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function SetBlobProperties(ContainerName, BlobName: string; Properties: TStrings;  const LeaseId: string = ''; ResponseInfo: TCloudResponseInfo = nil): Boolean;


bool __fastcall SetBlobProperties(System::UnicodeString ContainerName, System::UnicodeString BlobName, System::Classes::TStrings* Properties, const System::UnicodeString LeaseId = System::UnicodeString(), Data::Cloud::Cloudapi::TCloudResponseInfo* ResponseInfo = (Data::Cloud::Cloudapi::TCloudResponseInfo*)(0x0));


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
function public
Data.Cloud.AzureAPI TAzureBlobService


Sets the given properties onto the specified blob.

SetBlobProperties is used to set the metadata for a specified blob.

The following table describes the parameters:

Parameter Description


The name of the container the blob is in.


The name of the blob to set the properties for.


The properties to set.


The lease ID, required if the blob is locked.


The optional class for storing response info into.

The supported properties are:

  • x-ms-blob-cache-control
  • x-ms-blob-content-type
  • x-ms-blob-content-md5
  • x-ms-blob-content-encoding
  • x-ms-blob-content-language

For page blobs, these are also supported:

  • x-ms-blob-content-length
  • x-ms-sequence-number-action (max, update, incremen)
  • x-ms-blob-sequence-number (unless x-ms-sequence-number-action = increment).

When issuing a GetBlobProperties request, the names of the properties are different:

  • Cache-Control
  • Content-Type
  • Content-MD5
  • Content-Encoding
  • Content-Language

Properties passed in will be given the x-ms-blob- prefix if it is missing. All other properties will be ignored.

LeaseId should not be an empty string if the blob is locked.

Warning: The method replaces the full set of metadata currently on the blob; it does not append to it.

Note: Updating the metadata of a snapshot is not supported.

The x-ms-blob-content-length property can be set to change the MaximumSize value specified when PutPageBlob was executed.

The x-ms-sequence-number-action property can be one of: max, update, or increment:

  • max: Use the largest integer, either the one specified with x-ms-blob-sequence-number or the one already existing on the server.
  • update: Replace the value of x-ms-blob-sequence-number on the server with this one.
  • increment: Increment the server's value of x-ms-blob-sequence-number by one. Do not specify the x-ms-blob-sequence-number header in this request.

The method returns True if the action was successful, and False otherwise.

See Also