Data Unload (PostgreSQL)

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Go Up to Data Unload

This wizard lets you generate a pgadmin export data call, dumping database data to a file.

To dump database data to a file

  1. Connect to the datasource where the data to be unloaded is located and ensure that it is the selected datasource. For details, see Connected/Selected Datasource options.
  2. Select Utilities > Data UnLoad to open the Data UnLoad Wizard.
  3. Use the following table as a guide to performing tasks as you pass through the wizard panels:
Step/Page Option Description


New Data Unoad Operation

Select to define a new unload operation.

Previous Data Unload Operation

Select to open a previously defined unload operation.

Unload Properties

In which directory should the unload files be placed

Lets you locate and select the path where the unload file will be written.

What datasource has the data you wish to unload

Lets you select the datasource that is to be unloaded.

Unload Properties

Use the table list to select each specific table that is to be unloaded. The Schema dropdown can be used to reduce the number of tables displayed to only those objects within a selected schema.

Unload Properties

Row Separator

Lets you specify whether simple linefeeds or carriage return/linefeed combinations are used to separate rows.

Column separator

Lets you specify whether colons, semi-colons, or vertical bars are used to separate columns.

Quote char

Lets you specify whether single quote or double quotes are used for quoting.

Column names

Select this option to have the first line of the unload file contain column names.


Lets you specify whether you want to use simple, local character set encoding or whether to use the Postgres-specific UTF-8 encoding.


Lets you specify a quoting strategy of no quoting used, quoting on string columns only, or quoting on a ll columns.


Do you wish to re-use this data unload operation

Lets you save the options you selected in a data unload definition file.


Provides a short summary of the operation options.

4. Finally, use the Execute button to perform the unload.
Note: The data unloaded to file can be used in a subsequent load operation. For details, see Data Load (PostgreSQL).