Package | rtl270.bpl |
IAsyncResult | An interface that methods use as a return type in order to provide asynchronous execution of code. |
TBitConverter | Converter between arrays of bytes and Delphi native types. |
TMultiWaitEvent | Abstract base class that the System.Classes unit fully implements. IAsyncResult.GetAsyncWaitEvent uses this class as the return type. |
Bounds | Returns the TRect for a rectangle of given dimensions. |
CenteredRect | Creates a centered rectangle. |
CenterPoint | Returns the point in the center of a rectangle. |
EqualRect | Indicates whether two TRect values are the same. |
InflateRect | Enlarges a rectangle by a specific amount. |
IntersectRect | Returns the intersection of two specified rectangles. |
IntersectRectF | Returns the intersection of two rectangles. |
IsRectEmpty | Indicates whether a specified rectangle has a positive width and height. |
MinPoint | Returns the minimum TPoint or TPointF. |
MultiplyRect | Enlarges a rectangle by a specific amount. |
NormalizeRect | Normalizes the TRect object. |
NormalizeRectF | Normalizes the TRectF object. |
OffsetRect | Changes the origin of a rectangle by a specified amount. |
Point | Creates a TPoint structure from a pair of coordinates. |
PointF | Returns an instance of TPointF. |
PtInCircle (deprecated) | Indicates whether a specified point lies inside a specified circle. |
PtInRect | Indicates whether a specified point lies inside a specified rectangle. |
Rect | Creates a TRect structure from a set of coordinates. |
RectCenter | Returns an instance of TRect or TRectF placed in the center of another similar rectangle. |
RectF | Returns an instance of TRectF. |
RectHeight | Returns the vertical size of the rectangle. |
RectWidth | Specifies the horizontal size of the rectangle. |
ScalePoint | Returns an instance of TPoint or TPointF with scaled coordinates. |
SmallPoint | Creates a TSmallPoint structure from a pair of coordinates. |
SplitRect | Returns a rectangle obtained from the current rectangle, applying the specified splitting rule. |
UnionRect | Returns the union of two rectangles. |
UnionRectF | Returns the union of two rectangles. |
DWORD | Integer type with the range [0; 4294967295]. |
OleStr | Represents an alias for WideString. |
PByte | Pointer to Byte. |
PDouble | Pointer to Double. |
PInteger | Pointer to Integer. |
PLongInt | Pointer to LongInt. |
PPoint | PPoint is a pointer to a TPoint variable. |
PPointF | Pointer to a TPointF variable. |
PRect | Pointer to a TRect variable. |
PRectF | Pointer to a TRectF variable. |
PSize | Pointer to tagSIZE. |
PSizeF | Pointer to a TSizeF variable. |
PSmallInt | Pointer to Smallint. |
PSmallPoint | Pointer to TSmallPoint. |
SIZE | Represents an alias to a record holding width and height values. |
tagPOINT | Represents an alias for TPoint. |
tagPointF | Represents an alias for TPointF. |
tagSize | tagSize is a record holding width and height values. |
TDirection | Indicates the direction of list broswing. |
TDuplicates | Indicates the response when an application attempts to add a duplicate entry to a list. |
TEndian | Defines a type of endian. |
THorzRectAlign | Specifies the horizontal alignment of a rectangle. |
TPoint | Defines a pixel location on-screen. |
TPointF | Defines a pixel location on-screen. |
TPointFType | |
TRect | TRect defines a rectangle. |
TRectF | TRectF defines a rectangle, with coordinates in floating points. |
TSize | Specifies the width and height of an object. |
TSizeF | Represents the floating-point width and height of an object. |
TSmallPoint | TSmallPoint type defines a point with two 16-bit coordinates. |
TSplitRectType | TSplitRectType specifies which rectangle side is used when splitting a rectangle. |
TValueRelationship | TValueRelationship defines value comparison results. |
TVertRectAlign | Specifies the vertical alignment of a rectangle. |
TWaitResult |
c180 | |
c180divPI | |
c2PI | |
c360 | |
c3PIdiv4 | |
cInv2PI | |
cInv360 | |
cOneHalf | |
cPI | |
cPIdiv180 | |
cPIdiv2 | |
cPIdiv4 | |
CurveKappa | |
CurveKappaInv | |
Epsilon | |
Epsilon2 |
CarriageReturn | CarriageReturn: Char = $D; |
EqualsValue | EqualsValue: Integer = 0; |
FormFeed | FormFeed: Char = $C; |
GreaterThanValue | GreaterThanValue: Integer = 1; |
LessThanValue | LessThanValue: Integer = $FFFFFFFF; |
LineFeed | LineFeed: Char = $A; |
LineSeparator | LineSeparator: Char = $2028; |
NullChar | NullChar: Char = 0; |
ParagraphSeparator | ParagraphSeparator: Char = $2029; |
PlatformEndian | PlatformEndian: TEndian = Little; |
RT_RCDATA | RT_RCDATA: PWideChar = $A; |
Space | Space: Char = $20; |
Tabulator | Tabulator: Char = 9; |
VerticalTab | VerticalTab: Char = $B; |