Over-writing Incremental backups

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The -OV overwrite switch causes the current set of online dump files to be deleted, and initiates a full database dump.

gbak: WARNING: Dumped 2 pages of a total 46270 database pages
gbak: WARNING: Dumped 1 pages to page appendix file

[E:/EMPLOYEE] gbak -d -ov EMPLOYEE.gdb EMPLOYEE.gdmp
gbak: WARNING: Dumped 46270 pages of a total 46270 database pages
gbak: WARNING: Dumped 7 pages to page appendix file

The online dump files are marked as a read-only InterBase database. This means that it can be accessed by read-only database applications. It is undefined how such database applications will behave if they access the online dump “database” while the dump files are being incrementally updated. If an online dump is converted to read-write, it ceases to be an online dump and becomes a standalone database. Attempting to perform an online dump against it will fail.

[E:/EMPLOYEE] gfix EMPLOYEE.gdmp -mode read_write

gbak: ERROR: online dump failure: dump file has no dump timestamp
gbak: Exiting before completion due to errors

[E:/EMPLOYEE] gfix EMPLOYEE.gdmp -mode read_only

gbak: ERROR: online dump failure: dump file has no dump timestamp
gbak: Exiting before completion due to errors

The online dump can be converted to a read-write database by using the gfix -mode read_write command and used in place. If the current location is not convenient for database processing, then online dump can be run against these dump files to copy them somewhere else local or remote. This provides a general copy mechanism that allows multifile databases to be copied and have their internal secondary file name links automatically updated for the copy destination.

Database validation (gfix -v)can be run against an online dump because it is a database. An additional validation check is performed against an online dump, which checks that no database page has a write timestamp greater than that of the online dump timestamp. The online dump timestamp represents that last time a full or incremental dump succeeded.

[E:/EMPLOYEE] gfix -v -n EMPLOYEE.gdmp
Summary of validation errors

Number of database page errors : 1
and in the InterBase log file:.
IBSMP (Server) Sat Jun 24 14:41:36 2006
Page 155 has timestamp 1151170444 greater than dump timestamp 1151170438

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