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function QueryParams(Params: array of const; Values: array of const): String; overload;
function QueryParams(Params: array of const; Values: array of const; UserParams: array of const;
UserValues: array of const): String; overload;


System::UnicodeString __fastcall QueryParams(System::TVarRec *Params, const System::NativeInt Params_High, System::TVarRec *Values, const System::NativeInt Values_High)/* overload */;
System::UnicodeString __fastcall QueryParams(System::TVarRec *Params, const System::NativeInt Params_High, System::TVarRec *Values, const System::NativeInt Values_High, System::TVarRec *UserParams, const System::NativeInt UserParams_High, System::TVarRec *UserValues, const System::NativeInt UserValues_High)/* overload */;


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
function protected
DSAzure TAzureService


Returns a query string representation of the given parameters and their values.

The two required arrays and the two optional arrays are both pairs, where the Params or UserParams array contains the parameter names, and the Values or UserValues array contains the corresponding parameter values. The length of Params and Values needs to be the same, and the length of UserParams and UserValues needs to be the same.

QueryParams builds a query string out of these parameters, in the format:


where first the keys and values are used from the first pair of arrays (Params, Values) and then, from the optional arrays, if they are nonempty.

See Also