SQLite 3

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SQLite 3 is an open source embedded relational database management system.

There are different technologies you can use to access SQLite 3 from web applications developed with HTML5 Builder:


PHP PDO Extension

Enable the extension by uncommenting (removing the ; at the beginning) the following line in PHP’s configuration file (php.ini):


PHP Extension

Enable the extension by uncommenting (removing the ; at the beginning) the following line in PHP’s configuration file (php.ini):


ODBC Driver

You will need to download and install the SQLite 3 ODBC driver:


To use a Database component with SQLite 3, configure it with the following property values:

  • DriverName: sqlite.

Then fill the rest of the mandatory properties as required.


Sample Database

There are mane dabatases available on the internet you can use to test your SQLite connection. For example, this database.


These are some tools you might find useful while working with SQLite databases:

SQLite Database Browser
You can use this application to browse the content of an SQLite dabatase file.

See Also