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function  GetEditText(ACol, ARow: Longint): string; override;


DYNAMIC System::UnicodeString __fastcall GetEditText(System::LongInt ACol, System::LongInt ARow);


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
function protected
Vcl.DBGrids TCustomDBGrid


Returns the value of the indicated cell formatted for editing.

The inplace editor calls GetEditText to obtain the text for the indicated cell. GetEditText locates the field component for the cell from the Columns array and returns its value formatted for editing.

The ACol and ARow parameters indicate the index of the row and column of the cell in the grid. The ACol parameter is the "raw" column index, which is not the same as the index of the column in the Columns array if the Options property includes dgIndicator.

Note: The string returned by GetEditText may differ from the string returned by the GetFieldValue method if the field formats its value differently for editing and display.

See Also