Diagrams (Application Basics)

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Go Up to Preferences

You can set global preferences for three main diagram preferences. You can also set a preference for the generation of Impact Analysis Diagrams. The table below describes the preferences available for the Diagrams node:

Detail Description

Options for All Diagrams

Automatically perform diagram layout

You have two options for the type of notification you get when right-clicking in a diagram and selecting one of the Layout options: prompt, and always. The default setting is Prompt.

Enable multi-drop on object creation

Select this preference to enable the multi-drop mode. When you select an element from the Palette view, the cursor is in the multi-drop mode ICON MULTI DROP2.png .   So, you can place as many elements as you need. This preference is selected as the default setting.

Override Eclipse hot-key object movement

Select this option to override the Eclipse Hot-Key Object Movement. This allows you to use the directional keys to move elements in the Diagram View.

Options for New Diagrams

Default Line Layout

When creating a new diagram, you can set the default line style used when you create a connecting object between two objects. Your three options are curved, elbowed, or straight. The default setting is curved.

Default Case Shift

When creating a new diagram, you can set the default case shift for all element labels. You have three options: Lower: All text appears in lower case lettering, including the initial letter of the label. Preserve: Text is preserved as it was entered. Upper: All text appears in upper case lettering. The default setting is “Preserve.”

Show Grid Lines

Changes the default setting so that each time a diagram is opened or a new diagram is created, the grid lines automatically appear.

Show parent objects as transparent when grid lines are displayed

When a parent object such as a pool or lane is placed on a diagram, the grid lines appear in the object, i.e. the object is transparent.

Snap Objects to Grid

Changes the default setting so that when an element is placed in the Diagram View, it automatically snaps to the nearest grid. When an element is moved, it also snaps to the nearest grid line.

General Preference

Open last used diagram when starting application

The last used diagram opens when the workspace is opened. This options is selected by default.

Impact Analysis Diagrams

The table below describes the preference available for Impact Analysis diagrams:

Detail Description

Automatically generate large Impact Analysis Diagrams

Select this option if you always want Impact Analysis Diagrams of any size automatically generated. If this option is not selected you are given the option whether to generate a large diagram or not.