From RAD Studio Code Examples
This example shows how to use DateUtils routines for transforming a
TDateTime variable in other date formats.
__fastcall TMainForm::TMainForm(TComponent* Owner)
: TForm(Owner)
/* Initialize the Date edit-box with the current date and time */
edDate->Text = DateTimeToStr(Date() + Time());
void __fastcall TMainForm::btTransformClick(TObject *Sender)
TDateTime DateTime;
/* Transform the date and change the content of the corresponding
edit-box according to the selected option */
if (RadioGroup1->ItemIndex == 0)
edJulian->Text = FloatToStr
if (RadioGroup1->ItemIndex == 1)
edModJulian->Text = FloatToStr
if (RadioGroup1->ItemIndex == 2)
edUnix->Text = FloatToStr
if (RadioGroup1->ItemIndex == 3)
if (TryJulianDateToDateTime(StrToFloat(edJulian->Text),DateTime))
edDate->Text = DateTimeToStr
ShowMessage("Not a valid Julian date");
if (RadioGroup1->ItemIndex == 4)
if (TryModifiedJulianDateToDateTime(StrToFloat(edModJulian->Text),DateTime))
edDate->Text = DateTimeToStr
ShowMessage("Not a valid modified Julian date");
if (RadioGroup1->ItemIndex == 5)
edDate->Text = DateTimeToStr