SaveToFile (C++)
This example converts a specified icon to a bitmap. To run this example, add an image, a button, and an Open dialog to a form. Name the button ConvertIcon2Bitmap, and add the following code as its OnClick event handler.
#include <memory> //For STL auto_ptr class
void __fastcall TForm1::ConvertIcon2BitmapClick(TObject *Sender)
OpenDialog1->DefaultExt = ".ICO";
OpenDialog1->Filter = "icons (*.ico)|*.ICO";
OpenDialog1->Options << ofOverwritePrompt << ofFileMustExist << ofHideReadOnly;
if (OpenDialog1->Execute())
std::auto_ptr<TIcon> pi(new Graphics::TIcon);
String as;
as = ChangeFileExt(OpenDialog1->FileName,".BMP");
Image1->Width = pi->Width;
Image1->Height = pi->Height;
Image1->Canvas->Draw(0, 0, pi.get());
ShowMessage(OpenDialog1->FileName + " Saved to " + as);
- Vcl.Graphics.TPicture.SaveToFile ( fr | de | ja )
- Vcl.Graphics.TIcon.Create ( fr | de | ja )
- Vcl.Graphics.TGraphic.Height ( fr | de | ja )
- Vcl.Graphics.TGraphic.Width ( fr | de | ja )
- Vcl.ExtCtrls.TImage.Canvas ( fr | de | ja )
- System.SysUtils.ChangeFileExt ( fr | de | ja )
- System.AnsiStrings.ChangeFileExt ( fr | de | ja )