InterBase ToGo Mobile Edition

From InterBase

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InterBase supports both the iOS and Android mobile operating systems and the InterBase ToGo Edition is available for the these platforms via RADStudio Alexandria. VARs and OEMs can build applications for mobile platforms using InterBase by linking their applications with InterBase ToGo.
The databases deployed on the mobile device can either have centralized user authentication through the admin.ib, or use EUA to control user access within the database. Note that EUA use may limit the need to deploy admin.ib on the target mobile device for database access.

  • If you purchased one of the following RAD Studio versions, you have received an email with a key for an unlimited development and deployment license:
  • RAD Studio Alexandria Professional or higher
  • Delphi Alexandria Professional with Mobile or higher
  • RAD Studio Alexandria Delphi/C++ users
For RAD Studio Alexandria users:
Save the license activation file as reg_ibtogo.txt in the %PUBLIC%\Documents\interbase\redist\InterBase 2017 folder. It applies to Android, iOS, Windows, and macOS deployments.
  • If you are a trial user, your installation includes a trial license for InterBase ToGo. You can test InterBase on iOS and Android by selecting your test license during the deployment step. The trial licenses are installed with your trial product, in C:\Users\Public\Documents\InterBase\redist\InterBase 2017.
    • When you are ready to deploy your applications to customers/production/appstore, contact Embarcadero for an InterBase ToGo license.

For more information, see ToGo Quick Start.

iOS Platform

InterBase ToGo is available for the iOS platform via RAD Studio Alexandria.

InterBase Runtime File Locations for Apple iOS
The InterBase related files are separated into the following categories:

  • Temporary files are created under the <Application Home>/tmp directory.
  • Transient files such as isc_lock, isc_init and temporary sort files are created here.
  • interbase.log (informational and error messages from InterBase) file is delivered under the <Application Home>/Documents/interbase directory.
  • Read/Write files and files used by InterBase for setup are located in the <Application_Home>/Documents interbase directory.
The following files should be delivered in this directory: ibconfig, interbase.msg, license/ folder and related license files, and, admin.ib (if used).
For OTW/SSL connections, the recommended folder for providing supporting files is <Application_Home>/Documents interbase. In your OTW connection, be sure to provide relative argument values. For example:<database_file_path>

Android Platform

InterBase ToGo is available for the Android platform via RAD Studio Alexandria.

InterBase Runtime File Locations for Android
The InterBase related files are separated into two categories: Temporary files created by InterBase at run time and Read/Write files and files used by InterBase for setup.

  • Temporary files created by InterBase at run time
    • These files are created under the external storage location mentioned above, /data/data/<package_name>/files interbase directory. interbase.log and other transient files such as isc_lock, isc_init, and temporary sort files are also created here.
  • Read/Write files and files used by InterBase for setup:
    • These files are created under the external storage location mentioned above, /data/data/<package_name>/files interbase directory. The following files should be delivered to this directory: ibconfig, interbase.msg, license/ folder and related license files, and, admin.ib (if used).
    • For OTW/SSL connections, our recommended folder for providing supporting files is /data/data/<package_name> files/interbase. In your OTW connection, please be sure to provide relative argument values. For example:<package_name>/files/interbase/ibserverCAfile.pem??:<database_file_path>

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