SysUtilsStrLComp (C++)

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This example requires two text edits and a button. Enter text in the two text edits and click the button to compare the strings.


#include <algorithm> 	// For the min function

void __fastcall TForm1::Button1Click(TObject *Sender)
  wchar_t* szResult = new wchar_t[Edit1->Text.Length() + Edit2->Text.Length() + 65];
  int len = std::min(Edit1->Text.Length(), Edit2->Text.Length());
  int iResult = Sysutils::StrLComp(
	Edit1->Text.w_str(), Edit2->Text.w_str(), len + 1);
  StrCopy(szResult, L"The first ");
  StrCat(szResult, IntToStr(len).w_str());
  StrCat(szResult, L" characters of ");
  StrCat(szResult, Edit1->Text.w_str());
  if (iResult < 0)
	StrCat(szResult, L" are less than the first ");
  else if (iResult > 0)
	StrCat(szResult, L" are greater than the first ");
	StrCat(szResult, L" are equal to the first ");
  StrCat(szResult, IntToStr(len).w_str());
  StrCat(szResult, L" characters of ");
  StrCat(szResult, Edit2->Text.w_str());

  delete [] szResult;
