paclient.exe: Die Client-Anwendung von Platform Assistant

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paclient.exe ist ein Befehlszeilen-Client für den "Platform Assistant"-Server.

Sie müssen den "Platform Assistant"-Server auf dem Ziel-Computer installieren und ausführen, um eine Anwendung für 64-Bit-Windows (wenn auf dem Entwicklungs-PC 32-Bit-Windows ausgeführt wird), macOS oder iOS, auszuführen oder zu debuggen oder um eine Windows-Anwendung remote auszuführen oder zu debuggen oder um eine Anwendung für Windows, macOS oder iOS bereitzustellen.

Wenn die Zielplattform iOS ist, dann ist der Ziel-Computer macOS.

Um eine Anwendung für Android auszuführen, zu debuggen oder bereitzustellen, müssen Sie den "Platform Assistant"-Server nicht installieren oder ausführen, weil paclient.exe auf dem Entwicklercomputer ausgeführt wird und die bereits auf demselben Computer installierten Android SDK-Tools aufruft. paclient.exe ist Bestandteil der Produktinstallation auf dem Entwicklungs-PC.

Wenn Sie anstelle der Befehlszeilenhilfsprogramme die IDE verwenden, benötigen Sie paclient.exe nicht.

Die Anwendung paclient.exe befindet sich in C:\Program Files (x86)\Embarcadero\Studio\23.0\bin.


Der folgende Befehl löscht Dateien aus der Serverinstallation auf einer macOS-Remote-Zielplattform mit der IP-Adresse Der Befehl löscht alle Dateien, die sich auf MyOldRemoteProfile beziehen. Der ./ (Punkt-Schrägstrich) gibt an, dass die Verzeichnisliste relativ zu dem Verzeichnis ist, in dem paserver auf der Zielplattform installiert ist. ** bedeutet, dass alle Unterverzeichnisse durchsucht werden:

> paclient --host= --Remove=./**/* MyOldRemoteProfile


Im Folgenden finden Sie die Befehlszeilenhilfe für paclient.exe:

> paclient.exe -?
Platform Assistant Client
Copyright (c) 2010-2021 Embarcadero Technologies, Inc.

Usage: paclient [<options>] ProfileName

where <options> include
 -h<name> or --host=<name>
     Specify the name or IP address of the remote/host machine running the
     Platform Assistant Server
 -p<number> or --port=<number>
     Specify the port the Platform Assistant Server is configured for. Default
     to 64211
 -m<platform> or --platform=<platform>
     Specify the target platform. Possible values are "Win32", "OSX64",
     "Win64", "Linux64"
 -a<file/dir> or --add=<file/dir>
     Add file/dir to the list of items to be cached. You may specify multiple
     file/dir separated with ';'. You may also use this option more than once.
     File/dir can include wildcard characters (e.g. --add=c:\abc\**\*.* where
     ** indicates to include all sub-directories of abc)
 -ai<file/dir> or --addinclude=<file/dir>
     Add include file/dir to the list of items to be cached. You may specify
     multiple file/dir separated with ';'. You may also use this option
     more than once.
     File/dir can include wildcard characters (e.g. --addinclude=c:\abc\**\*.*
     where ** indicates to include all sub-directories of abc)
 -al<file/dir> or --addlibrary=<file/dir>
     Add library file/dir to the list of items to be cached. You may specify
     multiple file/dir separated with ';'. You may also use this option more
     than once.
     File/dir can include wildcard characters (e.g. --addlibrary=c:\abc\**\*.*
     where ** indicates to include all sub-directories of abc)
 -af<dir>[,*] or --addframework=<dir>[,*]
     Add framework files to the list of items to be cached. You may specify
     multiple dir separated with ';'. You may also use this option more than
 -g<file/dir>[,<destdir>] or --get=<file/dir>[,<destdir>]
     Copy file/dir from the remote/host machine running the Platform Assistant
     Server. You may specify multiple file/dir,destdir separated with ';'.
     You may also use this option more than once.
     File/dir can include wildcard characters (e.g. --get=c:\abc\**\*.* where
     ** indicates to include all sub-directories of abc)
 -u<file/dir>[,<destdir>][,<flags>][,<destname>] or
     Copy file/dir to the remote/host machine running the Platform Assistant
     Server. You may specify multiple file/dir,destdir,flag,destname separated
     with ';'. You may also use this option more than once. Possible flags
     values are "0", "1", "2", "3", "5" where 0 for normal file, 1 for
     runnable file, 2 for archive file, 3 for executable file, and 5 for
     script file.
     File/dir can include wildcard characters (e.g. --put=c:\abc\**\*.* where
     ** indicates to include all sub-directories of abc)
 -U<file>[,<destdir>][,<destname>] or --Put=<file>[,<destdir>][,<destname>]
     Copy file on the remote/host machine running the Platform Assistant
     Server. You may specify multiple file/dir,destdir,destname separated
     with ';'. You may also use this option more than once.
 -r<file/dir> or --remove=<file/dir>
     Remove file/dir from the list of items to be cached locally. You may
     specify multiple file/dir separated with ';'. You may also use this
     option more than once.
     File/dir can include wildcard characters (e.g. --remove=c:\abc\**\*.*
     where ** indicates to include all sub-directories of abc)
 -R<file/dir> or --Remove=<file/dir>
     Remove file/dir from the remote/host machine running the Platform
     Assistant Server. You may specify multiple file/dir separated with ';'.
     You may also use this option more than once.
     File/dir can include wildcard characters (e.g. --Remove=c:\abc\**\*.*
     where ** indicates to include all sub-directories of abc)
 -C<dir>,<listfile> or --Clean=<dir>,<listfile>
     Remove files in directory and all sub-directories of <dir> that are
     not listed in file <listfile> from the remote/host machine running the
     Platform Assistant Server. You may use this option more than once
 -l or --local
     Update and display information about the specified Profile without
     initiating a connection to the Platform Assistant Server
 -s<dir> or --sysroot=<dir>
     Indicate the local directory where the remote files will be cached.
     Default to %USERPROFILE%\Documents\RAD Studio\Profiles\<ProfileName>
 -t<number> or --timeout=<number>
     Specify the timeout in seconds when connecting to the Platform Assistant
     Server. Default to 0 second
 -e<number> or --error=<number>
     Stop copy after n errors. Default to 20 errors
 -k or --keep
     Keep files whose source time is different than the destination time
 -pw<text> or --password=<text>
     Specify the login password for the Platform Assistant Server
 -pk<text> or --passkey=<text>
     Specify the login password (encrypted) for the Platform Assistant Server
 -pf<file> or --passfile=<file>
     Specify the login passfile for the Platform Assistant Server
 -c<path>,<certificate>[,<entitlement>] or
 --codesign=<path>,<certificate>[,<entitlement> [,1]]
     CodeSign application with certificate on the remote machine running the
     Platform Assistant Server. If '1' is specified, application
     notarization options will be applied
 -i<path>,<outpath>,<certificate>,<profile>,<type> or
     Create application .ipa file with certificate and provisioning profile
     on the remote machine running the Platform Assistant Server. Possible
     type values are "1", "2" where 1 for ad-hoc and 2 for app-store
 -ii<path>,<deviceid> or --installipa=<path>,<deviceid>
     Install .ipa file in the device on the remote machine running the
     Platform Assistant Server
 -pb<path>,<installpath>,<outpath>,<certificate> or
     Create application .pkg file with certificate on the remote machine
     running the Platform Assistant Server
 -dc<javapath>,<toolpath>,<basepath>,<jarpath>,<dexpath>[,<classpathlistpath>] or
    Transform a .jar file into a .dex one
 -dm<javapath>,<toolpath>,<classdir>,<inputlistpath> or
    Merge .dex files
   ,<basepath>,<outpath>[,<debug>] or
     Create application .apk file from files in the specified srcdir
   ,[<assetdir>],<manifest>,<basepath>,<outpath> or
     Create application .aab file from files in the specified srcdir
   ,<keypass> or
     JarSign application .aab file with the specified keystore
 -as<javapath>,<toolpath>,<path>,<alias>,<keystore>,<storepass>,<keypass> or
     ApkSign application .apk file with the specified keystore
 -z<sdkpath>,<path>,<outpath>[,<size>] or
     Align application with the specified alignment size. Default to 4
 -sd<sdkpath>,<path>[,<outpath>] or --stripdebug=<sdkpath>,<path>[,<outpath>]
     Remove all debugging symbols
 -un<path1>,<path2>,<outpath> or --universal=<path1>,<path2>,<outpath>[,1]
     Create multi architecture file on the remote machine running the
     Platform Assistant Server. If '1' is not specified, <path1> and <path2>
     will be removed
 -u8 or --utf8encode
     Write error and output text in UTF8 format
 -v or --verbose
     Print out the files processed
 -up<makeappxpath>,<package>,<mapfile> or
     Create Universal Windows Platform package, .msix file, using files
     listed in the mapfile
 -us<signtoolpath>,<package>,<certificate>,[<password>],<digest> or
     Sign Universal Windows Platform package with the specified certificate
 -pp<bundleid>,<certificate>,<profile>,<type> or
     Verify if bundleid, certificate and type are valid for the specified
     provisioning profile found on the remote machine running the Platform
     Assistant Server. Possible type values are "1", "2" where 1 for ad-hoc
     and 2 for app-store
 -na<path>,<bundleid>,<username>,<password> or
     Notarize the application on the remote machine running the Platform
     Assistant Server
 -ni<UUID>,<username>,<password> or
     Get the status of the notarization request on the remote machine
     running the Platform Assistant Server
 -sa<path>,<outpath> or --stapleapp=<path>,<outpath>
     Attach a ticket to the notarized application on the remote machine
     running the Platform Assistant Server
 -ac<path>,<outpath> or --assetcatalog=<path>,<outpath>
     Compile an asset catalog document into on the remote
     machine running the Platform Assistant Server
 -sb<path>,<outpath> or --storyboard=<path>,<outpath>
     Compile storyboard document into a file that can be loaded at runtime
     on the remote machine running the Platform Assistant Server
 -? or --help
     Print this help screen

Liste mit Fehlermeldungen des Platform Assistant-Clients

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