Features Available Only in Dialect 3 Databases

From InterBase

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The following features are available only in dialect 3 clients and databases because they conflict with dialect 1 usage.

Delimited Identifiers Feature

Identifiers can now be keywords, contain spaces, be case sensitive, and contain non-ASCII characters. Such identifiers must be delimited by double quotes. String constants must be delimited by single quotes.

INT64 Data Storage

In dialect 3 databases, data stored in DECIMAL and NUMERIC columns is stored as INT64 when the precision is greater than 9. This is true only for columns that are created in dialect 3. These same data types are stored as DOUBLE PRECISION in dialect 1 and in all older InterBase versions. This change in storage also requires different arithmetic algorithms.

DATE and TIME Data Types

In dialect 3, the DATE data type holds only date information. This is a change from earlier InterBase versions in which it stored the whole timestamp.

Dialect 3 allows the use of the TIME data type, which only holds the time portion of the timestamp.

See Also

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