ReadComponentResFile (C++)
The following code defines a component class (streamable class) and a persistent class (TContainedClass) that is the type of a property on the component class. When a button is clicked, an instance of the component class is created, saved to a file, deleted, and then loaded from the file. By setting a breakpoint on the property setter of the TContainedClass SomeData
property, you can watch how the streaming system sets property values when it reads them from a file.
class TContainedClass : public TPersistent
int FSomeData;
void __fastcall SetSomeData(int Value)
// Place a breakpoint here and notice how the data is streamed back.
FSomeData = Value;
virtual __fastcall TContainedClass(void) : TPersistent()
{ FSomeData = 42; }
// Only published properties are automatically streamed.
__property int SomeData = { read=FSomeData, write=SetSomeData };
class TStreamableClass : public TComponent
TContainedClass* FContainedClass;
__property TContainedClass* ContainedClass = { read= FContainedClass, write=FContainedClass };
virtual __fastcall TStreamableClass(TComponent* Owner) : TComponent(Owner)
FContainedClass = new TContainedClass();
virtual __fastcall ~TStreamableClass(void)
delete FContainedClass;
void RegisterClassesWithStreamingSystem(void)
// Make sure that, as part of the startup code, your streaming classes are registered
// with the streaming system.
#pragma startup RegisterClassesWithStreamingSystem
void __fastcall TForm1::Button1Click(TObject *Sender)
const String FileName = GetCurrentDir() + L"\\myres.res";
TStreamableClass* AClassInstance;
AClassInstance = new TStreamableClass(NULL);
WriteComponentResFile(FileName, AClassInstance);
delete AClassInstance;
TComponent* temp = ReadComponentResFile(FileName, NULL);
AClassInstance = static_cast<TStreamableClass*>(temp);
Memo1->Lines->Add(L"TComponent has been written to the file " + FileName);
delete AClassInstance;
- System.Classes.ReadComponentResFile ( fr | de | ja )
- System.Classes.WriteComponentResFile ( fr | de | ja )
- System.Classes.RegisterClasses ( fr | de | ja )