IBConsole - Designing a Database

From InterBase

When designing a database you

Design a Framework

The following steps provide a framework for designing a database:

  1. Collect and analyze the real-world objects that you want to model in your database. Organize the objects into entities and attributes and make a list.
  2. Map the entities and attributes to InterBase tables and columns.
  3. Determine an attribute that will uniquely identify each object.
  4. Develop a set of rules that govern how each table is accessed, populated, and modified.
  5. Establish relationships between the objects (tables and columns).

Normalize a Database

After your tables, columns, and keys are defined, look at the design as a whole and analyze it using normalization guidelines in order to find logical errors. As mentioned in the overview, normalization involves breaking down larger tables into smaller ones in order to group data together that is naturally related.

Note: A detailed explanation of the normal forms are out of the scope of this document. There are many excellent books on the subject on the market.

When a database is designed using proper normalization methods, data related to other data does not need to be stored in more than one place–if the relationship is properly specified. The advantages of storing the data in one place are:

  • The data is easier to update or delete.
  • When each data item is stored in one location and accessed by reference, the possibility for error due to the existence of duplicates is reduced.
  • Because the data is stored only once, the possibility for introducing inconsistent data is reduced.

In general, the normalization process includes:

When to break the rules

You should try to correct any normalization violations, or else make a conscious decision to ignore them in the interest of ease of use or performance. Just be sure that you understand the design trade-offs that you are making, and document your reasons. It may take several iterations to reach a design that is a desirable compromise between purity and reality, but this is the heart of the design process.

For example, suppose you always want data about dependents every time you look up an employee, so you decide to include DEP1_NAME, DEP1_BIRTHDATE, and so on for DEP1 through DEP30, in the EMPLOYEE table. Generally speaking, that is terrible design, but the requirements of your application are more important than the abstract purity of your design. In this case, if you wanted to compute the average age of a given employee's dependents, you would have to explicitly add field values together, rather than asking for a simple average. If you wanted to find all employees with a dependent named "Jennifer," you would have to test 30 fields for each employee instead of one. If those are not operations that you intend to perform, then go ahead and break the rules. If the efficiency attracts you less than the simplicity, you might consider defining a view that combines records from employees with records from a separate DEPENDENTS table.

While you are normalizing your data, remember that InterBase offers direct support for array columns, so if your data includes, for example, hourly temperatures for twenty cities for a year, you could define a table with a character column that contains the city name, and a 24 by 366 matrix to hold all of the temperature data for one city for one year. This would result in a table containing 20 rows (one for each city) and two columns, one NAME column and one TEMP_ARRAY column. A normalized version of that record might have 366 rows per city, each of which would hold a city name, a Julian date, and 24 columns to hold the hourly temperatures.

Choose Indexes

Once you have your design, you need to consider what indexes are necessary. The basic trade-off with indexes is that more distinct indexes make retrieval by specific criteria faster, but updating and storage slower. One optimization is to avoid creating several indexes on the same column. For example, if you sometimes retrieve employees based on name, department, badge number, or department name, you should define one index for each of these columns. If a query includes more than one column value to retrieve, InterBase will use more than one index to qualify records. In contrast, defining indexes for every permutation of those three columns will actually slow both retrieval and update operations.

When you are testing your design to find the optimum combination of indexes, remember that the size of the tables affects the retrieval performance significantly. If you expect to have tables with 10,000 to 100,000 records each, do not run tests with only 10 to 100 records.

Another factor that affects index and data retrieval times is page size. By increasing the page size, you can store more records on each page, thus reducing the number of pages used by indexes. If any of your indexes are more than 4 levels deep, you should consider increasing the page size. If indexes on volatile data (data that is regularly deleted and restored, or data that has index key values that change frequently) are less than 3 levels deep, you should consider reducing your page size. In general, you should use a page size larger than your largest record, although InterBase data compression will generally shrink records that contain lots of string data, or lots of numeric values that are 0 or NULL. If your records have those characteristics, you can probably store records on pages which are 20% smaller than the full record size. On the other hand, if your records are not compressible, you should add 5% to the actual record size when comparing it to the page size.

Incorporate Design Specifics

Increasing cache size
When InterBase reads a page from the database onto disk, it stores that page in its cache, which is a set of buffers that are reserved for holding database pages. Ordinarily, the default cache size of 255 buffers is adequate (though this default may be different on different platforms). If your application includes joins of 5 or more tables, InterBase automatically increases the size of the cache. If your application is well localized, that is, it uses the same small part of the database repeatedly, you may want to consider increasing the cache size so that you never have to release one page from cache to make room for another.

Creating a multi-file, distributed database
If you feel that your application performance is limited by disk bandwidth, you might consider creating a multi-file database and distributing it across several disks. Multi-file databases were designed to avoid limiting databases to the size of a disk on systems that do not support multi-disk files.
