Startup Parameters

From InterBase

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To accommodate multiple instances of InterBase running on the same machine the InterBase Guardian and Server now have label names as part of their Service names.

  • InterBase %Service Name% Guardian, i.e. InterBase 2020 server1 Guardian
  • InterBase (%Service Name%) Server, i.e. InterBase 2020 server1 Server

The InterBase Server and Guardian have two new command line arguments:

-i %interbase_INSTALL_DIR% -p %SERVICE NAME%

Command line arguments are called start parameters as far as starting the applications are concerned.

If you write to the Microsoft auto run registry key entry you will need to do the same to the /SOFTWARE/MICROSOFT/WINDOWS/CURRENTVERSION/RUN registry key setting too.

Currently the registry key is:


Change this to:

InterBaseGuardian%SERVICE NAME%

The value of this registry key is currently:

%interbase_INSTALL_DIR%/bin/ibguard -a.

Change this to:

%interbase_INSTALL_DIR%/bin/ibguard -a -i %interbase_INSTALL_DIR% -p %SERVICE NAME%

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