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property Encoding: InvString read FEncoding write FEncoding;


__property InvString Encoding = {read=FEncoding, write=FEncoding};


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
property public
Soap.InvokeRegistry TSOAPAttachment


Indicates the encoding (character set) of the body of the attachment.

Use Encoding to look up or set the encoding type of the attachment's content. When sending an attachment, set this property to indicate the encoding that was used for the source you supply.

If you supply the attachment data as a string by setting the SourceString property, TSOAPAttachment assumes an encoding of UTF-8 if you do not set the Encoding property. If you supply the attachment data by calling SetSourceFile or SetSourceStream, you must set the Encoding property, as TSOAPAttachment does not have a meaningful default encoding.

Note: Encoding indicates the encoding of the data that the SOAP attachment contains. The application does not automatically use this information to encode or decode that data.

See Also