Database ownership

From InterBase

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Although backing up a database can be performed only by the owner or SYSDBA, any user can restore a database as long as they are not restoring it over an existing database. A database file restored from a logical backup belongs to the user ID of the person who performed the restore. This means that backing up and restoring a database is a mechanism for changing the ownership of a database. It also means that an unauthorized user can steal a database by restoring a backup file to a machine where he knows the SYSDBA password. It is important to ensure that your backup files are secured from unauthorized access.

To restore a database over an existing database, you must be SYSDBA or the owner of the existing database.

Restoring the ODS

InterBase automatically restores the database to the latest on-disk structure (ODS). If the database uses an earlier ODS, errors may occur. To avoid this, keep your databases updated by using the latest version of the ODS.

To upgrade existing databases to a new ODS, perform the following steps:

1. Before installing a new version of InterBase, back up databases using the old version.
2. Install the InterBase server.
3. Once the new server is installed, restore the databases.

For more information about migrating to a later version of InterBase, see Migrating to InterBase.

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