Coercing Data Types

From InterBase

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Sometimes when processing DSQL input parameters and select-list items, it is desirable or necessary to translate one data type to another. This process is referred to as data type coercion. For example, data type coercion is often used when parameters or select-list items are of type VARCHAR. The first two bytes of VARCHAR data contain string length information, while the remainder of the data is the string to process. By coercing the data from SQL_VARYING to ­SQL_TEXT, data processing can be simplified.

Coercion can only be from one compatible data type to another. For example, SQL_VARYING to SQL_TEXT, or SQL_SHORT to SQL_LONG.

Coercing Character Data Types

To coerce SQL_VARYING data types to SQL_TEXT data types, change the ­sqltype field in the XSQLVAR structure of the parameter or select-list item to the desired SQL macro data type constant. For example, the following statement assumes that var is a pointer to an XSQLVAR structure, and that it contains a SQL_VARYING data type to convert to SQL_TEXT:

var->sqltype = SQL_TEXT;

After coercing a character data type, provide proper storage space for it. The XSQLVAR field, sqllen, contains information about the size of the uncoerced data.
Set the XSQLVAR sqldata field to the address of the data.

Coercing Numeric Data Types

To coerce one numeric data type to another, change the sqltype field in the parameter’s or select-list item’s XSQLVAR structure to the desired SQL macro data type constant. For example, the following statement assumes that <var> is a pointer to an XSQLVAR structure, and that it contains a SQL_SHORT data type to convert to SQL_LONG:

var->sqltype = SQL_LONG;
Do not coerce a larger data type to a smaller one. Data can be lost in such a translation.

Setting a NULL Indicator

If a parameter or select-list item contains a NULL value, the sqlind field should be used to indicate its NULL status. Appropriate storage space must be allocated for sqlind before values can be stored there.

Before insertion, set sqlind to –1 to indicate that NULL values are legal. Otherwise, set sqlind to 0.

After selection, a sqlind of –1 indicates a field contains a NULL value. Other values indicate a field contains non-NULL data.

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