New features and customer reported issues fixed in RAD Studio 12.2

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RAD Studio™️ is the ultimate RAD environment for quickly building high-performance native cross-platform applications in Delphi and modern C++ using integrated toolchains loved by developers.


RAD Studio 12.2 has a strong focus on quality improvements. Key quality focus areas include:

  • C++ Clang Toolchain
  • Delphi 64-bit Binary Compilers
  • IDE
  • Visual Assist
  • Smart CodeInsight
  • ToolsAPI
  • Debugger
  • RAD Studio WebStencils
  • Libraries

Please visit the 12 Athens - Release 2 page for a detailed list of new features.

Publicly reported bugs fixed in 12.2

RAD Studio 12.1 Athens release includes over 400 quality and performance enhancements for publicly reported bugs.

Summary Component/s ExternalID
C++ Builder - TwineCompile not aware changes in designer 3rd Party RSS-1476
Turbo Power components compilation/installation problem persists after providing version dated 2024-04-19 3rd Party RSS-713
Bug in project for C++Builder Getit DOScommand package 3rd Party RSS-458
There are issues with installing Getit packages from Turbo Power components Orpheus, Png, PowerPdf, SynEdit, SysTools, VirtualTree in C++Builder IDE 3rd Party RSS-455
Windows Styles regression to 1.0 from 2.0 in GetIt 3rd Party, IDE RSS-862
error when using unicodestring in header Compiler\C++ RSS-1212
[clang 32/64/64x] Closures are not zero initialized with {} Compiler\C++ RSS-583
Boost cannot detect new Modern C++ 64-bit compiler - thinks it is __GNUC__ Compiler\C++ RSS-554
Enable Modern C++ for C++ Builder package projects Compiler\C++ RSS-539
Batch compilation does not work with bcc64x/Win64x Compiler\C++ RSS-495
[BCC64x REGRESSION] No option to suppress the default configuration file Compiler\C++ RSS-403
"Delay load DLLs" do not work with the "Windows 64-bit (Modern)" toolchain Compiler\C++, Linker RSS-905
{Unicode,Wide,RawByte}String does not implement std::hash (bcc64x/Win64x) Compiler\C++, RTL\C++ RSS-493
Delphi compiler hangs when building through command line with msbuild after migrating to Delphi 12 Compiler\Delphi RSS-1129
Invalid breakpoint condition. E2158 System unit out of date or corrupted: missing 'String' Compiler\Delphi RSS-1111
E2026 error when evaluating an $IF directive with an undefined identifier Compiler\Delphi RSS-1075
W1023 warning when comparing an undefined identifier in an $IF directive Compiler\Delphi RSS-1074
Exception on Real48 Const param under WIN64 Compiler\Delphi RSS-719
Android compile Resources Compiler\Delphi RSS-631
[dcc32 Fatal Error] PythonFmx.dpk(70): Internal Error: AV00B5992F-R0000014C-0 Compiler\Delphi RSS-574
Access violation in coreide Compiler\Delphi RSS-563
Compiler Internal Error F084 T5876 Compiler\Delphi RSS-556
Delphi 64-bit DPK compilation problem Compiler\Delphi RSS-536
[Win64] CountPopulation32() changes variable Compiler\Delphi RSS-510
F2084 Internal Error: NI5166 Compiler\Delphi RSS-497
Deploy existing Android project fails due to path error. Compiler\Delphi RSS-448
Internal Compiler error AV5A1299F7(5A060000)-R0000014C-0 Compiler\Delphi RSS-446
Error F2084: Interner Fehler: AV006A992F-R0000014C-0 Compiler\Delphi RSS-425
String with non-ASCII characters directly attached to a #xx or #$xx literal corrupts the final string Compiler\Delphi RSS-391
paserver-docker. Disk space occupation, script on Git incomplete, error on run from Delphi and other (We paid 5000 euros for the license a few weeks ago!) Compiler\Delphi, Linker RSS-1076
FireDAC error “String constant is not terminated properly or is too long” if the SQL query displays fields from more than 25 tables in the “select” section (PostgreSQL) Data, Data\FireDAC RSS-957
DataExplorer View Methods (RTTI objects cannot be manually destroyed by application code) Data\Data Explorer, IDE RSS-1066
Event OnValidate fails when the dbgrid is full - AGAIN-AGAIN! Data\DBCtrls RSS-1583
TDBGridInplaceEdit in implemention section of unit TDBGrid Data\DBCtrls RSS-1393
DBGrid CreateEditor cannot be overridden because it expects the type TDBGridInplaceEdit, which is not accessible Data\DBCtrls RSS-1384
TDBNavigator component does not respect High DPI mode. Data\DBCtrls RSS-762
FormatBcd() is missing the decimal point for a currency mask Data\DBRtl RSS-1383
FireDAC does not treat 'OFFSET' as a keyword targeting a Firebird 4 database Data\FireDAC RSS-1351
Incorrect value of a TAggregateField in a TClientDataSet after setting IndexFieldName and refiltering Data\MIDAS RSS-783
Security for Swagger missing Data\RADServer RSS-1410
TDownloadURL.DownloadRawBytes() fails to download Data\REST RSS-1382
TDownloadURL.DownloadRawBytes (Rest.Client.Pas) tries to convert Response data with no ContentType to a string Data\REST RSS-1222
Debugger hangs and blocks the process Debugger RSS-1400
E2158 System unit out of date or corrupted: missing 'String' while evaluating function call in Win64 project using runtime packages Debugger RSS-1105
64 bit debugger show bad values on enum type in record Debugger RSS-1081
Debug Delphi 12 IDE for Components design time Debugger RSS-1044
Delphi Debugger shows wrong values Debugger RSS-898
12.1 Win64(Modern) C++ Debugger does not break at a breakpoint that is set at a Constructor-Initializationlist-Item, Win64 Debugger still does Debugger RSS-815
Debugging while editing with split windows split windows is not fun Debugger RSS-735
Strange display of certain strings in debugger Debugger RSS-508
Source window hidden when debugging (split view) Debugger, IDE RSS-1284
After closing CPU window multiple Navigators will be raised Debugger, IDE RSS-671
Strange behavior when using FMX TEdit with 'FilterChar' filled FireMonkey RSS-1268
Grid Paging does not work FireMonkey RSS-1242
Italics does not render in Firemonkey when SKIA is enabled on Apple platforms iOS and MACOS FireMonkey RSS-1231
ScrollBox style bug FireMonkey RSS-1187
Presentation proxy inheriting from FMX.Edit.Style.TStyledEdit is unable to accept characters in android (Autocomplete not possible) FireMonkey RSS-1060
TEdit have problem with caret positioning when text need scrolling FireMonkey RSS-1052
The first element of a TListBox appears below the TSearchBox. FireMonkey RSS-1043
Memory leaks when playing video files with FMX TMediaPlayer component on Delphi Android APK FireMonkey RSS-978
Incorrect Declaration and Inheritance of PointInObjectLocal in TEllipse and TCircle Classes FireMonkey RSS-944
FMX Edit Control - wrong update of caret position FireMonkey RSS-872
stringgrideditingdone not trigger FireMonkey RSS-832
TMemo onKeyDown loses selection FireMonkey RSS-790
Inputquery only show 8 Characters in Value Field FireMonkey RSS-738
App created by Delphi 12, 12.1 cannot be executed in iOS Simulator 17.4, but 16.4 is ok. FireMonkey RSS-701
TTextControl.DoChanged incorrect text assign FireMonkey RSS-648
C++ editor does not display "final" keyword in bold IDE RSS-1441
Multi-line constant declared within a procedure breaks ctrl+shift+[up or down arrow] navigation between its declaration and implementation IDE RSS-1263
Code completion affected by Multiline strings IDE RSS-1146
Delphi 12.1 crash when deletes TSearchBox IDE RSS-1042
Change colour of editor up/down scroll bar slider when in "dark mode" - it's too dark when you have a long source code file IDE RSS-934
ToDo list column customization dialog not scaled on HiDPI IDE RSS-858
Add ToDo list entry dialog not scaled on HiDPI IDE RSS-857
IDE Style settings - Editor "Visual Studio (TM)" IDE RSS-782
Truncation in search and replace (French version) IDE RSS-727
Delphi IDE History EditorControl causa exception com double clique em tipos class ou record IDE RSS-666
Cannot Add Windows 64-bit Modern platform to bpl IDE RSS-591
Delphi12.1 some times the switch code/Design Tab will dispare. IDE RSS-560
[VCL menus] RAD Studio 12.1 IDE - GUI Bug IDE RSS-525
RAD Studio Delphi editor "Complete Class at Cursor" not work with multiline string literals IDE RSS-499
Ctrl+Click not working for namespace name in unit IDE RSS-492
Split View Window Locations and Size aren't being saved properly when saved as a Layout IDE RSS-484
Dual split-view center resizing changes objectinspector width IDE RSS-467
Crash collector points to wrong JIRA IDE RSS-444
C++ syntax highlight for "final" keyword IDE RSS-411
TPanel don't show correct Font.Color when in design mode IDE, IDE\VCL Designer RSS-830
Packaging of .apk file uses the wrong AndroidManifest.xml file IDE\Build System RSS-1093
Delphi 12.1 installs too many files in the lib directories Install RSS-606
Linker duplicate symbol warnings for Win64x (Modern) Linker RSS-918
Using _wctime with bcc64x results in undefined symbol when linking with bcc64x RTL\C++ RSS-1451
missing soaprtl for Modern Win64x RTL\C++ RSS-638
The UTF8ToString function is incorrectly declared in the System.hpp file. RTL\C++ RSS-450
Application crashes during _InitExe RTL\Delphi RSS-1436
TRttiNamedObject.HasName is implemented wrong RTL\Delphi RSS-1240
Infinite recursion (stack overflow) in System.RTTI.TValue.AsXXXX when inspecting properties having types declared as "type MyType = type variant;" RTL\Delphi RSS-1095
TCurlHTTPClient.ProtocolVersion is only applied for THTTPProtocolVersion.HTTP_2_0. Assigning ProtocolVersion to THTTPProtocolVersion.HTTP_1_0 or THTTPProtocolVersion.HTTP_1_1 has no effect. RTL\Delphi RSS-1058
RAD Studio 12: performance degradation when comparing generics RTL\Delphi RSS-886
System.UIConsts / Colors.Lightgoldenrodyellow called clLightcyan RTL\Delphi RSS-613
TCustomRESTRequest.DoPrepareQueryString doesn't encode all unsafe characters RTL\Delphi RSS-575
Delphi TJSONNumber Double Incorrect JSON value RTL\Delphi RSS-523
Wrong color constant RTL\Delphi RSS-488
Error in function TTask.GetExceptionObject for EAggregateException(E) in System.Threading.pas RTL\Delphi RSS-478
getdir returns incorrect results for absent drives RTL\Delphi RSS-453
F2084 Internal Error: compiling Win64 Package RTL\Delphi RSS-447
[Try]StrToDateTime() fails with string that worked fine in earlier versions RTL\Delphi\Date/Time RSS-1014
TPath.GetPathRoot Returns Incorrect Value for UNC-Style Rooted Paths RTL\Delphi\I/O RSS-787
TURI.AddParameter not encode value contain ampersand or equal RTL\Delphi\Net RSS-908
THttpClient SetClientCertificate(Filename, Password) causa erro na requisição mas com Stream funciona correto RTL\Delphi\Net, SOAP RSS-603
MDI apps tiling minimised windows on Delphi 12 VCL RSS-1396
TNumberbox.AcceptExpression does not work if Live Binding is used VCL RSS-1168
TTreeView does not display the state image associated with a node VCL RSS-1166
Memory Leak in TListView with OwnerData = True VCL RSS-1006
Incorrect Scaling of Vcl.Dialogs.MessageDlg VCL RSS-873
Incorrect Scaling of Vcl.Dialogs.InputQuery VCL RSS-867
REGRESSION in Delphi 12: Tremendously poor performance in large, virtual TListView controls when you switch to or from remote desktop VCL RSS-771
JSON Parse Double VCL RSS-683
In Delphi 12, a strange jitter of controls appeared in the Child windows of an MDI application VCL RSS-570
No winsock2.h with bcc64x Compiler, Compiler\C++ RSP-42677
StringTable and LoadStr Compiler, Compiler\C++ RSP-40084
Clang pre-compiled link error with VCL.IMAGING.JPEG.h Compiler, Compiler\C++ RSP-23995
Does not support linking with library compiled with XCode 14 Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-44018
CompilerBug 64Bit Delphi Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-42760
Extend supported target platforms to RHEL 9 Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-42462
Compiler error without inline active Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-42459
Internal Error URW1380 with {$R} switch Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-42795
Recursive Generic Types causes infinite compiler loop Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-41959
x64 Compiler generates wrong code in specific situation Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-41772
The canvas is not correctly fetching the resource brush Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-40620
C++ Builder linker fails to link Delphi units that use units with generics Compiler, Compiler\Delphi RSP-39252
Repeated inline var declaration causes repeated debugger variable display Compiler, Compiler\Delphi, Debugger RSP-23056
Using {$WEAKLINKRTTI ON} causes access violation on TList<T>.IndexOf method Compiler, Compiler\Delphi, RTL\Delphi RSP-43423
Datasnap corrupt data when transfering AnsiString/RawByteString Data, Data\DataSnap, RTL, RTL\C++ RSP-42257
TDBLookupListBox doesn't stay at the height it was designed at runtime. Data, Data\DBCtrls, VCL RSP-40245
Request for Sample and Documentation Tutorial for TEMSFileResource in RAD Server Data\RADServer RSP-37132
Can't debug dynamically loaded bpls Debugger RSP-40585
Evaluate/Modify is not working properly Debugger, IDE RSP-43503
Access violation when using vertical TSplitter3D FireMonkey RSP-44292
TControl FIsFocused is not managed correctly. FireMonkey RSP-44053
FMX.TSpinBox behaves erratically with styles FireMonkey RSP-43942
Modal Windows can be mininmized on mac! WRONG! FireMonkey RSP-43398
Error viewing a Form3D on MAC OSX Sonoma FireMonkey RSP-42750
Incorrect call of the IsExpanded animation trigger on tree elements FireMonkey RSP-43023
Combobox with custom dropdown crash when embedded in a ListboxItem FireMonkey RSP-42210
Deleting text while holding Ctrl in Memo FireMonkey RSP-43126
label or button setting right & bottom anchors in TPresentedScrollBox are not display FireMonkey RSP-42093
The OnClick event on the button on the ListBox Group Header on the first row of the listbox does not work FireMonkey RSP-42088
FMX SKIA Bimap drawing is not multithreaded FireMonkey RSP-42636
Delete Button in Items Editor is always disabled FireMonkey RSP-41914
Gradiant property not applying (TRectangle, etc) FireMonkey RSP-41555
TLightMaterial specular is not correct FireMonkey RSP-39430
Allow overriding of targetSdkVersion value in the Android manifest FireMonkey RSP-38976
Simplifying the import of images in TImageList and MultiResBitmaps properties FireMonkey RSP-38638
Wrong cursor when overlapping (macOS) window FireMonkey RSP-38531
IDE crashes, fmx listview in frames with Appearance inherited on mainform FireMonkey RSP-37727
Adding light/dark theme detection as Platform Services for Windows FireMonkey RSP-37290
Treeview does not allow operation change on DragOver FireMonkey RSP-36627
add "rename" option for the source image in the FMX TImageList editor FireMonkey RSP-36038
TStringGrid cropping error when changing StyleBook FireMonkey RSP-34624
Add an option to automatically resize TGridPanelLayout col / row percentage FireMonkey RSP-34544
Deleting an item in a combobox clears the current item FireMonkey RSP-33613
TFloatAnimation don't auto start when enabled on TGlyph.Position.X property FireMonkey RSP-30503
TMapView + iOS/iPadOS + Zooming FireMonkey RSP-27053
Android 9 - StatusBar / Main Form - Gap FireMonkey RSP-26222
ListView PullToRefresh and DragHighlight not working when no items FireMonkey RSP-24205
[Mobile] onTap Event sometimes doesn't fire FireMonkey RSP-23848
Misspelled words in TMemo with SpellCheck enabled causes OSX Runtime error 231 FireMonkey RSP-19225
TMemo in Delphi 10.2 does not handle blank lines when themes are disabled FireMonkey RSP-19186
Row index out of range message when scrolling up in a TGrid with only few rows on iOS FireMonkey RSP-18920
When the data in memory is picture data, TEdit and TMemo component is pasted right and memory leaks appear FireMonkey RSP-18475
Extra border around controls with ShadowEffect when set to Visible during RunTime FireMonkey, FireMonkey\Effects RSP-36577
TImageList editor arrow key handling is broken FireMonkey, IDE RSP-33278
TTabItems can't be selected when the TabControl is on a Firemonkey Frame FireMonkey, IDE RSP-33269
MemStream.CopyFrom(AStream, AStream.Size) must be rewriten to ​MemStream.CopyFrom(AStream, AStream.Size - AStream.Position); FireMonkey, RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-44034
German help topic wrong Help and Doc RSP-42416
Toolbars are confused after switch high DPI and DPI unaware IDE RSP-44040
Generación de código con IA - Code generation with AI IDE RSP-43863
Form designer on High-DPI destroys Frame IDE RSP-43560
Use Unit dialog lacks keyboard accelerators IDE RSP-43514
Sizing issue in the toolbar of IDE IDE RSP-43328
Misaligned control in Options > IDE > Desktop and Layout IDE RSP-43280
Import of google-services.json fails if the Project Options are not saved, then reloaded IDE RSP-42695
Using Intel One Mono font in the IDE IDE RSP-41848
Custom title bar (TTitleBarPanel) breaks form designer IDE RSP-41798
C++ code formatting does nothing when invoked IDE RSP-37898
Show coloured information (e.g. red for error lines) on scrollbar IDE RSP-36872
Remember size of Image Collection Editor IDE RSP-36220
Difficult to recognize bookmark icons IDE RSP-35429
Compiler errors and find results appear as clickable marks on the editor vertical scrollbar IDE RSP-35410
Copilot AI for Object Pascal developers IDE RSP-34526
Ctrl-Click not working for forward class declaration IDE RSP-34762
Allow copying of text from path edit in package install dialog IDE RSP-34025
Display issue IDE RSP-33647
Context menu 'show in explorer' does not work on folders IDE RSP-33285
IDE Toolbar not anymore configrable with two rows IDE RSP-33199
Options dialog repaint while scrolling is extremely slow IDE RSP-30675
Classic Undocked layout does not handle the Windows Taskbar docked to the left of the screen IDE RSP-29901
IDE crashes probably due to failed refactoring invocation IDE RSP-29407
The breakpoint mark is white-based antialiased IDE RSP-26996
IDE toolbars randomly repositionig itself IDE RSP-23832
Missing Resize/Position of Controls In Dialog "Install packages" IDE RSP-21698
IDE Crash when opening project with long string const definition IDE RSP-22274
Tools / Options / [..] / CodeInsight has HTML as default selected IDE RSP-21966
[REGRESSION] Tools->Options tree is no longer pre-expanded IDE RSP-22082
FMX Form Designer - resizeable grips not updated to new design IDE RSP-22025
[AV] Access violation during IDE initialisation, caused by ThemeLoader IDE RSP-22013
Tools/Options/[..]/Subversion screen has cutoff comboboxes and text IDE RSP-22325
Tools / Options / [..] / CodeInsight layout issue IDE RSP-22259
IDE does not show the selected component if a few layers of tlayout. IDE RSP-22297
Environment Options list selected line gets darker IDE RSP-21388
Edit in Objectinspector is not drawn correctly IDE RSP-22214
Intermittent Black Text on Dark background in IDE windows IDE RSP-22221
IDE: Options pages look badly IDE RSP-22171
[C++][BUILD] No Windows 7 in "Windows header file version defines" IDE, IDE\Build System RSP-12504
in C++ Builder 11 "Method Toxicity Metrics..." does not work at all IDE, IDE\Castalia RSP-35448
[DelphiLSP] Forward class declaration navigation IDE, IDE\Code Insight RSP-33157
XE8 IDE Toolbar Items get messy if VM Screen size is changing IDE, IDE\General RSP-11144
64 bit library paths are wiped when installing 10.2.3 update. IDE, Install RSP-20108
checkbox size issue at design-time IDE, VCL RSP-42598
Add splitter to TTreeview items editor window IDE, VCL RSP-41193
TCategoryPanel: Add "Collapse panel" and "Expand panel" to form designer context menu IDE, VCL RSP-38920
FireDAC libs extracted to unselected platforms Install RSP-36009
Library Paths are not preserved Install RSP-28434
extern DELPHI_PACKAGE UnicodeString __fastcall UTF8ToUnicodeString(const RawByteString S) cannot be linked in new C++ builder Linker RSP-43620
C++Builder linker error when compiling Delphi unit that uses TDictionary Linker RSP-39694
Inefficient code in Androidapi.JNIBridge and Macapi.ObjectiveC RTL RSP-21461
_com_issue_error RTL, RTL\C++, RTL\C++\Other RSP-23625
TFile.Copy raises EDirectoryNotFoundException with extended prefixed file RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-43234
TRegistry.WriteNone for REG_NONE RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-42544
SysUtils.DirectoryExists - wrong result with some UNC paths RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-41777
EEncodingError - 'No mapping for the Unicode character exists in the target multi-byte code page' RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-41533
conditional expression dont work as expect RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-38877
System.TypInfo.GetConstRecordArgMode.RecOps code review RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-37967
Leak in TParallel.For / EAggregateException RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-30403
Error in the implementation of the binary search algorithm in the System.DCU unit - assignment of a negative value to an unsigned variable in System.pas, the function GetPreferredLangForOldOS(LANGID: Word): string; RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-18632
TFile.Read***/Write*** API Encoding inconsistency RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-14120
TFile.AppendAllText throws EEncodingError due to bogus text encoding detection code RTL, RTL\Delphi RSP-13839
EAggregateException of System.Threading not working anymore RTL, RTL\Delphi, RTL\Delphi\Threads RSP-30720
ForceDirectories fails with creating sub folder in the root folder with UNC prefix RTL, RTL\Delphi, VCL RSP-41441
ExtractFileDrive misses a Windows specific UNC case RTL\Delphi\I/O RSP-31109
NetHTTPClient with Curl on windows works wrong. RTL\Delphi\Net RSP-43273
Labels on categorypanels is not painted correctly on remote desktops VCL RSP-44314
TDateTimePickercheck box does not scale correctly with DPI VCL RSP-44231
MDI child icon not shown with styles VCL RSP-44249
Position of child of minimised MDI form with poOwnerFormCenter is incorrect VCL RSP-44110
There is no sample for TFormTabsBar VCL RSP-43645
Form's CustomTitleBar.ButtonPressedBackgroundColor has no effect on the Maximize/Restore button VCL RSP-43502
Styled Forms border incorrectly drawn VCL RSP-43369
Font size change does not trigger the FontChanged event VCL RSP-43270
Docked form has "x" (for closing) cropped VCL RSP-42384
TSearchBox images are very small in HighDPI/4K environment VCL RSP-42285
Tabsheet not center when there are 2 lines in LeftToRight VCL RSP-43061
Display issues with menus when per control style is used VCL RSP-41998
Incorrect Scaling of Vcl.Dialogs.MessageDlg VCL RSP-41989
HighDPI Scaling issues with buttons and lines on trees. VCL RSP-41872
HiDpi - Per monitor - 300% - Wrong font size in TRichEdit after application starts on secondary monitor VCL RSP-41507
TWebBrowser scales Edge incorrectly if Windows scale <> 100% VCL RSP-41456
Listview OwnData Trigger OnData incorrectly VCL RSP-41357
TFindDialog ignores the ParentWnd value given to Execute VCL RSP-41307
TCustomGrid.InvalidateCol and InvalidateRow do not invalidate cells beyond VisibleRowCount and VisibleColCount VCL RSP-41280
Memory leak in TListView when OwnerData=True and Items.Add() is called VCL RSP-41256
Toolbar separator themeing VCL RSP-40442
TCategoryPanelGroup refreshing issues VCL RSP-40213
Direct2DCanvas Rectangle ignore TPenStyle.psClear VCL RSP-40179
Paint error in Window10 in design time. (TCategoryPanel) VCL RSP-40141
Scaling of TFrame created at runtime VCL RSP-40110
Exception messages are cut off using VCL Styles VCL RSP-39847
TImageList Editor changes order of images at replace command VCL RSP-39068
MessageDlg - inconsistent behaviour when using styles VCL RSP-39020
TSaveDialog is not resizable when using a style VCL RSP-38868
TCategoryPanelGroup does not repaint when a categorypanel collapse/expands VCL RSP-38860
TActionManager items stay shaded after moving mouse VCL RSP-38840
Popup set to wsMaximized / bsNone displays incorrectly VCL RSP-38631
PageControl tabsheet caption with line break not align to center as one line caption VCL RSP-37639
TForm.Padding not scaling VCL RSP-37082
Wrong High DPI Scaling in Frames VCL RSP-37402
HiDpi - Per monitor - TStatusBar - OwnerDraw panel - small font when using styles (e.g. Carbon) VCL RSP-36916
High DPI problem with frames VCL RSP-36167
TitleBarPanel: System button symbols are not correctly centered when SystemButtons option deactivated under Windows 11 VCL RSP-35965
toolbar button order confusion VCL RSP-35584
TTabControlStyleHook access violation VCL RSP-34239
TSplitView.AnimationStep is not DPI aware VCL RSP-29917
Replacing an image in a TImage list changes the order of the images VCL RSP-29809
ChangeLink of TMenu and many more components is still used after Free VCL RSP-23968
Inconsistent behavior of TTitleBarPanel after assignment to TForm.CustomTitleBar.Control VCL RSP-28930
Exception error when Style changes back to "Windows" [Regression] VCL, VCL\Styles/Themes RSP-40664

See Also