Installing a Package Using GetIt Package Manager

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To install a library or a package into RAD Studio using GetIt Package Manager:

  1. Select Tools > GetIt Package Manager to open the GetIt Package Manager Window.
  2. Locate the package that you want to install. You can use the search box in the top-right corner of the window.
  3. Click the Install button for the package that you want to install.
  4. In the dialog box that opens, read the licenses of the package and its dependencies, and click Agree all if you agree with all the terms.
  5. Perform packages installation while the IDE is not running, when the dialog box asks to restart the IDE, select No so you can continue working and the package will stay on a Pending Installation until the IDE gets closed.
  6. An Install window opens and shows you the progress of the package download and installation.
    Click the Close button to close the Install window when the installation finishes.
Note: Some packages might run an installer after the download completes.

In the case of run-time packages, or run-time and design-time packages; GetIt Package Manager compiles the package for all available platforms that the package supports. If you later add a platform in RAD Studio, you need to compile the package for such platform either by uninstalling and installing the package again, or by compiling such package manually.

See Also