Keywords Used as Identifiers

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Version 5 clients have one advantage over version 6 clients: If you migrate an older database that uses some version 6 keywords as identifiers to version 6 dialect 1, these older version 5 clients can still access those keyword objects. Version 6 dialect 1 cannot do so. Dialect 3 clients can access these keyword objects if the objects are delimited in double quotes.

If version 5 clients use any InterBase 6 or 7 keywords as object names, the InterBase 6 server permits this without error because it recognizes that these clients were created at a time when these were not keywords.

Example: For example, the following statement uses the new keyword word TIME:


This statement, when executed via a pre-InterBase 6 client returns the information as it did in previous versions. If this same query is issued using a version 6 or 7 client, an error is returned since TIME is now a reserved word. See the New InterBase Keywords.

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