New features and customer reported issues fixed in RAD Studio 12.2
RAD Studio™️ is the ultimate RAD environment for quickly building high-performance native cross-platform applications in Delphi and modern C++ using integrated toolchains loved by developers.
RAD Studio 12.2 has a strong focus on quality improvements. Key quality focus areas include:
- C++ Clang Toolchain
- Delphi 64-bit Binary Compilers
- Visual Assist
- Smart CodeInsight
- ToolsAPI
- Debugger
- RAD Studio WebStencils
- Libraries
Please visit the 12 Athens - Release 2 page for a detailed list of new features.
Publicly reported bugs fixed in 12.2
RAD Studio 12.1 Athens release includes over 400 quality and performance enhancements for publicly reported bugs.
Summary | Component/s | ExternalID |
C++ Builder - TwineCompile not aware changes in designer | 3rd Party | RSS-1476 |
Turbo Power components compilation/installation problem persists after providing version dated 2024-04-19 | 3rd Party | RSS-713 |
Bug in project for C++Builder Getit DOScommand package | 3rd Party | RSS-458 |
There are issues with installing Getit packages from Turbo Power components Orpheus, Png, PowerPdf, SynEdit, SysTools, VirtualTree in C++Builder IDE | 3rd Party | RSS-455 |
Windows Styles regression to 1.0 from 2.0 in GetIt | 3rd Party, IDE | RSS-862 |
error when using unicodestring in header | Compiler\C++ | RSS-1212 |
[clang 32/64/64x] Closures are not zero initialized with {} | Compiler\C++ | RSS-583 |
Boost cannot detect new Modern C++ 64-bit compiler - thinks it is __GNUC__ | Compiler\C++ | RSS-554 |
Enable Modern C++ for C++ Builder package projects | Compiler\C++ | RSS-539 |
Batch compilation does not work with bcc64x/Win64x | Compiler\C++ | RSS-495 |
[BCC64x REGRESSION] No option to suppress the default configuration file | Compiler\C++ | RSS-403 |
"Delay load DLLs" do not work with the "Windows 64-bit (Modern)" toolchain | Compiler\C++, Linker | RSS-905 |
{Unicode,Wide,RawByte}String does not implement std::hash (bcc64x/Win64x) | Compiler\C++, RTL\C++ | RSS-493 |
Delphi compiler hangs when building through command line with msbuild after migrating to Delphi 12 | Compiler\Delphi | RSS-1129 |
Invalid breakpoint condition. E2158 System unit out of date or corrupted: missing 'String' | Compiler\Delphi | RSS-1111 |
E2026 error when evaluating an $IF directive with an undefined identifier | Compiler\Delphi | RSS-1075 |
W1023 warning when comparing an undefined identifier in an $IF directive | Compiler\Delphi | RSS-1074 |
Exception on Real48 Const param under WIN64 | Compiler\Delphi | RSS-719 |
Android compile Resources | Compiler\Delphi | RSS-631 |
[dcc32 Fatal Error] PythonFmx.dpk(70): Internal Error: AV00B5992F-R0000014C-0 | Compiler\Delphi | RSS-574 |
Access violation in coreide | Compiler\Delphi | RSS-563 |
Compiler Internal Error F084 T5876 | Compiler\Delphi | RSS-556 |
Delphi 64-bit DPK compilation problem | Compiler\Delphi | RSS-536 |
[Win64] CountPopulation32() changes variable | Compiler\Delphi | RSS-510 |
F2084 Internal Error: NI5166 | Compiler\Delphi | RSS-497 |
Deploy existing Android project fails due to path error. | Compiler\Delphi | RSS-448 |
Internal Compiler error AV5A1299F7(5A060000)-R0000014C-0 | Compiler\Delphi | RSS-446 |
Error F2084: Interner Fehler: AV006A992F-R0000014C-0 | Compiler\Delphi | RSS-425 |
String with non-ASCII characters directly attached to a #xx or #$xx literal corrupts the final string | Compiler\Delphi | RSS-391 |
paserver-docker. Disk space occupation, script on Git incomplete, error on run from Delphi and other (We paid 5000 euros for the license a few weeks ago!) | Compiler\Delphi, Linker | RSS-1076 |
FireDAC error “String constant is not terminated properly or is too long” if the SQL query displays fields from more than 25 tables in the “select” section (PostgreSQL) | Data, Data\FireDAC | RSS-957 |
DataExplorer View Methods (RTTI objects cannot be manually destroyed by application code) | Data\Data Explorer, IDE | RSS-1066 |
Event OnValidate fails when the dbgrid is full - AGAIN-AGAIN! | Data\DBCtrls | RSS-1583 |
TDBGridInplaceEdit in implemention section of unit TDBGrid | Data\DBCtrls | RSS-1393 |
DBGrid CreateEditor cannot be overridden because it expects the type TDBGridInplaceEdit, which is not accessible | Data\DBCtrls | RSS-1384 |
TDBNavigator component does not respect High DPI mode. | Data\DBCtrls | RSS-762 |
FormatBcd() is missing the decimal point for a currency mask | Data\DBRtl | RSS-1383 |
FireDAC does not treat 'OFFSET' as a keyword targeting a Firebird 4 database | Data\FireDAC | RSS-1351 |
Incorrect value of a TAggregateField in a TClientDataSet after setting IndexFieldName and refiltering | Data\MIDAS | RSS-783 |
Security for Swagger missing | Data\RADServer | RSS-1410 |
TDownloadURL.DownloadRawBytes() fails to download | Data\REST | RSS-1382 |
TDownloadURL.DownloadRawBytes (Rest.Client.Pas) tries to convert Response data with no ContentType to a string | Data\REST | RSS-1222 |
Debugger hangs and blocks the process | Debugger | RSS-1400 |
E2158 System unit out of date or corrupted: missing 'String' while evaluating function call in Win64 project using runtime packages | Debugger | RSS-1105 |
64 bit debugger show bad values on enum type in record | Debugger | RSS-1081 |
Debug Delphi 12 IDE for Components design time | Debugger | RSS-1044 |
Delphi Debugger shows wrong values | Debugger | RSS-898 |
12.1 Win64(Modern) C++ Debugger does not break at a breakpoint that is set at a Constructor-Initializationlist-Item, Win64 Debugger still does | Debugger | RSS-815 |
Debugging while editing with split windows split windows is not fun | Debugger | RSS-735 |
Strange display of certain strings in debugger | Debugger | RSS-508 |
Source window hidden when debugging (split view) | Debugger, IDE | RSS-1284 |
After closing CPU window multiple Navigators will be raised | Debugger, IDE | RSS-671 |
Strange behavior when using FMX TEdit with 'FilterChar' filled | FireMonkey | RSS-1268 |
Grid Paging does not work | FireMonkey | RSS-1242 |
Italics does not render in Firemonkey when SKIA is enabled on Apple platforms iOS and MACOS | FireMonkey | RSS-1231 |
ScrollBox style bug | FireMonkey | RSS-1187 |
Presentation proxy inheriting from FMX.Edit.Style.TStyledEdit is unable to accept characters in android (Autocomplete not possible) | FireMonkey | RSS-1060 |
TEdit have problem with caret positioning when text need scrolling | FireMonkey | RSS-1052 |
The first element of a TListBox appears below the TSearchBox. | FireMonkey | RSS-1043 |
Memory leaks when playing video files with FMX TMediaPlayer component on Delphi Android APK | FireMonkey | RSS-978 |
Incorrect Declaration and Inheritance of PointInObjectLocal in TEllipse and TCircle Classes | FireMonkey | RSS-944 |
FMX Edit Control - wrong update of caret position | FireMonkey | RSS-872 |
stringgrideditingdone not trigger | FireMonkey | RSS-832 |
TMemo onKeyDown loses selection | FireMonkey | RSS-790 |
Inputquery only show 8 Characters in Value Field | FireMonkey | RSS-738 |
App created by Delphi 12, 12.1 cannot be executed in iOS Simulator 17.4, but 16.4 is ok. | FireMonkey | RSS-701 |
TTextControl.DoChanged incorrect text assign | FireMonkey | RSS-648 |
C++ editor does not display "final" keyword in bold | IDE | RSS-1441 |
Multi-line constant declared within a procedure breaks ctrl+shift+[up or down arrow] navigation between its declaration and implementation | IDE | RSS-1263 |
Code completion affected by Multiline strings | IDE | RSS-1146 |
Delphi 12.1 crash when deletes TSearchBox | IDE | RSS-1042 |
Change colour of editor up/down scroll bar slider when in "dark mode" - it's too dark when you have a long source code file | IDE | RSS-934 |
ToDo list column customization dialog not scaled on HiDPI | IDE | RSS-858 |
Add ToDo list entry dialog not scaled on HiDPI | IDE | RSS-857 |
IDE Style settings - Editor "Visual Studio (TM)" | IDE | RSS-782 |
Truncation in search and replace (French version) | IDE | RSS-727 |
Delphi IDE History EditorControl causa exception com double clique em tipos class ou record | IDE | RSS-666 |
Cannot Add Windows 64-bit Modern platform to bpl | IDE | RSS-591 |
Delphi12.1 some times the switch code/Design Tab will dispare. | IDE | RSS-560 |
[VCL menus] RAD Studio 12.1 IDE - GUI Bug | IDE | RSS-525 |
RAD Studio Delphi editor "Complete Class at Cursor" not work with multiline string literals | IDE | RSS-499 |
Ctrl+Click not working for namespace name in unit | IDE | RSS-492 |
Split View Window Locations and Size aren't being saved properly when saved as a Layout | IDE | RSS-484 |
Dual split-view center resizing changes objectinspector width | IDE | RSS-467 |
Crash collector points to wrong JIRA | IDE | RSS-444 |
C++ syntax highlight for "final" keyword | IDE | RSS-411 |
TPanel don't show correct Font.Color when in design mode | IDE, IDE\VCL Designer | RSS-830 |
Packaging of .apk file uses the wrong AndroidManifest.xml file | IDE\Build System | RSS-1093 |
Delphi 12.1 installs too many files in the lib directories | Install | RSS-606 |
Linker duplicate symbol warnings for Win64x (Modern) | Linker | RSS-918 |
Using _wctime with bcc64x results in undefined symbol when linking with bcc64x | RTL\C++ | RSS-1451 |
missing soaprtl for Modern Win64x | RTL\C++ | RSS-638 |
The UTF8ToString function is incorrectly declared in the System.hpp file. | RTL\C++ | RSS-450 |
Application crashes during _InitExe | RTL\Delphi | RSS-1436 |
TRttiNamedObject.HasName is implemented wrong | RTL\Delphi | RSS-1240 |
Infinite recursion (stack overflow) in System.RTTI.TValue.AsXXXX when inspecting properties having types declared as "type MyType = type variant;" | RTL\Delphi | RSS-1095 |
TCurlHTTPClient.ProtocolVersion is only applied for THTTPProtocolVersion.HTTP_2_0. Assigning ProtocolVersion to THTTPProtocolVersion.HTTP_1_0 or THTTPProtocolVersion.HTTP_1_1 has no effect. | RTL\Delphi | RSS-1058 |
RAD Studio 12: performance degradation when comparing generics | RTL\Delphi | RSS-886 |
System.UIConsts / Colors.Lightgoldenrodyellow called clLightcyan | RTL\Delphi | RSS-613 |
TCustomRESTRequest.DoPrepareQueryString doesn't encode all unsafe characters | RTL\Delphi | RSS-575 |
Delphi TJSONNumber Double Incorrect JSON value | RTL\Delphi | RSS-523 |
Wrong color constant | RTL\Delphi | RSS-488 |
Error in function TTask.GetExceptionObject for EAggregateException(E) in System.Threading.pas | RTL\Delphi | RSS-478 |
getdir returns incorrect results for absent drives | RTL\Delphi | RSS-453 |
F2084 Internal Error: compiling Win64 Package | RTL\Delphi | RSS-447 |
[Try]StrToDateTime() fails with string that worked fine in earlier versions | RTL\Delphi\Date/Time | RSS-1014 |
TPath.GetPathRoot Returns Incorrect Value for UNC-Style Rooted Paths | RTL\Delphi\I/O | RSS-787 |
TURI.AddParameter not encode value contain ampersand or equal | RTL\Delphi\Net | RSS-908 |
THttpClient SetClientCertificate(Filename, Password) causa erro na requisição mas com Stream funciona correto | RTL\Delphi\Net, SOAP | RSS-603 |
MDI apps tiling minimised windows on Delphi 12 | VCL | RSS-1396 |
TNumberbox.AcceptExpression does not work if Live Binding is used | VCL | RSS-1168 |
TTreeView does not display the state image associated with a node | VCL | RSS-1166 |
Memory Leak in TListView with OwnerData = True | VCL | RSS-1006 |
Incorrect Scaling of Vcl.Dialogs.MessageDlg | VCL | RSS-873 |
Incorrect Scaling of Vcl.Dialogs.InputQuery | VCL | RSS-867 |
REGRESSION in Delphi 12: Tremendously poor performance in large, virtual TListView controls when you switch to or from remote desktop | VCL | RSS-771 |
JSON Parse Double | VCL | RSS-683 |
In Delphi 12, a strange jitter of controls appeared in the Child windows of an MDI application | VCL | RSS-570 |
No winsock2.h with bcc64x | Compiler, Compiler\C++ | RSP-42677 |
StringTable and LoadStr | Compiler, Compiler\C++ | RSP-40084 |
Clang pre-compiled link error with VCL.IMAGING.JPEG.h | Compiler, Compiler\C++ | RSP-23995 |
Does not support linking with library compiled with XCode 14 | Compiler, Compiler\Delphi | RSP-44018 |
CompilerBug 64Bit Delphi | Compiler, Compiler\Delphi | RSP-42760 |
Extend supported target platforms to RHEL 9 | Compiler, Compiler\Delphi | RSP-42462 |
Compiler error without inline active | Compiler, Compiler\Delphi | RSP-42459 |
Internal Error URW1380 with {$R} switch | Compiler, Compiler\Delphi | RSP-42795 |
Recursive Generic Types causes infinite compiler loop | Compiler, Compiler\Delphi | RSP-41959 |
x64 Compiler generates wrong code in specific situation | Compiler, Compiler\Delphi | RSP-41772 |
The canvas is not correctly fetching the resource brush | Compiler, Compiler\Delphi | RSP-40620 |
C++ Builder linker fails to link Delphi units that use units with generics | Compiler, Compiler\Delphi | RSP-39252 |
Repeated inline var declaration causes repeated debugger variable display | Compiler, Compiler\Delphi, Debugger | RSP-23056 |
Using {$WEAKLINKRTTI ON} causes access violation on TList<T>.IndexOf method | Compiler, Compiler\Delphi, RTL\Delphi | RSP-43423 |
Datasnap corrupt data when transfering AnsiString/RawByteString | Data, Data\DataSnap, RTL, RTL\C++ | RSP-42257 |
TDBLookupListBox doesn't stay at the height it was designed at runtime. | Data, Data\DBCtrls, VCL | RSP-40245 |
Request for Sample and Documentation Tutorial for TEMSFileResource in RAD Server | Data\RADServer | RSP-37132 |
Can't debug dynamically loaded bpls | Debugger | RSP-40585 |
Evaluate/Modify is not working properly | Debugger, IDE | RSP-43503 |
Access violation when using vertical TSplitter3D | FireMonkey | RSP-44292 |
TControl FIsFocused is not managed correctly. | FireMonkey | RSP-44053 |
FMX.TSpinBox behaves erratically with styles | FireMonkey | RSP-43942 |
Modal Windows can be mininmized on mac! WRONG! | FireMonkey | RSP-43398 |
Error viewing a Form3D on MAC OSX Sonoma | FireMonkey | RSP-42750 |
Incorrect call of the IsExpanded animation trigger on tree elements | FireMonkey | RSP-43023 |
Combobox with custom dropdown crash when embedded in a ListboxItem | FireMonkey | RSP-42210 |
Deleting text while holding Ctrl in Memo | FireMonkey | RSP-43126 |
label or button setting right & bottom anchors in TPresentedScrollBox are not display | FireMonkey | RSP-42093 |
The OnClick event on the button on the ListBox Group Header on the first row of the listbox does not work | FireMonkey | RSP-42088 |
FMX SKIA Bimap drawing is not multithreaded | FireMonkey | RSP-42636 |
Delete Button in Items Editor is always disabled | FireMonkey | RSP-41914 |
Gradiant property not applying (TRectangle, etc) | FireMonkey | RSP-41555 |
TLightMaterial specular is not correct | FireMonkey | RSP-39430 |
Allow overriding of targetSdkVersion value in the Android manifest | FireMonkey | RSP-38976 |
Simplifying the import of images in TImageList and MultiResBitmaps properties | FireMonkey | RSP-38638 |
Wrong cursor when overlapping (macOS) window | FireMonkey | RSP-38531 |
IDE crashes, fmx listview in frames with Appearance inherited on mainform | FireMonkey | RSP-37727 |
Adding light/dark theme detection as Platform Services for Windows | FireMonkey | RSP-37290 |
Treeview does not allow operation change on DragOver | FireMonkey | RSP-36627 |
add "rename" option for the source image in the FMX TImageList editor | FireMonkey | RSP-36038 |
TStringGrid cropping error when changing StyleBook | FireMonkey | RSP-34624 |
Add an option to automatically resize TGridPanelLayout col / row percentage | FireMonkey | RSP-34544 |
Deleting an item in a combobox clears the current item | FireMonkey | RSP-33613 |
TFloatAnimation don't auto start when enabled on TGlyph.Position.X property | FireMonkey | RSP-30503 |
TMapView + iOS/iPadOS + Zooming | FireMonkey | RSP-27053 |
Android 9 - StatusBar / Main Form - Gap | FireMonkey | RSP-26222 |
ListView PullToRefresh and DragHighlight not working when no items | FireMonkey | RSP-24205 |
[Mobile] onTap Event sometimes doesn't fire | FireMonkey | RSP-23848 |
Misspelled words in TMemo with SpellCheck enabled causes OSX Runtime error 231 | FireMonkey | RSP-19225 |
TMemo in Delphi 10.2 does not handle blank lines when themes are disabled | FireMonkey | RSP-19186 |
Row index out of range message when scrolling up in a TGrid with only few rows on iOS | FireMonkey | RSP-18920 |
When the data in memory is picture data, TEdit and TMemo component is pasted right and memory leaks appear | FireMonkey | RSP-18475 |
Extra border around controls with ShadowEffect when set to Visible during RunTime | FireMonkey, FireMonkey\Effects | RSP-36577 |
TImageList editor arrow key handling is broken | FireMonkey, IDE | RSP-33278 |
TTabItems can't be selected when the TabControl is on a Firemonkey Frame | FireMonkey, IDE | RSP-33269 |
MemStream.CopyFrom(AStream, AStream.Size) must be rewriten to MemStream.CopyFrom(AStream, AStream.Size - AStream.Position); | FireMonkey, RTL, RTL\Delphi | RSP-44034 |
German help topic wrong | Help and Doc | RSP-42416 |
Toolbars are confused after switch high DPI and DPI unaware | IDE | RSP-44040 |
Generación de código con IA - Code generation with AI | IDE | RSP-43863 |
Form designer on High-DPI destroys Frame | IDE | RSP-43560 |
Use Unit dialog lacks keyboard accelerators | IDE | RSP-43514 |
Sizing issue in the toolbar of IDE | IDE | RSP-43328 |
Misaligned control in Options > IDE > Desktop and Layout | IDE | RSP-43280 |
Import of google-services.json fails if the Project Options are not saved, then reloaded | IDE | RSP-42695 |
Using Intel One Mono font in the IDE | IDE | RSP-41848 |
Custom title bar (TTitleBarPanel) breaks form designer | IDE | RSP-41798 |
C++ code formatting does nothing when invoked | IDE | RSP-37898 |
Show coloured information (e.g. red for error lines) on scrollbar | IDE | RSP-36872 |
Remember size of Image Collection Editor | IDE | RSP-36220 |
Difficult to recognize bookmark icons | IDE | RSP-35429 |
Compiler errors and find results appear as clickable marks on the editor vertical scrollbar | IDE | RSP-35410 |
Copilot AI for Object Pascal developers | IDE | RSP-34526 |
Ctrl-Click not working for forward class declaration | IDE | RSP-34762 |
Allow copying of text from path edit in package install dialog | IDE | RSP-34025 |
Display issue | IDE | RSP-33647 |
Context menu 'show in explorer' does not work on folders | IDE | RSP-33285 |
IDE Toolbar not anymore configrable with two rows | IDE | RSP-33199 |
Options dialog repaint while scrolling is extremely slow | IDE | RSP-30675 |
Classic Undocked layout does not handle the Windows Taskbar docked to the left of the screen | IDE | RSP-29901 |
IDE crashes probably due to failed refactoring invocation | IDE | RSP-29407 |
The breakpoint mark is white-based antialiased | IDE | RSP-26996 |
IDE toolbars randomly repositionig itself | IDE | RSP-23832 |
Missing Resize/Position of Controls In Dialog "Install packages" | IDE | RSP-21698 |
IDE Crash when opening project with long string const definition | IDE | RSP-22274 |
Tools / Options / [..] / CodeInsight has HTML as default selected | IDE | RSP-21966 |
[REGRESSION] Tools->Options tree is no longer pre-expanded | IDE | RSP-22082 |
FMX Form Designer - resizeable grips not updated to new design | IDE | RSP-22025 |
[AV] Access violation during IDE initialisation, caused by ThemeLoader | IDE | RSP-22013 |
Tools/Options/[..]/Subversion screen has cutoff comboboxes and text | IDE | RSP-22325 |
Tools / Options / [..] / CodeInsight layout issue | IDE | RSP-22259 |
IDE does not show the selected component if a few layers of tlayout. | IDE | RSP-22297 |
Environment Options list selected line gets darker | IDE | RSP-21388 |
Edit in Objectinspector is not drawn correctly | IDE | RSP-22214 |
Intermittent Black Text on Dark background in IDE windows | IDE | RSP-22221 |
IDE: Options pages look badly | IDE | RSP-22171 |
[C++][BUILD] No Windows 7 in "Windows header file version defines" | IDE, IDE\Build System | RSP-12504 |
in C++ Builder 11 "Method Toxicity Metrics..." does not work at all | IDE, IDE\Castalia | RSP-35448 |
[DelphiLSP] Forward class declaration navigation | IDE, IDE\Code Insight | RSP-33157 |
XE8 IDE Toolbar Items get messy if VM Screen size is changing | IDE, IDE\General | RSP-11144 |
64 bit library paths are wiped when installing 10.2.3 update. | IDE, Install | RSP-20108 |
checkbox size issue at design-time | IDE, VCL | RSP-42598 |
Add splitter to TTreeview items editor window | IDE, VCL | RSP-41193 |
TCategoryPanel: Add "Collapse panel" and "Expand panel" to form designer context menu | IDE, VCL | RSP-38920 |
FireDAC libs extracted to unselected platforms | Install | RSP-36009 |
Library Paths are not preserved | Install | RSP-28434 |
extern DELPHI_PACKAGE UnicodeString __fastcall UTF8ToUnicodeString(const RawByteString S) cannot be linked in new C++ builder | Linker | RSP-43620 |
C++Builder linker error when compiling Delphi unit that uses TDictionary | Linker | RSP-39694 |
Inefficient code in Androidapi.JNIBridge and Macapi.ObjectiveC | RTL | RSP-21461 |
_com_issue_error | RTL, RTL\C++, RTL\C++\Other | RSP-23625 |
TFile.Copy raises EDirectoryNotFoundException with extended prefixed file | RTL, RTL\Delphi | RSP-43234 |
TRegistry.WriteNone for REG_NONE | RTL, RTL\Delphi | RSP-42544 |
SysUtils.DirectoryExists - wrong result with some UNC paths | RTL, RTL\Delphi | RSP-41777 |
EEncodingError - 'No mapping for the Unicode character exists in the target multi-byte code page' | RTL, RTL\Delphi | RSP-41533 |
conditional expression dont work as expect | RTL, RTL\Delphi | RSP-38877 |
System.TypInfo.GetConstRecordArgMode.RecOps code review | RTL, RTL\Delphi | RSP-37967 |
Leak in TParallel.For / EAggregateException | RTL, RTL\Delphi | RSP-30403 |
Error in the implementation of the binary search algorithm in the System.DCU unit - assignment of a negative value to an unsigned variable in System.pas, the function GetPreferredLangForOldOS(LANGID: Word): string; | RTL, RTL\Delphi | RSP-18632 |
TFile.Read***/Write*** API Encoding inconsistency | RTL, RTL\Delphi | RSP-14120 |
TFile.AppendAllText throws EEncodingError due to bogus text encoding detection code | RTL, RTL\Delphi | RSP-13839 |
EAggregateException of System.Threading not working anymore | RTL, RTL\Delphi, RTL\Delphi\Threads | RSP-30720 |
ForceDirectories fails with creating sub folder in the root folder with UNC prefix | RTL, RTL\Delphi, VCL | RSP-41441 |
ExtractFileDrive misses a Windows specific UNC case | RTL\Delphi\I/O | RSP-31109 |
NetHTTPClient with Curl on windows works wrong. | RTL\Delphi\Net | RSP-43273 |
Labels on categorypanels is not painted correctly on remote desktops | VCL | RSP-44314 |
TDateTimePickercheck box does not scale correctly with DPI | VCL | RSP-44231 |
MDI child icon not shown with styles | VCL | RSP-44249 |
Position of child of minimised MDI form with poOwnerFormCenter is incorrect | VCL | RSP-44110 |
There is no sample for TFormTabsBar | VCL | RSP-43645 |
Form's CustomTitleBar.ButtonPressedBackgroundColor has no effect on the Maximize/Restore button | VCL | RSP-43502 |
Styled Forms border incorrectly drawn | VCL | RSP-43369 |
Font size change does not trigger the FontChanged event | VCL | RSP-43270 |
Docked form has "x" (for closing) cropped | VCL | RSP-42384 |
TSearchBox images are very small in HighDPI/4K environment | VCL | RSP-42285 |
Tabsheet not center when there are 2 lines in LeftToRight | VCL | RSP-43061 |
Display issues with menus when per control style is used | VCL | RSP-41998 |
Incorrect Scaling of Vcl.Dialogs.MessageDlg | VCL | RSP-41989 |
HighDPI Scaling issues with buttons and lines on trees. | VCL | RSP-41872 |
HiDpi - Per monitor - 300% - Wrong font size in TRichEdit after application starts on secondary monitor | VCL | RSP-41507 |
TWebBrowser scales Edge incorrectly if Windows scale <> 100% | VCL | RSP-41456 |
Listview OwnData Trigger OnData incorrectly | VCL | RSP-41357 |
TFindDialog ignores the ParentWnd value given to Execute | VCL | RSP-41307 |
TCustomGrid.InvalidateCol and InvalidateRow do not invalidate cells beyond VisibleRowCount and VisibleColCount | VCL | RSP-41280 |
Memory leak in TListView when OwnerData=True and Items.Add() is called | VCL | RSP-41256 |
Toolbar separator themeing | VCL | RSP-40442 |
TCategoryPanelGroup refreshing issues | VCL | RSP-40213 |
Direct2DCanvas Rectangle ignore TPenStyle.psClear | VCL | RSP-40179 |
Paint error in Window10 in design time. (TCategoryPanel) | VCL | RSP-40141 |
Scaling of TFrame created at runtime | VCL | RSP-40110 |
Exception messages are cut off using VCL Styles | VCL | RSP-39847 |
TImageList Editor changes order of images at replace command | VCL | RSP-39068 |
MessageDlg - inconsistent behaviour when using styles | VCL | RSP-39020 |
TSaveDialog is not resizable when using a style | VCL | RSP-38868 |
TCategoryPanelGroup does not repaint when a categorypanel collapse/expands | VCL | RSP-38860 |
TActionManager items stay shaded after moving mouse | VCL | RSP-38840 |
Popup set to wsMaximized / bsNone displays incorrectly | VCL | RSP-38631 |
PageControl tabsheet caption with line break not align to center as one line caption | VCL | RSP-37639 |
TForm.Padding not scaling | VCL | RSP-37082 |
Wrong High DPI Scaling in Frames | VCL | RSP-37402 |
HiDpi - Per monitor - TStatusBar - OwnerDraw panel - small font when using styles (e.g. Carbon) | VCL | RSP-36916 |
High DPI problem with frames | VCL | RSP-36167 |
TitleBarPanel: System button symbols are not correctly centered when SystemButtons option deactivated under Windows 11 | VCL | RSP-35965 |
toolbar button order confusion | VCL | RSP-35584 |
TTabControlStyleHook access violation | VCL | RSP-34239 |
TSplitView.AnimationStep is not DPI aware | VCL | RSP-29917 |
Replacing an image in a TImage list changes the order of the images | VCL | RSP-29809 |
ChangeLink of TMenu and many more components is still used after Free | VCL | RSP-23968 |
Inconsistent behavior of TTitleBarPanel after assignment to TForm.CustomTitleBar.Control | VCL | RSP-28930 |
Exception error when Style changes back to "Windows" [Regression] | VCL, VCL\Styles/Themes | RSP-40664 |