Chapter 11: Working with Events

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This chapter describes how to work with events, a message passed from a trigger or stored procedure to an application to announce the occurrence of a specified condition or action, usually a database change such as an insertion, modification, or deletion of a record. It explains how to set up event buffers, and use the following API functions to make synchronous and asynchronous event calls. In the following table, functions are listed in the order they typically appear in an application:

Table 11.1 API Event Functions

Function Purpose
isc_event_block() Allocate event parameter buffers
isc_wait_for_event() Wait for a synchronous event to be posted
isc_que_events() Set up an asynchronous event and return to application processing
isc_event_counts() Determine the change in values of event counters in the event parameter buffer
isc_cancel_events() Cancel interest in an event

For asynchronous events, this chapter also describes how to create an asynchronous trap (AST), a function that responds to posted events.

The topics covered in this chapter:

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