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  TValue = record
  private class var
    FEmpty: TValue;
    class constructor Create;
    function GetIsEmpty: Boolean;
    function GetTypeInfo: PTypeInfo; inline;
    function GetTypeKind: TTypeKind;
    function GetTypeDataProp: PTypeData;
    function GetDataSize: Integer;
    constructor Create(ATypeInfo: PTypeInfo);
    class function GetEmpty: TValue; static;
    procedure Get<T>(out Result: T);
    class operator Implicit(const Value: string): TValue;
    class operator Implicit(Value: Integer): TValue;
    class operator Implicit(Value: Cardinal): TValue;
    class operator Implicit(Value: Single): TValue;
    class operator Implicit(Value: Double): TValue;
    class operator Implicit(Value: Extended): TValue;
    class operator Implicit(Value: Currency): TValue;
    class operator Implicit(Value: Int64): TValue;
    class operator Implicit(Value: UInt64): TValue;
    class operator Implicit(Value: TObject): TValue;
    class operator Implicit(Value: TClass): TValue;
    class operator Implicit(Value: Boolean): TValue;
    class operator Implicit(const VarRec: TVarRec): TValue; inline;
    class function FromVariant(const Value: Variant): TValue; static;
    class function From<T>(const Value: T): TValue; inline; static;
    class function FromOrdinal(ATypeInfo: PTypeInfo; AValue: Int64): TValue; static;
    class function FromArray(ArrayTypeInfo: PTypeInfo; const Values: array of TValue): TValue; static;
    class function FromVarRec(const VarRec: TVarRec): TValue; static;
    property Kind: TTypeKind read GetTypeKind;
    property TypeInfo: PTypeInfo read GetTypeInfo;
    property TypeData: PTypeData read GetTypeDataProp;
    property IsEmpty: Boolean read GetIsEmpty;
    function IsObject: Boolean;
    function IsObjectInstance: Boolean;
    function AsObject: TObject;
    function IsInstanceOf(AClass: TClass): Boolean;
    function IsClass: Boolean; inline;
    function AsClass: TClass; inline;
    function IsOrdinal: Boolean;
    function AsOrdinal: Int64;
    function TryAsOrdinal(out AResult: Int64): Boolean;
    function IsType<T>(const EmptyAsAnyType: Boolean = True): Boolean; overload; inline;
    function IsType(ATypeInfo: PTypeInfo; const EmptyAsAnyType: Boolean = True): Boolean; overload;
    function AsType<T>(const EmptyAsAnyType: Boolean = True): T;
    function TryAsType<T>(out AResult: T; const EmptyAsAnyType: Boolean = True): Boolean;
    function Cast<T>(const EmptyAsAnyType: Boolean = True): TValue; overload;
    function Cast(ATypeInfo: PTypeInfo; const EmptyAsAnyType: Boolean = True): TValue; overload;
    function TryCast(ATypeInfo: PTypeInfo; out AResult: TValue; const EmptyAsAnyType: Boolean = True): Boolean;
    function AsInteger: Integer;
    function AsBoolean: Boolean;
    function AsExtended: Extended;
    function AsInt64: Int64;
    function AsUInt64: UInt64;
    function AsInterface: IInterface;
    function AsString: string;
    function AsVariant: Variant;
    function AsCurrency: Currency;
    function IsArray: Boolean;
    function CastToVarRec: TValue;
    function AsVarRec: TVarRec;
    function GetArrayLength: Integer;
    function GetArrayElement(Index: Integer): TValue;
    procedure SetArrayElement(Index: Integer; const AValue: TValue);
    class procedure Make(ABuffer: Pointer; ATypeInfo: PTypeInfo; var Result: TValue); overload; static;
    class procedure Make(AValue: NativeInt; ATypeInfo: PTypeInfo; var Result: TValue); overload; static;
    class procedure Make<T>(const Value: T; var Result: TValue); overload; static; inline;
    class procedure MakeWithoutCopy(ABuffer: Pointer; ATypeInfo: PTypeInfo; var Result: TValue; IsMoved: Boolean = False); overload; static;
    property DataSize: Integer read GetDataSize;
    procedure ExtractRawData(ABuffer: Pointer);
    procedure ExtractRawDataNoCopy(ABuffer: Pointer);
    function GetReferenceToRawData: Pointer;
    function GetReferenceToRawArrayElement(Index: Integer): Pointer;
    class property Empty: TValue read GetEmpty;
    function ToString: string;
    FTypeInfo: PTypeInfo;
    FValueData: IValueData;
    case Integer of
      0: (FAsUByte: Byte);
      1: (FAsUWord: Word);
      2: (FAsULong: Cardinal);
      3: (FAsObject: Pointer);
      4: (FAsClass: TClass);
      5: (FAsSByte: ShortInt);
      6: (FAsSWord: SmallInt);
      7: (FAsSLong: Integer);
      8: (FAsSingle: Single);
      9: (FAsDouble: Double);
      10: (FAsExtended: Extended);
      11: (FAsComp: Comp);
      12: (FAsCurr: Currency);
      13: (FAsUInt64: UInt64);
      14: (FAsSInt64: Int64);
      15: (FAsMethod: TMethod);
      16: (FAsPointer: Pointer);


struct __declspec(delphirecord) TValue
    static TValue FEmpty;
    bool __fastcall GetIsEmpty();
    System::Typinfo::PTypeInfo __fastcall GetTypeInfo();
    System::TTypeKind __fastcall GetTypeKind();
    System::Typinfo::PTypeData __fastcall GetTypeDataProp();
    int __fastcall GetDataSize();
    __fastcall TValue(System::Typinfo::PTypeInfo ATypeInfo);
    static TValue __fastcall GetEmpty();
    template<typename T> void __fastcall Get(/* out */ T &Result);
    static TValue __fastcall _op_Implicit(const System::UnicodeString Value);
    static TValue __fastcall _op_Implicit(int Value);
    static TValue __fastcall _op_Implicit(unsigned Value);
    static TValue __fastcall _op_Implicit(float Value);
    static TValue __fastcall _op_Implicit(double Value);
    static TValue __fastcall _op_Implicit(System::Extended Value);
    static TValue __fastcall _op_Implicit(System::Currency Value);
    static TValue __fastcall _op_Implicit(__int64 Value);
    static TValue __fastcall _op_Implicit(unsigned __int64 Value);
    static TValue __fastcall _op_Implicit(System::TObject* Value);
    static TValue __fastcall _op_Implicit(System::TClass Value);
    static TValue __fastcall _op_Implicit(bool Value);
    static TValue __fastcall _op_Implicit(const System::TVarRec &VarRec);
    static TValue __fastcall FromVariant(const System::Variant &Value);
    template<typename T> static TValue __fastcall From(const T Value);
    static TValue __fastcall FromOrdinal(System::Typinfo::PTypeInfo ATypeInfo, __int64 AValue);
    static TValue __fastcall FromArray(System::Typinfo::PTypeInfo ArrayTypeInfo, const TValue *Values, const int Values_High);
    static TValue __fastcall FromVarRec(const System::TVarRec &VarRec);
    __property System::TTypeKind Kind = {read=GetTypeKind};
    __property System::Typinfo::PTypeInfo TypeInfo = {read=GetTypeInfo};
    __property System::Typinfo::PTypeData TypeData = {read=GetTypeDataProp};
    __property bool IsEmpty = {read=GetIsEmpty};
    bool __fastcall IsObject();
    bool __fastcall IsObjectInstance();
    System::TObject* __fastcall AsObject();
    bool __fastcall IsInstanceOf(System::TClass AClass);
    bool __fastcall IsClass();
    System::TClass __fastcall AsClass();
    bool __fastcall IsOrdinal();
    __int64 __fastcall AsOrdinal();
    bool __fastcall TryAsOrdinal(/* out */ __int64 &AResult);
    template<typename T> bool __fastcall IsType(const bool EmptyAsAnyType = true)/* overload */;
    bool __fastcall IsType(System::Typinfo::PTypeInfo ATypeInfo, const bool EmptyAsAnyType = true)/* overload */;
    template<typename T> T __fastcall AsType(const bool EmptyAsAnyType = true);
    template<typename T> bool __fastcall TryAsType(/* out */ T &AResult, const bool EmptyAsAnyType = true);
    template<typename T> TValue __fastcall Cast(const bool EmptyAsAnyType = true)/* overload */;
    TValue __fastcall Cast(System::Typinfo::PTypeInfo ATypeInfo, const bool EmptyAsAnyType = true)/* overload */;
    bool __fastcall TryCast(System::Typinfo::PTypeInfo ATypeInfo, /* out */ TValue &AResult, const bool EmptyAsAnyType = true);
    int __fastcall AsInteger();
    bool __fastcall AsBoolean();
    System::Extended __fastcall AsExtended();
    __int64 __fastcall AsInt64();
    unsigned __int64 __fastcall AsUInt64();
    System::_di_IInterface __fastcall AsInterface();
    System::UnicodeString __fastcall AsString();
    System::Variant __fastcall AsVariant();
    System::Currency __fastcall AsCurrency();
    bool __fastcall IsArray();
    TValue __fastcall CastToVarRec();
    System::TVarRec __fastcall AsVarRec();
    int __fastcall GetArrayLength();
    TValue __fastcall GetArrayElement(int Index);
    void __fastcall SetArrayElement(int Index, const TValue &AValue);
    static void __fastcall Make(void * ABuffer, System::Typinfo::PTypeInfo ATypeInfo, TValue &Result)/* overload */;
    static void __fastcall Make(NativeInt AValue, System::Typinfo::PTypeInfo ATypeInfo, TValue &Result)/* overload */;
    template<typename T> static void __fastcall Make(const T Value, TValue &Result)/* overload */;
    static void __fastcall MakeWithoutCopy(void * ABuffer, System::Typinfo::PTypeInfo ATypeInfo, TValue &Result, bool IsMoved = false)/* overload */;
    __property int DataSize = {read=GetDataSize};
    void __fastcall ExtractRawData(void * ABuffer);
    void __fastcall ExtractRawDataNoCopy(void * ABuffer);
    void * __fastcall GetReferenceToRawData();
    void * __fastcall GetReferenceToRawArrayElement(int Index);
    /* static */ __property TValue Empty = {read=GetEmpty};
    System::UnicodeString __fastcall ToString();
    System::Typinfo::TTypeInfo *FTypeInfo;
    _di_IValueData FValueData;
    TValue() {}
    TValue& operator =(const System::UnicodeString Value) { *this = TValue::_op_Implicit(Value); return *this; }
    TValue& operator =(int Value) { *this = TValue::_op_Implicit(Value); return *this; }
    TValue& operator =(unsigned Value) { *this = TValue::_op_Implicit(Value); return *this; }
    TValue& operator =(float Value) { *this = TValue::_op_Implicit(Value); return *this; }
    TValue& operator =(double Value) { *this = TValue::_op_Implicit(Value); return *this; }
    TValue& operator =(System::Extended Value) { *this = TValue::_op_Implicit(Value); return *this; }
    TValue& operator =(System::Currency Value) { *this = TValue::_op_Implicit(Value); return *this; }
    TValue& operator =(__int64 Value) { *this = TValue::_op_Implicit(Value); return *this; }
    TValue& operator =(unsigned __int64 Value) { *this = TValue::_op_Implicit(Value); return *this; }
    TValue& operator =(System::TObject* Value) { *this = TValue::_op_Implicit(Value); return *this; }
    TValue& operator =(System::TClass Value) { *this = TValue::_op_Implicit(Value); return *this; }
    TValue& operator =(bool Value) { *this = TValue::_op_Implicit(Value); return *this; }
    TValue& operator =(const System::TVarRec &VarRec) { *this = TValue::_op_Implicit(VarRec); return *this; }
            void *FAsPointer;
            System::TMethod FAsMethod;
            __int64 FAsSInt64;
            unsigned __int64 FAsUInt64;
            System::CurrencyBase FAsCurr;
            System::CompBase FAsComp;
            System::Extended FAsExtended;
            double FAsDouble;
            float FAsSingle;
            int FAsSLong;
            short FAsSWord;
            System::Int8 FAsSByte;
            System::TClass FAsClass;
            void *FAsObject;
            unsigned FAsULong;
            System::Word FAsUWord;
            System::Byte FAsUByte;


Type Visibilité  Source Unité  Parent
System.Rtti System.Rtti


Représente une version légère du type Variant.

TValue est une structure de données qui peut stocker différentes sortes de types de données. TValue est utilisé dans l'unité Rtti pour faciliter l'accès aux champs et aux paramètres des méthodes.

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