsilk |
00 DC F8 FF |
Crimson |
00 3C 14 DC |
Cyan |
00 FF FF 00 |
Darkblue |
00 8B 00 00 |
Darkcyan |
00 8B 8B 00 |
Darkgoldenrod |
00 0B 86 B8 |
Darkgray |
00 A9 A9 A9 |
Darkgreen |
00 00 64 00 |
Darkgrey |
00 A9 A9 A9 |
Darkkhaki |
00 6B B7 BD |
Darkmagenta |
00 8B 00 8B |
Darkolivegreen |
00 2F 6B 55 |
Darkorange |
00 00 8C FF |
Darkorchid |
00 CC 32 99 |
Darkred |
00 00 00 8B |
Darksalmon |
00 7A 96 E9 |
Darkseagreen |
00 8F BC 8F |
Darkslateblue |
00 8B 3D 48 |
Darkslategray |
00 4F 4F 2F |
Darkslategrey |
00 4F 4F 2F |
Darkturquoise |
00 D1 CE 00 |
Darkviolet |
00 D3 00 94 |
Deeppink |
00 93 14 FF |
Deepskyblue |
00 FF BF 00 |
Dimgray |
00 69 69 69 |
Dimgrey |
00 69 69 69 |
Dodgerblue |
00 FF 90 1E |
Firebrick |
00 22 22 B2 |
Floralwhite |
00 F0 FA FF |
Forestgreen |
00 22 8B 22 |
Fuchsia |
00 FF 00 FF |
Gainsboro |
00 DC DC DC |
Ghostwhite |
00 FF F8 F8 |
Gold |
00 00 D7 FF |
Goldenrod |
00 20 A5 DA |
Gray |
00 80 80 80 |
Green |
00 00 80 00 |
Greenyellow |
00 2F FF AD |
Grey |
00 80 80 80 |
Honeydew |
00 F0 FF F0 |
Hotpink |
00 B4 69 FF |
Indianred |
00 5C 5C CD |
Indigo |
00 82 00 4B |
Ivory |
00 F0 FF FF |
Khaki |
00 8C E6 F0 |
Lavender |
00 FA E6 E6 |
Lavenderblush |
00 F5 F0 FF |
Lawngreen |
00 00 FC 7C |
Lemonchiffon |
00 CD FA FF |
Lightblue |
00 E6 D8 AD |
Lightcoral |
00 80 80 F0 |
Lightcyan |
00 FF FF E0 |
Lightgoldenrodyellow |
00 D2 FA FA |
Lightgray |
00 D3 D3 D3 |
Lightgreen |
00 90 EE 90 |
Lightgrey |
00 D3 D3 D3 |
Lightpink |
00 C1 B6 FF |
Lightsalmon |
00 7A A0 FF |
Lightseagreen |
00 AA B2 20 |
Lightskyblue |
00 FA CE 87 |
Lightslategray |
00 99 88 77 |
Lightslategrey |
00 99 88 77 |
Lightsteelblue |
00 DE C4 B0 |
Lightyellow |
00 E0 FF FF |
LtGray |
00 C0 C0 C0 |
MedGray |
00 A4 A0 A0 |
DkGray |
00 80 80 80 |
MoneyGreen |
00 C0 DC C0 |
LegacySkyBlue |
00 F0 CA A6 |
Cream |
00 F0 FB FF |
Lime |
00 00 FF 00 |
Limegreen |
00 32 CD 32 |
Linen |
00 E6 F0 FA |
Magenta |
00 FF 00 FF |
Maroon |
00 00 00 80 |
Mediumaquamarine |
00 AA CD 66 |
Mediumblue |
00 CD 00 00 |
Mediumorchid |
00 D3 55 BA |
Mediumpurple |
00 DB 70 93 |
Mediumseagreen |
00 71 B3 3C |
Mediumslateblue |
00 EE 68 7B |
Mediumspringgreen |
00 9A FA 00 |
Mediumturquoise |
00 CC D1 48 |
Mediumvioletred |
00 85 15 C7 |
Midnightblue |
00 70 19 19 |
Mintcream |
00 FA FF F5 |
Mistyrose |
00 E1 E4 FF |
Moccasin |
00 B5 E4 FF |
Navajowhite |
00 AD DE FF |
Navy |
00 80 00 00 |
Oldlace |
00 E6 F5 FD |
Olive |
00 00 80 80 |
Olivedrab |
00 23 8E 6B |
Orange |
00 00 A5 FF |
Orangered |
00 00 45 FF |
Orchid |
00 D6 70 DA |
Palegoldenrod |
00 AA E8 EE |
Palegreen |
00 98 FB 98 |
Paleturquoise |
00 EE EE AF |
Palevioletred |
00 93 70 DB |
Papayawhip |
00 D5 EF FF |
Peachpuff |
00 B9 DA FF |
Peru |
00 3F 85 CD |
Pink |
00 CB C0 FF |
Plum |
00 DD A0 DD |
Powderblue |
00 E6 E0 B0 |
Purple |
00 80 00 80 |
Red |
00 00 00 FF |
Rosybrown |
00 8F 8F BC |
Royalblue |
00 E1 69 41 |
Saddlebrown |
00 13 45 8B |
Salmon |
00 72 80 FA |
Sandybrown |
00 60 A4 F4 |
Seagreen |
00 57 8B 2E |
Seashell |
00 EE F5 FF |
Sienna |
00 2D 52 A0 |
Silver |
00 C0 C0 C0 |
Skyblue |
00 EB CE 87 |
Slateblue |
00 CD 5A 6A |
Slategray |
00 90 80 70 |
Slategrey |
00 90 80 70 |
Snow |
00 FA FA FF |
Springgreen |
00 7F FF 00 |
Steelblue |
00 B4 82 46 |
Tan |
00 8C B4 D2 |
Teal |
00 80 80 00 |
Thistle |
00 D8 BF D8 |
Tomato |
00 47 63 FF |
Turquoise |
00 D0 E0 40 |
Violet |
00 EE 82 EE |
Wheat |
00 B3 DE F5 |
White |
00 FF FF FF |
Whitesmoke |
00 F5 F5 F5 |
Yellow |
00 00 FF FF |
Yellowgreen |
00 32 CD 9A |
Null |
00 00 00 00 |
System Colors
TColorRec Constants | Integer Value | Default Colors under Windows 7 |
The color of the background of a scroll bar. |
The current background color of the desktop. |
The background color of the active window's title bar. |
The background color of an inactive window's title bar. |
The current background color of menus. |
The current color of the background in the client area of Windows. |
The current color of a window frame. |
The current color of a menu's text. |
The current color of the text in the client area of a window. |
The current color of the text on the active window's title bar. |
The current color of the active window's border. |
The current color of an inactive window's border. |
The current color of the application workspace. |
The current color of the background of selected items. |
The current color of the text of selected items. |
The current color of a button's face. |
The current color of a button's shadow. |
The current color of a dimmed text. |
The current color of a button's text. |
The current color of the text in an inactive window's title bar. |
The current color of the highlighting on a button. |
The current color of the dark shadow for three-dimensional display elements. |
The current color of the light color for three-dimensional display elements (for edges facing the light source). |
The current color of the text of a ToolTip. |
The current background color for ToolTip controls. |
The current color used to designate a hot-tracked item. |
The current lightest color in the color gradient of the active window's title bar. See SysActiveCaption for the darkest color gradient of the active window's title bar. |
The current lightest color in the color gradient of an inactive window's title bar. See SysInactiveCaption for the darkest color gradient of an inactive window's title bar. |
The current color used to highlight menu items when the menu appears as a flat menu. |
The current color of the background of a menu bar. |
The mask |
Do not use any color to fill an item background. |
The default color to fill the particular type of items. |