Interactive Diagram Viewer

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ER Tools > Model Explorer | click ModelExplorerShowImage.gif on the right-hand side of a resource.

The Interactive Diagram Viewer provides a visual and interactive representation of an ER object.

On top of the ER object visual representation, the Interactive Diagram Viewer displays a breadcrumb trail with the parents of the current ER object. You can click any of the ER objects in the breadcrumb trail to open its ER object page.

You can also click the resources in the visual representation to open their ER object pages.


This viewer also gives you the possibility to interact with the diagram in the following ways:

Item Description

Zoom In

Zoom in on the diagram by 15% each time the button is pressed.

Zoom Out

Zoom out of the diagram by 15% each time the button is pressed.

Zoom Lasso

Zoom in on region selected by the lasso selection tool.

Zoom to Fit

Zoom out to see the entire diagram.

Hand Tool

Use the Hand Tool to double click on an attribute and bring up its property page in a new tab.

Save Image

Save the view, as is it is currently shown to the user, to a .png image file.


Print the view, as is it is currently shown to the user.

Go to

Select an object in the dropdown list and the viewer will center and zoom in on that object.

See Also