SQL Flavors

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Although InterBase SQL follows the ISO/IEC 9075:1992 standard closely, there are small differences. Differences also exist among the three major flavors of InterBase SQL: embedded SQL, dynamic SQL (DSQL), and the procedure and trigger language.

Embedded SQL (ESQL)

The embedded form of SQL is used in programs written in traditional languages such as C and Pascal. A preprocessor turns SQL statements into host language data structures and calls to the InterBase server. The embedded language is written into the program; its statements cannot be generated dynamically. Statements in embedded SQL are terminated with a semicolon.

Dynamic SQL (DSQL)

DSQL allows a program to create statements at run time. It can be used from conventional languages through the InterBase API. More often, it is used from modern development environments such as Delphi, which hide the nuts and bolts of the API. A completed DSQL statement is very much like the “embedded” language, without the “EXEC SQL” and without the terminating semicolon.

Stored Procedure and Trigger Language

Triggers and stored procedures are written in a variant of the embedded language, extended to provide flow control, conditional expressions, and error handling. Certain constructs, including all DDL (Data Definition Language) statements, are omitted. Within a trigger or stored procedure, statements are separated by semicolons.

Interactive SQL (isql)

The interactive query language, isql, is very similar to DSQL, with some omissions (cursors, for example) and a few additions (SET and SHOW statements). Like embedded SQL, isql statements must be terminated with a semicolon.

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