Chapter 6: Working with Dynamic SQL

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This chapter describes how to use API dynamic SQL (DSQL) functions to handle dynamically created SQL statements for data definition and manipulation. Using low-level API calls enables client applications to build SQL statements or solicit them from end users at runtime, providing end users with a familiar database interface. It also provides applications developers low-level access to InterBase features, such as multiple databases, not normally available at a higher level with embedded DSQL statements. For example, the InterBase isql utility is a DSQL application built on low-level API calls.

All API DSQL function names begin with “isc_dsql” to make it easier to distinguish them from other API calls. This chapter covers the following topics:

Overview of the DSQL Programming Process

Building and executing DSQL applications with the API involve the following general steps:

  • Embedding DSQL API functions in an application.
  • Using host-language facilities, such as datatypes and macros, to provide input and output areas for passing statements and parameters at runtime.
  • Programming methods that use these statements and facilities to process SQL statements at runtime.

These steps are described in detail throughout this chapter.

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