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function CanonicalizedQueryParams(aParams: array of const; aValues: array of const;
aUserParams: array of const; aUserValues: array of const): String;


System::UnicodeString __fastcall CanonicalizedQueryParams(System::TVarRec *aParams, const System::NativeInt aParams_High, System::TVarRec *aValues, const System::NativeInt aValues_High, System::TVarRec *aUserParams, const System::NativeInt aUserParams_High, System::TVarRec *aUserValues, const System::NativeInt aUserValues_High);


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
function protected
DSAzure TAzureService


Builds a sorted string representation of the given parameters.

CanonicalizedQueryParams takes in two pairs of arrays. The first pair of arrays is represented by URI parameters and their corresponding values for properties specified by the API. The second pair of arrays is also represented by URI parameters and their values, but the API may allow the user to indirectly specify them, depending on the function being called. See TAzureBlobService.ListBlobs, for example.

The result is a string representation of the parameter keys and their values, sorted by key.

See Also