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property WheelRouting: TWheelRouting read FWheelRouting;


__property TWheelRouting WheelRouting = {read=FWheelRouting, nodefault};


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
property public
Vcl.Controls TMouse


Returns the value used to indicate how Windows treats mouse wheel messages.

The WheelRouting property gives the value used to indicate how Windows treats mouse wheel messages, whether they go to the focused application, the application under the mouse cursor, etc.

To change this, go to the Mouse settings in the Windows UI and change the "Scroll inactive windows when I hover over them" setting.

The WheelRouting property has the following values:

  • wrFocusedWindow: The mouse wheel input is delivered to the app with focus. Using this value means the "Scroll inactive windows when I hover over them" setting is set to On.
  • wrHybrid: The mouse wheel input is delivered to the app with focus (desktop apps) or to the app under the mouse cursor (Windows Store apps).
  • wrMousePos: The mouse wheel input is delivered to the app under the mouse cursor. Using this value means the "Scroll inactive windows when I hover over them" setting is set to On.

See Also