Repo 1 tables.sql

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-- (c) Kyle Hailey 2007

Prompt 'Are you connected as the SASH user? '
Accept toto prompt 'If you are not the SASH user hit Control-C , else Return : ' 
--connect sash/&password
       drop table sash1;
       drop table sash2;
       drop table sash3;
       drop table sash4;
       drop table sash5;
       drop table sash6;
       drop table sash7;
       drop table sash_log;
       drop table sash_params;
       drop table sash_sqlids;
       drop table sash_sqltxt;
       drop table sash_sqlstats; 
       drop table sash_sqlplans;
       drop table sash_event_names;
       drop table sash_objs;
       drop table sash_users;
       drop table sash_data_files;
       drop table sash_sesstat;
       drop table sash_sessids;
       drop table sash_latch;
       drop table sash_targets;
       drop table sash_target;
create table sash1 ( 
               dbid           number, 
               sample_time     date,
               session_id      number,
               session_state   varchar2(20),
               session_serial# number,
               user_id         number,
               sql_address     varchar2(20),
               sql_plan_hash_value  number,
               sql_child_number  number,
               sql_id          number,
               sql_opcode      number,
               session_type    number,
               event#          number,
               seq#            number,
               p1              number,
               p2              number,
               p3              number,
               wait_time       number,
               time_waited     number,
               current_obj#    number,
               current_file#   number,
               current_block#  number,
               program         varchar2(64),
               module          number,
               action          number, 
               FIXED_TABLE_SEQUENCE number,
               sample_id       number,
               machine         varchar2(64), 
               terminal        varchar2(30)
        create table sash2 as select * from sash1 where rownum <1;
        create table sash3 as select * from sash1 where rownum <1;
        create table sash4 as select * from sash1 where rownum <1;
        create table sash5 as select * from sash1 where rownum <1;
        create table sash6 as select * from sash1 where rownum <1;
        create table sash7 as select * from sash1 where rownum <1;
        create index sash_1i on sash1(dbid,sample_time) ;
        create index sash_2i on sash2(dbid,sample_time) ;
        create index sash_3i on sash3(dbid,sample_time) ;
        create index sash_4i on sash4(dbid,sample_time) ;
        create index sash_5i on sash5(dbid,sample_time) ;
        create index sash_6i on sash6(dbid,sample_time) ;
        create index sash_7i on sash7(dbid,sample_time) ;
        create or replace view sash as select * from sash1;
        create table sash_log
          (start_time   date default sysdate,
           action       varchar2(100),
           result       char(1),
           message      varchar2(1000)
        create table sash_sqlplans(
             statement_id    varchar2(30),
             timestamp       date,
             remarks         varchar2(80),
             operation       varchar2(30),
             options         varchar2(255),
             object_node     varchar2(128),
             object_owner    varchar2(30),
             object_name     varchar2(30),
             object_instance numeric,
             object_type     varchar2(30),
             optimizer       varchar2(255),
             search_columns  number,
             id              numeric,
             parent_id       numeric,
             position        numeric,
             cost            numeric,
             cardinality     numeric,
             bytes           numeric,
             other_tag       varchar2(255),
             partition_start varchar2(255),
             partition_stop  varchar2(255),
             partition_id    numeric,
             other           varchar2(4000),
             distribution    varchar2(30),
             cpu_cost        numeric,
             io_cost         numeric,
             temp_space      numeric,
             access_predicates varchar2(4000),
             filter_predicates varchar2(4000),
             hash_value     number,
             child_number     number,
             dbid number);
        create index sash_sqlplans_i  
             on sash_sqlplans(dbid, statement_id);
        create table sash_params(
             dbid number, 
             name varchar2(64),
             value varchar2(512));
        create unique index sash_params_i 
             on sash_params( dbid , name );
        create table sash_event_names( 
             dbid number, 
             event# number, 
             wait_class varchar2(64), 
             name varchar2(64));
        create table sash_data_files( 
             dbid number, 
             file_name varchar2(513), 
             file_id number,
             tablespace_name varchar(30) 
        create unique index sash_event_names_i 
             on sash_event_names( dbid , event# );
        create table sash_users
           ( dbid number, 
             username varchar2(30), 
             user_id number);
        create unique index sash_users_i 
             on sash_users(dbid, user_id);
        create table sash_latch
           ( dbid  number,
             latch# number,
             name varchar2(64));
        create table sash_sessids
           ( dbid  number,
             session_id number,
             session_serial# number);
        create table sash_sesstat
           ( dbid  number,
             session_id number,
             session_serial# number);
        create table sash_sqlids
           ( dbid number,
             address raw(8),
             sql_id  varchar(13),
             child_number number,
             plan_hash_value number,
             command_type number,
             memory  number,
             sql_text varchar(64),
             last_found date,
             first_found date,
             found_count number );
        create unique index sash_sqlids_i on sash_sqlids
        create table sash_sqltxt
           ( dbid number,
             address raw(8),
             sql_id number,
             child_number number,
             piece number,
             sql_text varchar(64));
        create unique index sash_sqltxt_i on sash_sqltxt
        create table sash_sqlstats( 
             dbid number, 
             sample_time date, 
             address raw(8), 
             hash_value number, 
             child_number number,
             executions number, 
             elapsed_time number, 
             disk_reads number, 
             buffer_gets number, 
             cpu_time number, 
             fetches number, 
             rows_processed number); 
        create table sash_objs(
             dbid number,  
             object_id number, 
             owner varchar2(30), 
             object_name varchar2(128), 
             subobject_name varchar2(30), 
             object_type varchar2(18));
        create unique index sash_objs_i on sash_objs
             (dbid, object_id);
        create table sash_target (dbid number);
        create table sash_targets (
           dbid number,
           host varchar2(30),
           home varchar2(100),
           sid  varchar2(10),
           version varchar2(20),
           cpu_count number,
           sashseq number
        create unique index sash_targets_i on sash_targets ( 
        create or replace view sash_all as 
            select * from sash1
         union all
            select * from sash2
         union all
            select * from sash3
         union all
            select * from sash4
         union all
            select * from sash5
         union all
            select * from sash6
         union all
            select * from sash7
    drop table waitgroups;
    create table waitgroups (
          NAME         VARCHAR2(64),
          WAIT_CLASS   VARCHAR2(64)
    create index waitgroups_i on waitgroups(name);
    create or replace view v$active_session_history as
        ash.dbid           ,
        ash.sample_time     ,
        ash.session_id      ,
        ash.session_state   ,
        ash.session_serial# ,
        ash.user_id         ,
        ash.sql_address     ,
        ash.sql_id          ,
        ash.sql_plan_hash_value  ,
        ash.sql_opcode      ,
        ash.session_type    ,
        ash.event#          ,
        ash.seq#            ,
        ash.p1              ,
        ash.p2              ,
        ash.p3              ,
        ash.wait_time       ,
        ash.current_obj#    ,
        ash.current_file#   ,
        ash.current_block#  ,
        ash.program         ,
        ash.module          ,
        ash.action          ,
        ash.sample_id       , event         ,
        nvl(e.wait_class,'Other') wait_class
        sash_all ash,
        sash_event_names  e
        e.event# = ash.event# and
        e.dbid = ( select dbid from sash_target) and
        ash.dbid = ( select dbid from sash_target) ;
  create or replace view dba_hist_active_sess_history 
    select * from v$active_session_history 
    where rownum < 1;
  create or replace view v$sqltext_with_newlines as 
           DBID         ,
           ADDRESS      ,
           PIECE        ,
    where dbid = ( select dbid from sash_target);
  create or replace view v$instance as select 
       version  version,
       host     host_name,
       sid      instance_name
    from sash_targets 
    where dbid = ( select dbid from sash_target);
  create or replace view v$parameter as select * from sash_params
         where dbid = ( select dbid from sash_target);
  create or replace view dba_users as select * from sash_users
         where dbid = ( select dbid from sash_target);
   create or replace view dba_data_files as select * from sash_data_files
         where dbid = ( select dbid from sash_target);
  create or replace view all_objects as select * from sash_objs
         where dbid = ( select dbid from sash_target);
if you run this as SYS you'll have to recreate them
these should surive attempts to modify